View Full Version : Need Help

05-16-2005, 08:48 AM
Yesterday was my birthday and Lee Roy is suffering from extreme guilt because he had to work and we didn't have money for him to get me a present. We are also trying to pay for our wedding. He took me out for my birthday last weekend and I've tried to tell him that I'm not upset about him having to work or missing my birthday. I've told him that I'm just happy having his love everyday, but nothing I say or do makes him feel better.

Do you guys have any suggestion to help make my wonderful future husband feel better?

05-16-2005, 08:59 AM
awww...that is really sweet that he wishes he could do more:) I don't know what to suggest though - dinner out seems like a great gift to me!!

hmmm...maybe you could have him give you a massage or something? Those are at least $50!!!

05-16-2005, 09:06 AM
How about getting him a card, writing your feelings in it.

05-16-2005, 09:40 AM
I agree with Donna. A heartful thank you card would be a nice way.



05-16-2005, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I agree with Donna. A heartful thank you card would be a nice way.



Thanks for the birthday wish Kelly.

I'm working on the card right now. The massage would be nice except he gives me one every week because I'm still having problems with my right knee and back from the accident.

King Spartacus
05-16-2005, 09:50 AM
Do you have candles in the house? And nice bath salts? Some food (doesn't matter if it's canned beans!)? If so... let him pour you a nice hot bath... with delicious bath salts (soap is fine if no bath salts... if no bath... get him to squeeze into the shower with you and scrub your back!)...

You'll soak in the bath, and he'll make you dinner... a candle lit dinner! Spend time together... that's the most precious gift of all!

Most of the time we're broke... and there has been times when we haven't been able to afford gifts for eachother... but we always make eachother cards! I have to admit... my partner makes rubbish cards! But I know he spent time and love on making them... so to me they are a real treasure!!!

05-16-2005, 10:08 AM
my family never celebrated my birthday from 12 to ... now. no phone call, nothing.

so needless to say all my fiance has to do is say Happy Birthday on my birthday without me having to hint, to make me the happiest person ever :)

gifts mean nothing when you truely love someone. love is all it takes sometimes.