View Full Version : Meowmie is going in to have my little brother tonight!!

05-16-2005, 06:07 AM

Meowmie has been talking about my little brother for a long time and I guess now is the time. She keeps telling me that I'm still her main little man, and I guess I believe her :)


She's going in to the hospital at midnight Monday/Tuesday Japan Standard Time, which is 11am Monday Eastern Time. She says that she has until 2 pm on Tuesday afternoon to show some progress or else they'll send her home without getting my little brother out yet!!
She could sure use your labor vibes if you can send them this way. Thoughts and prayers cross the big ocean in a heartbeat

King Spartacus
05-16-2005, 06:13 AM
Labour vibes are on their way!!!

Congrats to your mommy! And congrats to you - getting a little brother! A fur-less little brother that is... man, are you gonna find this new "kitty" strange!!! Doesn't even have whiskers!!!

Big hug to you mommy! Fingers crossed that baby will pop out in no time!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-16-2005, 06:18 AM
Of course your meowmie will always love you as her favorite boy!! Just one problem for you: once that lil Tyler pops out, there won't be a big soft belly for you to nap on ;) :)

05-16-2005, 06:51 AM
Lots of prayers coming your way, that your little skin brother will arrive when he is supposed to. Don't worry you will remain the best big brother ever!


05-16-2005, 06:53 AM
How exciting! Now the day has finally come!!! :)

Best wishes to the entire sirrahsim family! :)


05-16-2005, 07:00 AM
Labor vibes coming your way. Prayers also that you make progress.

05-16-2005, 07:20 AM
Aren't you excited Boomer? This is soooo exciting~! Lots of those labor vibes coming at your meowmie!

05-16-2005, 08:02 AM
Positive vibes heading your way

05-16-2005, 08:48 AM
Boomer,you have a Big Job,ahead,of you,as there will be stupid people,telling your Meowmie,telling her,taht she will have,to get rid of you.That you willsuffocate,your Skin Brother,or attcak,him,in a fit of jealousy.We know,that these are nonsense,and you,are going,to be a Good Big Brother,to Travis.


05-16-2005, 08:49 AM
Heehee - sweet Boomer - what will you do when Meowmie no longer has that nice *shelf* for you to sit on when she holds you?:p

Those are cute pictures, Missy - the close-up is especially good of Boomer:)

05-16-2005, 09:17 AM
Boomer, don't worry sweetheart, you're going to be the PURRFECT big brother to Tyler! ;)

05-16-2005, 12:43 PM
Labor vibes on the way and Boomer, you be a good big brother now, okay sweetie. :)

05-16-2005, 12:51 PM
We'll be thinking of you Missy!

05-16-2005, 09:34 PM
Congratulations to you and meowmie on your new baby brother. You have a lot of fun and many good times to look forward to. For a while, meowmie is going to need your help taking care of your new brother and watching out for him. Just like meowmie, he's going to love you very much. Can't wait to hear you tell us all about him. Sending lots of tummy rubs just for you!!!!!

05-16-2005, 09:36 PM
Any news yet? I can't wait to see pics!:D

05-17-2005, 03:26 AM
Meowmie came home but she didn't have my little brother with her!! She said that he was being "stubborn as a mule" and wouldn't budge. She seemed upset, so I'm doing my best at keeping her lap occupied and her cheeks kissed.

05-17-2005, 06:48 AM
I'm so sorry Missy that it didn't work out last night . . . I ran to jump on the internet as soon as I got up . . .

You've just got to believe that it's the Lord's will that you not have Tyler right now . . . maybe it will be best for you and him that you wait. You don't want anything to complicate his birth, and the Lord knows ALL!!! You may never know why he kept this from working . . . it may have been bad for the baby or for you . . . just thank God for taking care of you and Tyler!

Hang in there, Missy! He'll be here before you know it!

05-17-2005, 08:11 AM
How is everything going? Hope all is well and prayers your way for a safe and healthy baby boy! :) :) I know you will be a great big brother! Debbie

Laura's Babies
05-17-2005, 09:36 AM
He is just waiting for the best DATE for his birthday since that will be the one he has all his life!! Good Luck when he decides THIS IS THE DAY!!

05-17-2005, 04:50 PM
My grandmother alwways used to say that the baby comes when the BABY wants to come. Many prayers from Trenton, New Jersey for you and your new baby!