View Full Version : The plans are set, I go in at mindnight

05-16-2005, 03:21 AM
I'm scheduled to go in to start the cytotec by mouth tonight at Midnight. I spoke with my least favorite doc today and she made me feel like it deson't have a chance of working, but we'll see. I have until 2pm Tuesday afternoon to show some progress or I'll be sent home to wait until I'm 41 weeks. According to this doc, my cervix is a very small 1 cm, only about 70% effaced, and still pretty firm. She also thinks that he in not at -1 station, but floating freely.
I guess every provider will measure things a little differently? I'm tryng to stay hopeful that it will work, but I'm having a hard time doing that right now. We'll just have to wait and see:( :)

05-16-2005, 04:17 AM
GOOD LUCK Sweetie, soon you will be a proud mama,hope everything goes smoothly for you, really looking forward to seeing the pics of our newest PT baby.Take care.:)

05-16-2005, 06:10 AM
I swear this evening is going by soooooooooooo slowly!! 4 more hours! :p :rolleyes: :D I'm trying to be confident. It WILL work!! Failed inductions with cytotec aren't very common- especially since my cervix is doing SOMETHING at least:D

My mantra for the evening: It WILL work! It WILL work! You can say "I told you so" to the pessimistic doctor. It WILL work! It WILL work!

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-16-2005, 06:12 AM
It will work!! It has to work!! It will work !! It has to work!! It will work!!!

Come on Tyler, mommy cannot wait to hold you in her arms...! Get out of there, NOW:cool:

05-16-2005, 07:47 AM
Good luck! I hope everything goes by smoothly!

05-16-2005, 08:06 AM
It will works hun. I'll keep my fingers crossed and send positive thoughts your way. Have a great delivery and the next time you post I hope you'll be hold precious Tyler in your hands.

05-16-2005, 09:11 AM

STEP AWAY FROM THE WOMB!! You've got one great Mama just waiting for you to come out.


I'll be thinking about you sweetie!

05-16-2005, 09:16 AM
EEP!!! It's 11:15!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D :D
Thanks for your support everyone :):):)

05-16-2005, 09:32 AM
Good luck! :D

05-16-2005, 09:32 AM
Good luck Missy. We're rooting for you and Tyler.

05-16-2005, 09:36 AM
Oh Missy....you must be so excited/nervous right now!! I think that by now, you've already taken the pill and are just waiting.

Lots of love and luck to you both!!

Kelly :)

05-16-2005, 11:16 AM
it'll all turn out great!:D i can't wait to hear of your baby's arival!

PJ's Mom
05-16-2005, 11:17 AM
The waiting is killing me! :eek: :D

05-16-2005, 12:58 PM
DITTO on that PJ's Mom.

I hope and pray that all is going well for you Missy.

Come on little Tyler, come on out and show yourself off for us.:)

05-16-2005, 01:03 PM
I hope everything goes smoothly. (((((hugs)))))

05-16-2005, 01:25 PM
Right about now, it's 3:30 in the morning on Tuesday in Japan and she should be taking pill #2 and hopefully, labor is underway and maybe she is able to sleep through the beginning. On second thought - I doubt that she is sleeping:rolleyes: Just hope Tyler is ooooching his way south now or very soon!! Her midwife comes to work at 5pm EST - in about 2 1/2 hours:)

05-16-2005, 01:33 PM
Every exciting, hope everything goes as well as can be!

05-16-2005, 01:47 PM
Praying everything goes well. Come on out Tyler and meet your mom.


05-16-2005, 02:21 PM
Yoo hoo...is Tyler here yet? Must be getting closer to coming out screaming lol! :D It's not easy trying to figure out what time it is in Japan, but I'm sure someone will announce PT's newest bouncing baby boy soon! ;) :)

05-16-2005, 03:01 PM
Hi Jan -
Missy is 13 hours ahead of EST :) So, as I am writing, 5am on Tuesday morning. Her midwife will be there in about an hour. She *should* be in labor by now:) The medication they used produces a baby in an average of 10-12 hours and she took it at midnight, or 11am EST - at that rate - Tyler *should* be here by 11pm Eastern. I will post as soon as I hear anything.

They packed up the video cam to bring along - and she thought they had internet access there. No, she is not broadcasting the delivery:p If anything, we get a peek at newborn Tyler though.

If no labor after 12 hours, they will send her home to wait. She is sooooodreading that possibility. BUT, medically - the probability is good (according to the progress she has already made)


She thinks she will be pregnant forever so I told her that would make her VERY famous since it would be a first:p

05-16-2005, 03:18 PM
Deb, I just know Missy is going to do GREAT ... she has had what appears to have been a great pregnancy! She is such a doll, and I can't wait to rejoice with her in Tyler's birth!:D