View Full Version : Can't...stop...EATING!!! (help???)

05-15-2005, 10:47 PM
My doctors have me on prednisone (was at 40mg, now on 35mg) and I can't stop eating! Food is ALL I think about!!

I've gained 15 pounds since I left the hospital. That's NOT a good thing. My pants hurt me and I feel gross. I've never had to worry about weight gain with my crohn's, usually its the opposite.

I'm drinking a ton of water, chewing gum and trying really hard to only eat low-fat items. The problem? I'm on a STRICT low-residue diet as well to calm my GI tract...that means little to no fiber...thus, I don't feel full.

Ugh...any ideas??? I'm so sick of this!!! I know he'll lower my dose another 5 mg on Tuesday, but that's still 30 mg of pred in me each day.

This sucks! I'm going on a cruise in TWO WEEKS and I have to fit in my bathing suit!!!

05-15-2005, 11:02 PM
steroids can make you eat like a horse. tomorrow am, call your dr and tell him what's going on and ask for help with this effect. until then, everytime you want to eat and you've already had a 8 oz glass of water, brush and floss your teeth, slowly and totally, next time, do your nails, hands or feet, doesn't matter, cause you'll do the others on the 3rd craving attack. take a long walk and if it's too later to go out for a walk, journal on something that really bugs you, or write out 'this i believe' about religion, politics for example, or go to bed. hope any of these ideas help.

05-15-2005, 11:31 PM
Aw Kelly, I'm so sorry. I kind of know what you're going through because Reece is on Pred right now too. He is a pig in the first place, but now ALL he thinks about is food. He stares at me all day long praying I'll give him something to eat. I feel so bad for him. His doctor said not to give him extra food, but I can't help but sneak him a few extra tidbits.

Reece sends his love and says he feels your pain.

05-16-2005, 12:27 AM
Thanks, guys!! :)

I see my doctor on Tuesday, so I'll ask him about it then.

05-16-2005, 01:00 AM
Prednisone is great for helping so many ailments, but the side effects suck! My mom started massive doses in Feb 2004, is weaned off to a small dose every other day, gets very ill again and starts back up on the heavy dose. At first, all she wanted to do is eat, too. And my mom is teeny weeny, so to see her gorge was shocking! She's lost almost all the weight she gained but her face and neck are still all blown up. It's keeping her alive, I think, and although she hates it, she has no other choice. I've only had weekly dose packs, thankfully, but it always made me irritable and nastier than usual :p Kell, what can you eat on a low fiber diet? You going to be OK on the cruise?

05-16-2005, 01:33 AM
I've faxed over a special diet request and will also be bringing snacks to keep in my room. Since we're going to Mexico, I'm being VERY careful about what I eat...I'm having the cruise ship pack me meals to take offship with me.

The things I'm allowed to eat are easy to find. Anything processed...lots of fat and calories. Ugh.

Luckily, I love rice cakes and those are low to no-fat.

I really can't wait to be off this. I know it makes me feel better...well, I still have to take pain meds every day, but they've kept me out of the hospital, so that's good.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-16-2005, 04:17 AM
Poor you! I know what you're talking about! Last year I took that too, and in no time I was "fluffing up" like a balloon :eek: :( ! . Isn't there another medicine that might help you too?

05-16-2005, 04:29 AM
Oh Kelly I do empathise with you, I too am on a medication which I swear makes me ravenous at times, and it's permanent, watching my weight is always a struggle, so this does not help.

Hopefully your medication will not be for long and you will soon be back to normal and loose the exra pounds, but I can well understand how uncomfortable you must be feeling, just make wise choices when you do eat, and drink lots of water to help fill you up, other than that hang on in there sweetie, hopefully your appetite will reduce when the medication is reduced. HUGS.:)

05-16-2005, 07:32 AM
Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry to have to go through this. :( I guess if you can't eat anything high fiber, carrots are a no-no? If you could grate them and put raisins and cut-up hazelsnuts in - that's filling, and delicious.

Also, how about a healthy fruit/yougurt breakfast?

Cut up all the fruits you love in bite size pieces - mix some yougurt naturel with a little honey and pour over the fruit. Yummy! :)

Hope you feel better soon! :)

05-16-2005, 07:45 AM
Hey Kelly,

Two things sweetie. One try drinking shakes like Slim fast and Boost. They are very filling. My mom went through the same thing when they put her on the predisone. This helped her from wanting to eat so much.

Two I need you to check your pms for this request

05-16-2005, 08:37 AM
Sorry Kelly - I know that taking prednisone is a B**** but you will start weaning down soon right??

It sounds like folks have some good ideas for you to try!
((((HUGS)))) I am just glad you are not in the hospital and bet you look GREAT with a bit of extra weight - but you probably don't feel that way, huh?:rolleyes:

05-16-2005, 09:43 AM
Thank you for the great suggestions! I'll look for some Slim-Fast today at lunch. :)

As far as fruit...I can eat it, but not a whole lot due to the high-fiber content. I can trace healthy eating to each hospital visit...isn't that horrible?? :(

I'm trying to eat healthy, but lower-fiber. For breakfast I had Special K with milk, cantaloupe and red grapes...oh, and pills and water! Yay!!

Kelly :)

05-16-2005, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by aly
Aw Kelly, I'm so sorry. I kind of know what you're going through because Reece is on Pred right now too. He is a pig in the first place, but now ALL he thinks about is food. He stares at me all day long praying I'll give him something to eat. I feel so bad for him. His doctor said not to give him extra food, but I can't help but sneak him a few extra tidbits.

Reece sends his love and says he feels your pain.

My cat, Roxy is on prednisone too. Her appetite has greatly increased since being on it. She pees a lot more too.
I also have a friend who is taking prednisone for rheumatoid arthritis and she has gained a ton of weight.

I'm sorry you're feeling like that. At least there will be free food on the cruise ship. ;)

PJ's Mom
05-16-2005, 01:51 PM
Peej has to be put on it from time to time, also. Kelly, at least you're not food aggressive like he is when he's on it. :D

05-16-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
Peej has to be put on it from time to time, also. Kelly, at least you're not food aggressive like he is when he's on it. :D
I wouldn't put it past me! ;) While waiting for my Ice Blended Mocha yesturday, I was getting REALLY crabby cause it was taking so long...then someone tried to take it!! Ya...that's MINE!!!

Ugh..just went to the doctor today...I've gained 25 pounds!! :(

05-16-2005, 03:27 PM
I'm guessing, that you had room for the 25 pounds, Kelly. With all the illness you've had, I'm sure you had to be underweight. Please don't be so concerned with the weight gain, (hard I know) but feeling healthy and BEING healthy is what is most important!;)

Now what about this CRUISE???:eek: :D

PJ's Mom
05-16-2005, 03:34 PM
25 lbs is nothing to worry about. You're young and you'll be off the medicine soon enough. You'll lose the weight pretty fast. :)

05-16-2005, 03:43 PM
You guys are way too sweet!! Thank you! ;)

25 pounds IS a lot...especially for me. I've never, ever weighed this much...I think when I was in my mom's tummy, we never weighed this much TOGETHER!!!! :( Ugh...gross.

I could have standed to gain 5 pounds...I normally weigh between 125 and 130...that's OK with my doctors. I now weigh 150!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :( :( :( I'm horrified.

I am vain, this does bother me, a lot. Ugh...

I'm watching everything I eat from now on. Bring on the rice cakes and water!! ha ha

05-16-2005, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Now what about this CRUISE???:eek: :D
Yes! I'm leaving from San Pedro on May 28 for the West Coast Disney Cruise!! Its the maiden voyage!! I'm so excited!!

We visit Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas and Matazallan. We return the following Saturday...that's when I hope to move into my new place.

YAY!! I'm so excited!! :)

05-16-2005, 03:49 PM
You know, since I've gone on Atkins and cut out all grains, sugars, refined carbs, etc, I haven't felt hungry at all. Carbs actually make you hungrier! The other day I slipped and had a bit of ice cream and after that I was starving. Try cutting out some carbs and replacing those with GOOD carbs (from dark green veggies) and drinking alot of fluids. You won't feel hungry at all! :) I hope you lose the weight! Stay healthy! Good luck!

05-16-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
You know, since I've gone on Atkins and cut out all grains, sugars, refined carbs, etc, I haven't felt hungry at all. Carbs actually make you hungrier! The other day I slipped and had a bit of ice cream and after that I was starving. Try cutting out some carbs and replacing those with GOOD carbs (from dark green veggies) and drinking alot of fluids. You won't feel hungry at all! :) I hope you lose the weight! Stay healthy! Good luck!
I'm not allowed to have all that stuff, its too high in fiber and will put me back in the hospital.

That's why I'm so frustrated...there isn't a whole lot that I can eat. :(

05-16-2005, 04:01 PM
:( ...sorry. I don't ask my doctor as much as you do so I don't really know a thing about this! but now..looks I've been started to starveeee lately and I still can't eat solid food..!

what I'd do...is have you called your doctor yet? we're no expert here -- hope you'll find anti-carvings really soon!

((:( hugs))

05-16-2005, 04:02 PM
well actually, forgot you saw your doctor today...what did s/he suggested? something?!

05-18-2005, 02:59 PM
I know what you're going through, I have Colitis, and have been on Predisone for it before. I also gained a ton of weight (about 30 pounds, from 110 to 140!!!). What I found helped - walk as much as you can, I know it can be hard to make yourself do it, especially when you're feeling crappy, but it will help to keep the weight off. I would try to fill up on things like low fat Jello and low salt chicken broth. And one other thing, if you haven't been through this before, use a moisturizer with Vitamin E and Aloe all over constantly, the rapid weight gain may give you stretch marks - I still have them 7 years later, even though I've lost the majority of the excess weight. Anything you would use to help to prevent stretch marks in preganancy will help.

And one other thing, when I was starting to decrease my dosage to wean off of it (you can never stop taking it suddenly) I had to be very careful what time of day I dropped my dosage. Tried to take 1 pill off the set I took right before bed, and woke up with the most horrific leg pains I've ever experienced. Learned to lower my middle of the day set instead.