View Full Version : EEP! It's not just my last day, it's Boomer's as well!

05-15-2005, 04:56 PM
With all this worrying about my induction tonight, I failed to realize that this will be Boomer's last day without a skin brother. Boomer won't be meeting him for a few days, but today is our last chance to spoil him and make him feel loved!!

What do you recommend I do for him? Besides give him lots of affection of course:D

We're gonna wrap Tyler up in a receiving blanket for a while and then hubby is gonna bring that home for Boomer to smell and get used to before we actually come home with Tyler. I hope SO badly that Boomer reacts well to Tyler. A new baby is exactly why Boomer's previous owners gave him to us. They said that he was being "vindictive" towards the baby, but never went into great detail. Im confident that he'll make a good big brother, we'll just have to keep an extra close eye on him at first.

05-15-2005, 05:00 PM
Awww, I have a feeling Boomer is going to love his new skin brother. I just know it.

I'd do exactly what you are planning to do...he'll get to know Tyler via his smell first.

Kelly :)

05-15-2005, 05:07 PM
Missy, that's exactly what we did also. Brought home the baby blanket first for the cat (RB Captain) to smell. Then when it came time to bring the baby home, I had the baby in my arms and greeted Captain and then let him smell the baby. He thought nothing of it and went his merry way.

You will be able to tell from Pouncer's reactions, how things will be and I know you will handle it accordingly.

Wishing you guys all the best. :D

05-15-2005, 05:26 PM
I have the feeling that Boomer will be the perfect gentleman to his new brother. The blanket concept is brilliant. He'll accept Tyler as one of the family in no time!

Good luck Missy! I am so excited for you!!!!!

05-15-2005, 05:33 PM
I think Boomer needs some nip, yummy treats, and a new toy!

05-15-2005, 06:19 PM
There sadly,are a lot,of people,that beleive,the Old Wives Tales,that Cats smother Babies,or suck,the breathfrom them.I have gotten,into more arguments,over that nonsense.And I am sure,that Boomer,will be wonderful,with Tyler.


05-15-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I think Boomer needs some nip, yummy treats, and a new toy!

Good ideas! Maybe have a stash of treats and toys - or even take up some of his very favorite toys and have them *reappear* later when Tyler is home.

I wonder if it would also be good to let Paul bring Tyler in the house and you play with Boomer awhile and ignore Tyler?

That blanket scent idea is terrific:)

Remember that you three were happily raised with cats - we just brought you babies home like a new potted plant and that was it :p Ernie was your guardian!!

Soon Missy!!!!:D http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v170/sirrahbed/smilies/babyflips.gif

05-15-2005, 07:20 PM
You have some great ideas, and suggestions here Missy. NOW, just go have that precous baby TYLER for us all to see and love!



05-15-2005, 07:24 PM
All I can say is that I had NO problems with any of the cats and Jonah. Even today, at his 'grab it' stage, the cats are still perfect. I **wish** they would get smarter about staying out of his grabby ways!