View Full Version : A world record, or merely a personal best?

01-28-2002, 08:25 PM
For some bizarre reason recently, I ran a yardstick under the refrigerator and unearthed: one chomped bar-b-qued pigs ear, dust bunnies by the dozens, one coin, a postcard, and 45 milk jug rings. I don't have a current copy of Guiness' World Records, but am relatively certain we've never broken 3 dozen previously -- our happy home may have set a world's record.


Are any other brave souls out there willing to confess to mjr hoarding capabilities of their refrigerators, hmm?

01-28-2002, 09:20 PM
45? WOW!! :D


Hi, itz Sophie Bunny.

I aint putz nuttin' unner da fridgy-gator but Mom bought me some veggiez da udder da so right now, our fridgy-gator has 4 buches of parsley (*YuMmY*), 2 bunchz of cilantro, a bag of baby karrotz, an apple, one 'nana, and some piney-apple juize. No mean green beaniez tho!!! That's all my groceriez. Mom has a jug of water, an egg, and 2 slicez of cheeze. She sez I eatz better dan she doez! Itz a good things she getz paid in a coupla dayz cos I think the fridgy-gator could hold more parsley!

Oh, and iffin' you aint gotz no home 4 da dust bunnies wouldz you sendz them this way? I dont want Mom to keepz them but I bet she could findz a home for 'em.

Well thatz all our fridgy-gator hoards right now.

Miz Sophie Bunny

01-28-2002, 09:32 PM
:D :D :D You guys are way too funny!!!! That's why I keep coming back!!! LOL!!

01-29-2002, 04:18 AM
Does the sofa count? The fridge is no longer in the position to hide anything :D since we had to put a skirting board around the kitchen furniture since both Maya and Foxy loved to hide there and we were too afraid they would get stuck :D

Under the sofa we found around 30 bottle tops, 10-15 papier mache balls, an assortment of wrapped sweets and the wrappers of plenty more, toy mice, strings, cats treats, pieces of paper and a cork. All this in less than a week! :D :D

01-29-2002, 05:01 AM
One thing is worrying me - AmberLee WHY did you feel the urge to actually push the yardstick under the 'fridge??:eek: :D ;)

Life must be too short to do daft things like that eh?:D :D

I'm not even going near the fridge - I'm sure it's really a Black Hole :eek:

Under the sofa is enough with four pen tops, three dead batteries, one pencil , two cat balls and I'm not telling how many sweet wrapper balls!!

Thats made me think (whoah!) why do we buy our furkids all these toys when they prefer to play with stuff listed above? :D :D


01-29-2002, 10:27 AM
Last year I had a small flood in bathroom and kitchen. When workers removed the fridge to install a new floor, I found this collection. :eek: The fridge was just too heavy for me to move.

01-29-2002, 10:58 AM
Freckles, that is too funny!!! LOL!! I wouldn't dare show any of you a picture from under my furniture, especially not the refrigerator!! :D

01-29-2002, 11:10 AM
Ok, I haven't and most likely won't check under our Fridge (WAY too scary:eek: ) but, we did recently move our bed and finally found what we call "Bonzo's Stash" (Bonzo is one of our Meezers and likes to take ANYTHING shiny. He almost reminds me of Pendelton the Rat from "Charlottes Web"): 1/2 dozen assorted writing utensils, 1 silver necklace, 2 spoons, $2 in quarters, several baby snakes (Shoe Laces) and 5 tennis balls courtesy of Louie..... I don't think we will be moving the bed again for a while;) :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-29-2002, 12:27 PM
Zippy kat -- I am impressed by the content of your frig! My husband loves to tell people that when we started dating I had fingernail polish, batteries, and diet pepsi in my frig -- and nothing else. A big man -- partial to eating -- it almost derailed the relationship!

At least he didn't check under it.


01-29-2002, 03:43 PM
Freckles, that picture made my day! You can certainly tell that a cat lives there!!! :D My refrigerator doesn't have enough space for things to fit underneath but my stove is another story. Fortunately there is a drawer on the bottom that I can pull out periodically and get to what's underneath pretty easily. There are the usual assortment of things, cat toys, pens, etc. and in the past even small Christmas ornaments. Andy loves to bring things up from the basement late at night that hubby keeps on his work bench like wire ties, rolls of masking tape etc. We also have a bag of old plastic plants that we used to use in a fish tank long ago. Andy always brings them up and then attacks them! :confused: I wish I was awake to see all of this stuff being carted through the cat flap on the kitchen door because some of the stuff is pretty big and I'm sure it must be a challenge for him!

01-29-2002, 04:49 PM
Pam.............:D :D :D too funny!

I have not moved my fridge since we have lived here (3.5 yeras now). Three cats and one dog have lived here with us. :confused: :eek:
maybe I should go check it out..........I know stuff has come up missing!

01-29-2002, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
Will this be an Olympic event? :D

The Olympic competition part should include this portion, at least --

I was on the floor, poking under the refrigerator with the yardstick, two nosy fur-babies strolling on my back when the phone rings. (3.5 pounds per paw (ppp)) Cats jumping up and down in excitement as I try to rise/ crawl the ~8 feet to the phone. Got it in 6 rings.

Although I've originated the sport, I truly believe it would take in world class competition -- Bronze: 5 ppp, 5 rings, 8 feet. Silver: 5.5 ppp, 4 rings, 9 feet. Gold: 6 ppp, 3 rings, 10 feet. Sadly, I'm no athlete.

However Cassy can get a mjr under the refrigerator in 2 seconds (average: 5 seconds). His paw/eye coordination is superior to mine.

01-29-2002, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Zippy kat -- I am impressed by the content of your frig! My husband loves to tell people that when we started dating I had fingernail polish, batteries, and diet pepsi in my frig -- and nothing else. A big man -- partial to eating -- it almost derailed the relationship!

At least he didn't check under it.


Thanks! lol

Went shoppin' today so it holds alot more than it did--and yes, the fridgy-gator has even MORE parsley...lol

01-29-2002, 08:43 PM
Sounds like some little bunny we know is going to be a happy camper! Joy, joy!

01-29-2002, 09:47 PM
Good for Miss Sophie!

We haven't looked under our fridge in a while, but the next time we do, there should be lots of cat hockey pucks. Our fridge is on casters, so it isn't a lot of trouble to vacuum the coils. The range, on the other hand isn't going anywhere and accumulates the same kind of cat booty.

The funny part of this is that Buster "helps" Richard look for things underneath when he starts poking around and knocking out the milk jug rings.

01-29-2002, 10:25 PM
Heheheh Freckles, that picture cracked me up! I should have taken a pic at my old apartments on move out day. Every time I think EVERYTHING is out of the apartment, I end up finding 50 hidden cat toys strategically placed in the kitchen under the fridge and stove!

01-30-2002, 10:11 AM
How appropriate.

01-30-2002, 12:07 PM


01-30-2002, 12:34 PM
:D :D I'm reminded of when I had Kirbee (now at the RB) and noticed that my change was always missing off the kitchen table. I'd leave some dollar bills and such on the table. Eventually I had carpet installed in the kitchen and the frig had to moved. I found $30 or so in dollar bills under the frig among various pens, pencils, milk rings and dust bunnies of course:D :D I assume Kirbee was the culpret because I saw him pawing at something under the frig one day - it was a pen he was trying to get. I had no idea he was stealing my money at the time:rolleyes:

01-30-2002, 01:08 PM
LMAO!!! That comic is too real.

My cats adore milk rings. Now you all have me intriegued. I'm gonna venture with yardstick and flashlight to see what treasures I can dig up. :D

01-31-2002, 08:14 AM
Oh Gosh I had a repair man come over to look at my stove. He pulled it out milk rings galore. balls that Misty rolls around. It looked like she lived under there. The repair man says I don't see the animal but I take it you have one. I said oh yes. One thing I did not say we found she had taken one of my lipsticks to and got it under there. She gets on my bathroom counter and takes things if I forget to put them away, I call her my clepto. She usually puts that kind iof stuff under the couch but this time under the stove. I love her!! :) http://www.photogra.com/index.cfm/a:31416