View Full Version : The sincerity of a mother bird...so touching!

05-14-2005, 07:11 PM
While I have no pictures of this (I'll try to get some later), I just don't what's wrong with me. Every little thing that touches my heart makes me cry these days!!!

For the past few days, a mommy sparrow and her 2 fledglings constantly come to our backyard to eat. My mom throws out rice for them, which they seem to finish within an hour. LOL! Mommy birdie comes with her little ones, and has them sit quietly, while she hops into the pile of rice, fills her mouth with rice, and hops back to the babies. She then puts the rice in front of them, takes one little grain in her beak, and puts it in one baby's mouth. Then she takes another grain, and puts it in the other one's mouth. They take turns, and she never gives one baby two bites in a row. She is so fair!!! Oh my gosh...it is so adorable. I have to try to get a video of them later on.

Anyway, just a few minutes ago, I was in the backyard, and mommy & babies came again. I had just finished cleaning the backyard, and washed the area...so there was no rice around. The mom came and had her babies sit in their usual spot...then started running around, looking for rice. She appeared to be SO upset, and was searching and searching while the babies flapped their little wings and cried. It touched me so deeply, and as I looked at the devoted mother and how upset she was for her babies, tears started falling out of my eyes. I don't know why!!! Leaky eye syndrome...I guess?

I went inside to check if there was any food, and well....because its not quite dinner time, there was no rice. Well, there wasn't supposed to be. I wasn't sure if the babies could eat anything else. Then, I saw a pot on the stove, and opened it.......There was a teenie bit of rice in there! Just then, my mom came in and said she was watching the birds and felt bad, so she cooked rice JUST for them. She did this a few days ago too. How SWEET is that? So I went out with the rice, and scattered it all around the backyard. GOSH, you should have SEEN the reaction of mom and babies! They were THRILLED! I sat in the corner and watched them quietly, and got all teary eyed again. I don't know why it touched me so much, but it made me think of how God has made a mother's heart. This instinct of motherhood is not only so strong in human beings, but in animals too. It just touched me so deeply to see her devotion, and how sincere she was to her babies, feeding them until they stopped crying, before eating even a single grain herself. She didn't eat anything until she was sure her little babies were full.

I just had to share this with you all. I know it is pointless, but I was just so touched to see the sincerity of this tiny little feathered mother. She's just so sincere and devoted to her offspring.

05-14-2005, 07:24 PM
Aw, you are so lucky you get to watch that! Please try to get a video! :)

I remeber a few years ago we had a Robin nesting in the tree in the front yard and the little ones were just a few days old and a large bird (hawk, or eagle or something) killed them :( It sounds silly, but there was something about the Robins song that sounded so deppressed and down, it just waited around the nest for days, it was so horrible :( I never really realized to what extent these birds care for their little ones.

05-14-2005, 07:40 PM
Pops...what a lovely thread. :)

Mothers are utterly amazing...both furry and skin kinds. That was son kind of your mom to cook just for the birds. I think she's rubbed off on you too, you have a very kind heart as well.

I know that my life is greatly enriched because of my mom...my angel!

Kelly :)

05-14-2005, 07:54 PM
What a sweet story.Your Mother was very kind to cook the rice
for the birds. :) I wish all human Mothers would be as devoted
to their children as that Mother bird. The world would be a much
better and more peaceful place to live.:)

05-15-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Pops...what a lovely thread. :)

Mothers are utterly amazing...both furry and skin kinds. That was son kind of your mom to cook just for the birds. I think she's rubbed off on you too, you have a very kind heart as well.

I know that my life is greatly enriched because of my mom...my angel!

Kelly :)

So true! Moms are the best. They have one special heart that no one else can have.

The sweet momma birdie is here again with her babies, looking for food for them. Her devotion to them just touches me so deeply. So adorable....'sigh' I love watching animals.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-15-2005, 03:40 PM
What a touching story, Pops!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!