View Full Version : =O Funny Story About Emma & Ace!!

05-14-2005, 05:18 PM

Last night I wanted to vacuum Ace's tank, as I have carpet in there now.

I took him out and I layed him into a big carboard box, that the tv came in.

I was about to start vacuuming and I hear "thump", which was Emma jumping into the box with Ace!!! I got such a fright!

I looked in and she was looking at him and he was walking around a bit. I then took her out just incase she decided to smack him or something.

He also didn't even hit her with his tail-which he even does to me :rolleyes:

I just had to share that :p

05-14-2005, 05:45 PM
Ok Robyn - this is a really brilliant question but....

what IS Ace?? I mean what sort of critter? A frog, lizzard, snake?:o

05-14-2005, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Ok Robyn - this is a really brilliant question but....
what IS Ace?? I mean what sort of critter? A frog, lizzard, snake?:o

a lizard! :) *whew* before I went on after reading *thump*, my heart dropped! I don't have lizard now but I have rats and always had to keep an eye on them even though they get along with all of my cats! :eek: glad Ace's okay!! :)

05-14-2005, 08:43 PM
I think,that Cats,can learn,to get along,with any species,if they are taught,by thier Guardians,that these are Fellow Pets.The same way Dogs,will bark,at every Cat,except those,that they have been taught,are thiers!


05-14-2005, 09:40 PM
I am also glad that Emma didn't hurt him!

Originally posted by sirrahbed
Ok Robyn - this is a really brilliant question but....

what IS Ace?? I mean what sort of critter? A frog, lizzard, snake?:o

Yes, my Ace is a lizzard, a Water Dragon to be more specific ;)

05-14-2005, 09:47 PM
Robyn, How long have you had Ace? And did you get him at Pet City?

05-15-2005, 02:34 AM
Ha ha...that would have scared me too! Good think they both didn't seem to mind each other. ;)

05-15-2005, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by kittycats_delight
Robyn, How long have you had Ace? And did you get him at Pet City?

I've had him for about a month I guess, and no I got him at "Rainforest Pets".

King Spartacus
05-15-2005, 08:47 AM
Emma and Ace... Maybe they'll have babies and you'll end up with cat-lizards! A furry lizard! No seriously, Ace is gorgeous! I've seen his reflection piccie under pet general, and he looks super! I wonder if Emmma thinks he's another kitty? Mamma often thinks that I believe all animals are kitties.