View Full Version : LOOK at this Bostonx!!

05-14-2005, 03:01 AM

awwwwwwww! IMSOINLOVE ~_~. . my parents said I *can* get another dog this summer. I'm just deciding if I'm completely *ready*. I'm basically pretty much set on a Boston (even though I would love an ACD or a Border Collie, dunno if I can take another though!) and I'll only adopt this summer if I find THE perfect Boston. After seeing this little guy I have to ask Boston Buddies about him! He's sooo cute! His personality also sounds amazing, and so perfect for me. . he looks like an awesome little Flyball height pup, doesnt he? :p

okay. . I just needed to share this. I'm going to e-mail them tomorrow, asking if they even adopt to Nor Cali, and if he's still available. There aren't a lot of Bostons in rescues around here. . he is a mix but you can tell he's got Boston in him :D I love these dogs

Sam's Page! (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=4434618&adTarget=468petsgeneral&SessionID=4285ae014746e5f8-app3&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=&stat=)

05-14-2005, 03:32 AM
oohh boston! you're so handsome ad a cutie! he looks so playful ...gleeful... wonderful.. *talks until boston is taken by ME* :eek: :D

oh! aw, I wannna another dog....now. but....policies. bah. well, hope you get him!! so he can be ours-mine! (the site's) :) pretty patterns by the way!

05-14-2005, 04:37 AM
:eek: Just look at that face!! he tiz too cute!!!
and i love his brindle coloring.

Ginger's Mom
05-14-2005, 06:31 AM
He really is adorable, and he sounds wonderful (why would anyone give this baby up?). Yes, I think he sounds great :). Good luck. I can't wait to hear what BostonBuddies has to say.

05-15-2005, 12:54 AM
Hm. . they said they have adopted to Northern California homes, if a local group is willing to screen our home for them and we of course have to drive to pick him up. they also said he's a very very sweet pup. ^_^ he's so cute, I have to talk to my Dad and Stepmom about him. . my Mom already said he's adorable, he sounds so perfect. Knowing my Dad, he will make me wait at least until school is out :p

I'll keep everyone updated. . I wanted to wait until August, when I'm less busy, to look for dogs. but here I am already. . . hehe

05-15-2005, 12:40 PM
aww. He is so cute. Yes you can see the Boston in here. I really hope you are able to get him! Good Luck!