View Full Version : Bonnie, the Wild Feline Plant Eater!

05-13-2005, 09:00 AM

...I'm afraid my poor houseplants don't stand a chance against this crazed kitty of mine ;) They were sitting happily atop my jelly cupboard in the dining room, but after being continually accosted by Bonnie, I had to move all three plants to the top of my china cabinet; now they don't get any light, don't get watered as often, and have little incentive to grow. Perhaps I should have let Bonnie at them just a little longer and be done with houseplants altogether!

Sigh :rolleyes:

05-13-2005, 09:12 AM
I know it is sooo cute when they do that but please be super careful with the plants. There are many houseplants that are toxic to our cats and can make them very ill and even kill them.
here is a list just make sure if you have any of these plants to keep them as far away from Bonnie as possible. You don't need or want a sick kitty on your hands.

Aloe Vera
Arrowhead Vine (all parts)
Asparagus Fern
Bird of Paradise (fruit, seeds)
Boston Ivy (all parts)
Caladium (all parts)
Calla Lily
Christmas Rose
Creeping Charlie (all parts)
Creeping Fig
Crown of Thorns
Dumbcane (all parts)
Easter Lily
Elephant Ears
Emerald Duke (all parts)
English Holly
English and Glacier Ivy (leaves and berries)
Heartleaf (all parts)
Ivy (Hedera)
Jerusalem Cherry
Lily of the Valley (all parts)
Majesty (all parts)
Marble Queen (all parts)
Nephthytis (all parts)
Parlor Ivy (all parts)
Philodendron (all parts)
Poinsettia (leaves and flowers)
Pothos (all parts)
Pot Mum
Red Princess (all parts)
Saddleleaf (all parts)
Spider Mum
Sprengeri Fern
Swiss Cheese Plant
Tulip (bulbs)
Umbrella Plant (all parts)
Weeping Fig

05-13-2005, 09:19 AM
That's a terrific list to keep on hand, thanks! I've been very careful with what plants were within her reach, and now, as I noted, none of my houseplants are! Bonnie's health and safety are, of course, two of the best reasons to be extra vigilant about such things.


Maya & Inka's mommy
05-13-2005, 10:18 AM
Oh no, that's to bad...:( . Both my cats NEVER touch our plants (we have many!), and they also are NOT interested in the flowers on the table. Good cats, hey :D

smokey the elder
05-13-2005, 10:23 AM
She's awfully close to what looks like a Philodendron, which is toxic.

05-13-2005, 12:44 PM
There is no vegetation,around here,to tempt,the Foundcats,so I have no idea,whether they would nibble,onlants.and they still have a few Cat treats,that were sent,to them,although,they are out,of Aquari Yums,and you cant get those,In Canada.


05-13-2005, 01:09 PM
Again, none of the three little houseplants I own are toxic to my kitty. (Bonnie, however, has probably shortened the lives of my plants ;)) Suffice to say, I do not own a philodendron.

It's just a photograph of my curious kitty doing something silly. Not something dangerous, not something life-threatening. Just a kitty with her paws in the dirt for about 30 seconds before I snapped the shot and moved the pots up, up and away. :)

smokey the elder
05-13-2005, 02:45 PM
My mistake; I thought the plant behind her was a philodendron.