View Full Version : Aych Too Ohhhhh!!!!!!

05-13-2005, 12:19 AM
Just what I needed an Aych Too OH! experience.

I just picked up the blanket that I put on the seat of the chair.

Sat down on it and now my arse is all wet.

I have spilled Ed's water no less than three time in the past week...all while stumbling over the AMAZING MOVING WATER DISH!

I am paid back my having him spill his water on the floor and knocking the blanket into the water....

By the way......

I love the Cold Wet Paw trick.

Spill the water with your paw. Drink from the spillage,
Shake the excess off....Climb into bed and walk all over you dad's bare skin.

05-13-2005, 12:41 AM
Now Richard, let's not be a wet blanket about that. I couldn't resist.

05-13-2005, 01:57 AM
Ugh....cold water where it shouldn't be is ALWAYS a yucky thing. ick...

Silly Richard...spilling poor Eddie's water like that.

Have you considered a fountain? Those are at least attached to the wall. ha ha ;)

05-13-2005, 01:00 PM
Richard,I bought some metal mixing bowls,at the Salvation Army,for 50 cents,and theyare a lot harder,to move,or drop blankets,into.And The Found Cats,dont want Eddie,and You,His Guardian,to be at odds,with each other,as you should be Pals!


05-13-2005, 01:57 PM
There are a couple of things you can do for moving water, and food dishes.

1) Rubbermaid has a shelf mat that you can cut to size, and put it under the dish, won't move.

2) Buy a dog dish that has a rubberized bottom.


3) Go to your local hardware store and buy some weatherstripping. I was told of this when Yoshi was a baby and started *moving* things around (breaking too :mad: ) It just takes a tiny little ball of it, place it on the bottom and it will NOT move. But, it will come up with some force. I put this on all my breakable items so that when Yoshi got up on the counter's he wasn't susposed to be on, my things were safe from him knocking them down! :)

So what is worse, walking into a water dish or stepping on a hairball in the middle of the night??!! :eek: :rolleyes: :D

PJ's Mom
05-13-2005, 02:18 PM
Richard how do you stand all the abuse you're forced to put up with? :D

05-13-2005, 05:44 PM
I think it is about time that Dudley the Duck left your house.

I think he has caused enough problems for adorable, sweet Eddie.:D

05-13-2005, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Now Richard, let's not be a wet blanket about that. I couldn't resist.


No offense taken, I deserve it.:D


A fountain? With my luck i"ll trip, hit my head on the wall and drown as I fall face first into it....:o


How could I be at odds with my best friend?:)


Hairballs........are the nastiest. You don't know WHAT is in there!:eek:

Dudley is migratng north.....I hope!


It's gotta be love......IT"S GOTTA BE!!!:cool: :eek: