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View Full Version : Guitar...OPINIONS NEEDED

05-12-2005, 08:05 PM
Ok...so it's like this. I've had 5 guitar lessons so far...been borrowing this guys guitar, left-handed. I am left-handed. My guitar teacher is pretty good...once played in a country band, now plays in a few multiple bands but not for a career...you know? Just for clubs and such I guess.

Anyway. He is/was left-handed. He said he made himself right-handed. Now I'm not sure if he's talking about right-handed everything, or just guitar. I'm thinking just guitar...

My mom was talking to this guy at one of the music stores and he told her that since I've just started, I might want to look into going right-handed. He said I'd never be able to play my 'buddies' guitars, and I couldn't play them at the store because usually they won't have left-handed in stock.

Anyway, I know thats not a HUGE deal but I figure I could be capable of doing this...I just don't really know.
Do you think it would have its advantages, and be worth trying? I mean, I can't play the guitar real good since I just started and all, but for what I CAN play, I can play it good. Left-handed. So...

Questions? Comments? Opinions? Emotional Stories?

05-12-2005, 08:09 PM
I'd stay left-handed. They're not that hard to find(guitars - in my area at least.), and you can always find some online. I've always thought left-handed guitarists look cooler anyway. lol... ;) I've been playing guitar for about 6 years... congrats on deciding to play! :D Hopefully soon you can get some sound clips posted? :)

Well, good luck with your decision!

05-12-2005, 09:01 PM
many people who are left handed play right handed guitars. And if you don't want to go to the trouble of having to order lefties then all you have to do is string your guitar backwards. Jimi Hendrix played right handed guitars strung backwards and he was a guitar genius.

05-12-2005, 11:22 PM
But I don't think that would really work for electric, at least the one I'm currently using, because it has a certain shape. Hmmm, something to think about anyway. Thanks. :)

05-13-2005, 12:27 AM




There really is no right or wrong way to learn or play... What ever is most COMFORTABLE and what ever makes you WANT to learn more, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. MOST IMPORTANT: Have FUN!
The thing is... there really are NO RULES. I had guitar lessons in high school, but was never disciplined enough to keep with it… music theory bores and confuses me. It made it really difficult to learn to play anything… Then my husband told me, “There really are NO rules”. That made me comfortable enough to do scales daily on the bass… Learning how to read Tab really opened things up too. The internet is an amazing library of knowledge. Use it. Other advice that I’ve gotten that was great, is jam to your favorite songs… Turn it up and play along… even if you can’t play yet.
Jeff Healey Band http://www.jeffhealeyband.com/
Jeff is an amazing player, who happens to be blind and plays on his lap...

Stanley Jordan... simply amazing... http://www.stanleyjordan.com/

Tony Levin – Most AMAZING Bass player I’ve ever seen… but if you are going by a “Teachers” standard… he does it all wrong… Amazing Man! Amazing career! WoW!

Just a few Left-Handed Musicians

David Byrne (Talking Heads)
Glen Campbell
Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Phil Collins (Genesis)
Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins)
Dick Dale (guitarist)
The Everly Brothers
Bela Fleck, jazz musician
Glenn Frey (the Eagles)
Noel Gallagher (Oasis) (?)
Crysal Gayle
Kevin Griffin, guitarist & lead singer (Better than Ezra)
Jimi Hendrix
Tony Iommi, guitarist (Black Sabbath)
Albert King, guitarist
Paul McCartney (the Beatles; Wings)
George Michael (Wham!)
John Lydon a.k.a. Johnny Rotten (Sex Pistols / Public Image Ltd.)

05-13-2005, 02:05 AM
A friend of mine is left-handed and like your teacher she made herself right-handed for playing guitar (classical). She did think about buying herself a left handed guitar and leaned to play guitar left-handed but she thought about the inconveniance of having to swap all the strings if she ever needs to use somebody else's guitar. She has been learning classical guitar for years now and very good at it (right-handed). She still does all the other things left-handed though.

05-13-2005, 08:29 AM
I agree with LoudLou.. whatever is most comfortable for you, should be what you stick to.

So how's it been going with those lessons? Are you good enough to serenade me yet? :D I'll be waiting on my balconey.

05-13-2005, 08:51 AM
Thanks very much for all your replies...I'll have to do some thinking. I guess there are advantages to both sides.

I'm rather in a dillemma, because there is this one guitar, left-handed, and it's $339. But we've been phoning different cities and one store has it for $265, coming to a total of around $300 once its shipped and brand new. BUT it's a blonde maple color - not my favorite. We found one store that has a black version and wiill match the price...but we can't really wait 2 or 3 weeks to get back to him. So I kind of have to decide quickly...

05-13-2005, 09:33 AM
Well, I think I made my decision. I'm going to stay lefty. I figure if I want a guitar, I can either order the left-handed version or buy a right hand version and switch the strings. If I can't switch the strings because of shape and they don't have a lefty, then I'll just look for a different one. :p

Thank you for all your help. Last night I went to bed so confused, but I'm feeling less confused right now lol.

05-13-2005, 09:34 AM
Haha Liana, the lessons are great. My best one was probably yesterday, the 5th. I'm learning all the strings notes...so far I know the first 4 strings. I'm having lots of fun but I will be so happy once this is all cleared up and everything...it's been kind of awkward borrowing this guys guitar for so long, and him not getting back to me with a price until yesterday. :p