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View Full Version : Not so long trip to the dog park

01-27-2002, 08:52 PM
Well theres this new dog park that opened like a week ago about 5 mins away from us. My mother and I took Simba today. We took him in the small dogs section because he is better with small dogs but as soon as we go there, we left. Three dogs ran up to Simba and he just freaked. It was a cocker spaniel jack russle terrier and a beleive a cairen terrier (spelling) Well first the cairen came up he was fine he was also fine when the JRT came but when the cocker came he growled so we said thats it lets go. I was really hopeing he would be good and i almost wanted to cry because he didnt. If he did get along it would probably have greaten my chances to get another dog. We are planning to go bhack every weeken or go back during the week when theres not so many dogs for he could get used to it and maybe move onto the big dogs. Sorry for blabbing.


01-27-2002, 09:19 PM
I know exactley how you feel.:( A lot of times when we are around other dogs, Sadie doesn't get along with them very well. I guess she just maybe gets annoyed by them? I'm not sure. Well, today when we went to the park, there were these 2 really cute Whippets, and the female ran up to Sadie, and all they did was sniff each other, and there was no barking, growling, or anything!:) :) I was soo proud of her!! I just wanted to tell you.:) I hope that next time it will be better!:)

Sarah & Sadie

01-28-2002, 05:19 AM
KayAnn. I'm sure Simba has grown up mostly without other dogs? So he's probably not use to having them around. Maybe when he's more use to it he'll be fine :D I take Jo to our HS dog park, she loves it there. Most of the dogs are friendly so she gets along, but she does growl sometimes if a dog is picking a fight or something :[ There was this little dog, boston terrier maybe? He used to pick on ONLY puppies. If he saw one, he's run over and attack it. Only pups though, I guess he thought cause they're smaller or something..Not sure..I'm sure he'll be fine...you could always try what I did to get another dog, and say "Oh, but he's lonely. He needs another friend" or something like that. Or maybe if you got another dog..it would make Simba more use to them...eh?? LOL sorry...

01-29-2002, 11:44 AM
Dogs have a whole social thing going on when they meet that I don't understand. Fortunately my dog has a very submissive personality - she's still playful but no dog feels threatened by her so they will play along with her. I think she's part whippet so maybe whippets tend to get along well with other dogs.

Sadie's the perfect size and personality match for me- , if other dogs get too aggressive Sadie just jumps into my arms and we both look down at the "bullies".

01-29-2002, 12:06 PM
I am sorry about Simba's bad experience :( I know it's hard to witness :(

I hope that going back to the park will socialize him a bit more, and that he dosen't do anything more then just growl.

01-29-2002, 09:47 PM
He was probably just a little nervous ?? maybe the three dogs comming up was to much of one day ..lol..

My friends german shepherd is the sweetest dog in the world and gets along great with Hannah and the dogs at the classes he took but the other day a pit bull came close to his yard and he went nuts and took at her, they fought he won and felt satified.

His owner ran out just as the fight broke up and was so upset that he had done that, she called her trainer and set up more classes to socilize him more, she thinks that he's been at home away from other dogs for to long and her trainer agrees.

I hope Simba is okey the next time you go, Im sure he will be because he is such a good boy :D

01-29-2002, 10:15 PM
KayAnn, I'm sure Simba could get used to being around other dogs, but maybe there is a more controlled setting you could start introducing him in. Taking dogs through obedience classes is a good way to get them comfortable being around other dogs. Around here we also have doggy day care with playgroups for the dogs. I would think it might be better to start there instead of a dog park where who knows what kind of dogs will all be running up in Simba's face at once.

Good luck!! :)

01-30-2002, 12:54 AM
id like for him to get obedience classes but we dont have the money for it.

01-30-2002, 08:18 AM

I think that Simba is a great dog. The stories you tell about him and all the tricks he can do, and who can forget the pictures! He loves you very much and from what I gather, he is well behaved. All he needs is some exposing to other dogs. Do you have a friend that has a pup Simba could befriend? What about your grandparent's doggies? Does Simba get along with them?

The doggy park was just a new experience Simba boy wasn't familiar with. Give him a chance. With your help and love, he can do it!

01-30-2002, 08:28 AM
Nothing beats experience. I think Simba only needs more experiences, because it works well with my dog. Beethoven (she's a girl beyond the name) is also like that the first time I have her meet other dogs. But as she get to meet other dogs more often, she tamed down. Simba can do it, he's a good dog who luvs u and will do everything to please u. And of course, obedience classes can help too. Good luck ;)