View Full Version : Am I the only one?

05-12-2005, 09:05 AM
...who sits here in the morning with tears running down my cheeks after reading some of the posts?

There has been so much sadness on Pet Talk - and reasons for some serious prayers to be offered.

I sat here with my eyes just burning after reading about Johanna's Tex.

And then you add a prayer from Cinder and Smokey.......and that just does me in - full stream bawling..nose running........blurry vision..........the works.

And I have never met these people or their pets..................

05-12-2005, 09:13 AM
You are not alone, Gini...

There has been so many losses recently (both human and animal), and desperate health situations. It is hard to take it all in.

It only shows what a loving, caring community (family!) PT is that each and every situtation affects us all so deeply.

05-12-2005, 09:14 AM
Gini, I also have been thinking you get into people's life. It's not just sharing the good moments - it's sharing the bad moments too. I read about Laura's Eddie. And Johanna's niece. And Tex.

I'm afraid we all are family- somehow.

05-12-2005, 09:29 AM
I know exactly what you mean. I cry when I read the threads and even more when I try to respond and express my heartfelt sympathy, grief, understanding...
I was thinking just yesterday how Pet Talk is a little haven from the rest of the world at times. When I spend time here, I feel buoyed by the spirit, the sense of community, love, generousity, hope, joy...all the emotions, from elation to grief are felt here....Pet Talk restores my faith in the world daily.
I cry when someone is grieving or suffering but am ecstatic when something wonderful happens to them.
We are a family....


05-12-2005, 09:47 AM
I know just how everyone feels. I feel the same way. During the day and at night my mind wanders as to how everyone is doing and saying prayers and hoping all is improving for everyone that needs help. It's amazing how involved in everyone's life I feel.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-12-2005, 10:41 AM
Yep, been there, done that. Sometimes it all seems so overwhelming and makes me wonder if I really need all this sadness in my life, but then I see a post like Catnapper's new little foster, Flutter, and the tears turn to happy tears and make me so glad I come here.

Just like family, we share the good and we share the bad. Makes the good so much better and makes the bad just a little easier to bear.

05-12-2005, 11:59 AM
"Amen" to all that you guys have said. It is "family" and we can be there for each other through thick and thin. So many prayers of thanks and need have come from me for so many of you and your precious pets. That Leaky Eye Syndrome sure does get going at times, though!

05-12-2005, 12:11 PM
I wonder if there is a cyber grief counselor?

Yep, WE ARE FAMILY! and all that goes with it the GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY!

It's wonderful knowing we aren't alone though, isn't it?

05-12-2005, 12:15 PM
I was just about to answer this Gini when there was a "pop-up" message about baby Samantha. I had to drop everything of course to read it. It appears there is finally a small glimmer from the light of hope. So here I am at work crying like a baby but with tears of hope. Are you the "only one"? Not by a long shot my friend.

05-12-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
.... Are you the "only one"? Not by a long shot my friend.

Could not have said it better.

There are some threads I stay totally out of because I know I will become a blubbering mess. This community is a lot like a roller coaster ride... I feel great joy when triuphs are made or happy things happen.... and some times some extreme sadness for the sad thigs.

05-12-2005, 01:40 PM
Having been on the receiving end of the thoughts and prayers I can tell you that they help. I was still pretty new to the PT community when my Quincy (Joxer's and Strauss's brother) died.

The replys to my post made my cry all over again, but ultimately it was very soothing and helpful to read the kind words.

So while its tough sometimes, its worth it because the person in need does receive comfort.

05-12-2005, 01:57 PM
Me too, Laurie. I saw the email about Samantha's update and here I sit blubbering all over again.

Somehow, I can just see her tiny little body in a crib .......in a hospital........and it just breaks my heart.

Please, God, may she be able to sit down in the future and read how much all of us cared and prayed so hard for her recovery.

A miracle? I wouldn't put it past Pet Talkers for a minute!

This ray of hope is only making me pray harder for her.

05-12-2005, 02:07 PM
No Gini, you are certainly not the only one. I often find myself crying uncontrollably when my friends on Pet Talk are going through hard times. When I know someone on PT dear to me is upset, it makes me upset to. I just feel this special bond with those I've befriended here, and it is because of that love and friendship that when they go through hardships and trials in life, my heart aches for them, and the tears pour out of my eyes.

I've been shedding tears over sweet Samantha and Texas these past few days, but today, I see a ray of hope for Samantha, and continue to pray hard for her, and for Johanna's entire family. I think its a good thing that we all care so deeply about each other...just like family, and it is so heartwarming to see the whole Pet Talk community get together in support of one another, whenever one of us is going through a difficult period in life. I think we've talked about the leaky eye syndrome on PT before. Well...I guess we're all suffering from that again. ;) Despite the fact that we've never met in person, the feeling of friendship is as real as it gets.

May God restore Baby Samantha's health, and ease things for all Pet Talkers that are going through difficult times. We can all continue to pray and pray. I know God is there, listening to us. :)

Please God, you are the only One that can make miracles happen when things look so grim. You are the only One that has the power to restore one's health. In Your hands rest the lives of all of us, and it is in Your Grace and Mercy that we all live, and enjoy good health. Dear God, please hold Baby Samantha close to you at this difficult time. Comfort her and her loving family, and please restore her health completely. Her health and life are in Your Hands, and You Alone have the power to make this Sweet Child well again. Please God, with your Love, Mercy, and Grace, please restore Samantha's health, and relieve her from this pain and suffering, and bring peace and tranquility to the hearts of her entire family. Please God, please, restore Samantha's health completely. Amen.

05-12-2005, 02:55 PM
I feel the same way, too. I have cried here many times over people and animals I don't even know. It hurts some when some requests are not acknowleged a lot like others. I try to reply to all of them because I know how important it is to the people requesting them.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-12-2005, 03:20 PM
Absolutely not, Gini!! I remember very well the moment when I read that cat Gabe passed away. This happened on a moment where I was very sick myself, and reading that bad news was the last drop to several days of crying...! Everytime something negative happens to on of our PT-cats or PT-members, it also happens to me. I know that most Pettalkers feel this way; this was proven after the terrible news about Randi's husband John!
I am proud to be a member of this huge caring community!!:)

05-12-2005, 05:53 PM
That's exactly it M&I Mom, I am proud that I have feelings enough left to care so much about others that are now my family. It makes me feel better about myself in some strange way? Confused a bit, but at least I know I can care still.

Ginger's Mom
05-12-2005, 06:40 PM
No you are not alone. To be honest, I have LES just reading this thread, reading how you all care about each other, support each other, pray for each other. That makes me just as teary-eyed as when I read about the troubles and suffering that so many PT people have gone through. As I have said many times since joining. This is a great forum.