View Full Version : Mudpie Uppy-date

05-12-2005, 08:09 AM
I talked to my sister on the phone last night and she said Mudpie is healing nicely. There is no infection in his sore and it is starting to go away.

He ate an entire can of cat food last night, hopped on the bed all by himself (sometimes he needs help) and made happy feet on Julia's chest. :)

Both Julia and Mudpie want to say thank you for all your kinds words and thoughts. Mudpie is happy to learn he has so many new Pettalk friends. :) :)

05-12-2005, 08:12 AM
I am sooo glad Mudpie's sore is healing. It just looks sooo "sore". Mudpie must think your sis is an angel. But then again so do we. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Mudpie.

05-12-2005, 08:41 AM
I am so pleased,taht Mudpie,is doing better,and the Found Cats,have chipped,in thier allowances,and there will be something,nice,in the mail,for Mudpie,Tomorrow!And Scarppy 2,meeews for Mud Pie,Too.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-12-2005, 09:58 AM
It's good to hear he's doing so well and starting to feel better. I mentioned in your other thread about Cosequin which is supposed to help older cats with joint problems, but I also wanted to show you something else I did for Tubby. He started having difficulty jumping up onto the bed, and this was totally unacceptable because he slept with me almost every single night of his entire life, so I had to find a way to make it easier for him to get into bed.

I asked my dad to make a little step stool for him, and of course my dad, who is a total perfectionist, couldn't make just a simple step stool, he had to go all out and make this adorable "block" instead. Here's Tubby checking it out the day we got it.

Each side has a different "silouhette" of a cat and there are four micies on the top. I put this right next to our bed, and I only had to show Tubby 1 time how to use it and what it was for. After that he used it every single time to get into bed.

Of course you don't need anything this elaborate, but I'm sure Mudpie would greatly appreciate even just a sturdy cardboard box or something next to the bed to help him jump up. The only thing is you have to remember that it not only has to support his weight, but it has to withstand the power exerted from jumping. Also, your sister will have to remember it's there so she doesn't stub her toe on it. Trust me, that's not the best way to be thrown into full alertness when you get out of bed in the middle of the night. ;) :rolleyes:

Anyway, just thought I might put the suggestion out there since it helped Tubby so much. :)

05-12-2005, 03:46 PM
Cats are so darn smart! That is a great stepper for Tubby. Your dad does really good work.

Am so relieved that Mudpie is improving. That poor soul probably has been through hell.

05-12-2005, 09:20 PM
I am so glad to hear that precious Mudpie's sore is healing and he is doing better. That picture of him is really heartbreaking.

Bless your sister for loving and taking care of him and all the others. She is an Angel.