View Full Version : Kerthunk

05-11-2005, 05:47 PM
Well, I thought that since Kahlua's been doing well on the leash, it might be safe to try letting her run loose in the apartment for the short time it would take me to zip down to the office's little laundry room, throw in a load of towels, and zip back.

...I was wrong.

As I got back to my place, I could already hear it through the door. "Rrrrrroooooowwwwwlllll!" I opened the door in time to see a poofy Zelda leap to the top of the recliner. And then from the bedroom a poofy, growling, spit-covered Mowgli comes barreling at full speed with a poofy and triumphant Kahlua on his heels.

I came to the Mowgster's rescue and scooped up Kahlua, and noticed that she had a nice bit of orange caught in her claws.

Well, at least no one was bleeding.

...can I sweettalk anyone into a slightly territorial torbie lovebug?

05-11-2005, 06:42 PM
Oh dear. How long has it been now? I know you've all been trying (well, maybe Kahlua hasn't been giving it her all)....

Could she be trying to tell you that she wants to be an "only"?
I hope they can sort out their differences. Our Cammie is never going to be friends with Halo or Pepper, but they eventually came to an understanding and we've caught them playing when they didn't think we could see them. It took several months, though.

05-11-2005, 06:50 PM
Its fairly slow progress,with Pouncette,as she cannot abide d a few brawls.Scrappy 2,and they have had a few brawls.Real Fights,not the slap fights,that she has,with Big Marsh Mellow JJJ3.But she loves,the Big Boys,so there is hope,for her,after all.And Mowgli,running away,I am disillusioned!!!


05-11-2005, 07:09 PM
Gee Lacey, I thought she would be calming down by now. How long has it been? You don't sound like you are giving up yet but I know I would be wearing thin by now. Wished I knew some wonderful advice to help things.

((HUGS)) for you, Mowgli and Zelda.

05-12-2005, 05:35 AM
I'm not going to give up yet, but after two months, it does start to wear a little bit thin.

I almost think that Kahlua does see it as a game with Mowgli because he runs. With Zelda she just goes at it for a moment and then backs off.

05-12-2005, 07:11 AM
You know Lacey, maybe you should think about letting Kahlua stay out full-time. Suppose the kitties could work out the pecking order faster that way - even WITH a little bloodshed?? Is this an awful idea??? Maybe Mowg would get fed up and give her a good whoopin!!:mad: A couple of these and Miss Kahlua might just back off. Hmmm???

05-12-2005, 08:47 AM
Actually, I think that's what I'm going to try when I get in from work this evening. I'll just turn Kahlua loose and let them figure things out. Meanwhile I'll be on standby with the broom and squirt bottle. Much better to put the broom amidst squabbling cats than my hand.

Maybe Mowgli will finally decide to whoop on Kahlua rather than hide behind the tv.

05-12-2005, 09:13 AM
Oy! What can be done? I like the idea od leaving her out and seeing what develops. They eventually have to work things out. Right?

05-12-2005, 09:34 AM
Meka and Max have been together now over 3 months and still fight when we are around but have noticed when we come home they are both lying by the door real close to each other and they walk away from the door when we come in and they walk together occassionally rubbing up against each other but when we are there forget it!!! Unfortunately Max won't fight back - probably because I got real upset one time I came home and Meka had a bad gash between her eyes. But now Max has a bunch between the eyes and meka doesn't. So yesterday he walloped her good - she terrorizes him - and I just looked at him and said good boy.. :) :) :) We'll see but I think it will take 3-6 more months before I might get lucky enough for them to snuggle. I'm still hoping... Maybe a third cat would help???? If my hubby heard that he'd freak!!! hahahahaha Debbie

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-12-2005, 10:17 AM
Yes, CJ has been here 4 months now and things are much better than when he first arrived. I still wish Peanut would haul off and slug him one now and then but she doesn't. She does like Mowgli - she runs - and then Jack sees that, like Kahlua, as a game and an invitation to chase. However, once Peanut does get fed up and turns and hisses at him, he will usually leave her alone, but she has to take that stand before he gets the hint.

I think you have a good idea about leaving them together while you are there to break anything up in the event it gets too severe, but I wouldn't leave them out alone yet. Terry has finally come to the realization my two aren't going to kill each other, but that's after 4 months of being together also. At first we only let them both roam freely while we were there and when we weren't we still closed Jack in the bedroom.

So unfortunately it does take time and they do have to work it out themselves - as much as we hate that. And I have to admit, I hate the thought of sweet little Mowgli being so scared, but he has to take a stand eventually.....right?