View Full Version : still stressing over kitten I gave away....

05-11-2005, 05:13 PM
I know its been nearly two weeks now, but I am still concerned about the beautiful boy I found and had to re-home,not a day goes by he does not enter my mind.

I did ring the women 2hrs after he left and told her I would ring again, I rang two days ago leaving a nice message on her machine, asking how he was and that we would love to hear from her.

I have heard nothing back, should I be worried,? I just have a bad feeling now, I don't want to keep hassling her, and also I am scared if something has happened to him, I don't think I could handle knowing.

Any advice, is it time I just let it all go.?I even saw a kitten advertised as found that described him perfectly, and yes I had to ring up about it, it was not him and they found the real owners, so good ending there.

He was very special, and I am not certain I made the right choice, and I am having real difficulty living with it.:(

05-11-2005, 05:45 PM
I see why you fell so hard for him. Sometimes new owners get panicky that you might want him back ... I'm sure he is fine!


05-11-2005, 05:55 PM
Hey, Carole! It's amazing how we get so attached to these little guys so quickly. It's not at all surprising that you wonder how the kitty is doing- is he happy, is he being cared for, does his new family love him? It goes with the territory. Do you have any specific reason to be concerned other than the new owner hasn't returned any of your calls? Did you see any indication that the new owner might neglect kitty or fail to properly care for him? How did the kitty react to his new owner when they first met? Cats are very perceptive when it comes to us humans. Two weeks isn't all that long. You still may hear from the new owner.

05-11-2005, 06:21 PM
No I did not have any real reason to suspect anything bad about the people, I was a little concerned because there were four young children, the eldest being maybe 8, and he was really frightened when we handed him over, but then I guess that is to be expected.

I just feel that if everything was ok with him, she would have no problem contacting me and re-assuring me surely,maybe they are away or something, I just have to hope to hear from her, if not I have decided I am just going to have to let it go, as I cannot bear to hear anything that is bad that could have happened to him, that I could not live with.

Jen I did not get your thread for some reason, it said you had responded but nothing there, I welcome your advice.

kim if I were to be perfectly honest I DO WANT HIM BACK, I keep hoping by some sheer miracle he will turn up on my doorstep, fat chance of that happening.

05-11-2005, 06:35 PM
Carole ~ How about another friendly phone call? Leave a message if they are not in. Invite them to join pet talk and tell them that some crazy lady in Alaska was asking about their new baby and you just wanted to pass on the info. Re-state that if it doesn't work out for any reason, you will gladly take him back. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and if he's not adjusting well (peeing, etc. -- make it sound like he could be the problem, not her kids) that you would be happy to find them another kitty.

Worth a try?

05-11-2005, 06:36 PM
Carole,the sad fact,is that a lot,of people,are courtesy challanged,and that does not neccesrily bose ill,for that Hnadsome Kitten.Its just,that they are a tad,on the boarish side,and do not return calls.All you can hope,is that they love,that Little Cat,half as much,as you did.

Pouncette,at her dish.She loves,it here,if only,the Other !4 Cats,would move out.Just kidding,as my shy girl,is slowly making Friends.

05-11-2005, 06:46 PM

I would keep calling them. Let them know that you just want to know how he's doing. I can't blame you for being a little worried. I worry everytime a foster leaves my house too. Did they put him in a carrier when they took him home??

Do you know where they live? Maybe you could "stop by" because you were "in the neighborhood" and wanted to see how things were going. This way you could also do a home check.

I'll say a prayer for you and the little guy. Let us know if you hear anything.

BTW, I still want my Carly the Curly Girl back, but everyone here advised against it. I DO miss her so much!!! So, believe me, I know exactly how you feel.

05-11-2005, 07:11 PM
Aww Carole, I'm sorry. I don't have any advice but I want to offer some (((HUGS))).

05-11-2005, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
Carole,the sad fact,is that a lot,of people,are courtesy challanged,and that does not neccesrily bose ill,for that Hnadsome Kitten.Its just,that they are a tad,on the boarish side,and do not return calls.All you can hope,is that they love,that Little Cat,half as much,as you did.

I hate saying this, but I am one of those people, although I hate thinking of me as "courtesy challenged", but I am the worse at returning calls. Some people (like me) always mean to return the calls, but life get so busy, that it gets set aside for a later time, Then later and later. So just maybe they are like me, life gets busy, especial with kids, like you said they have, that your call, was set on the back burner.

Call again, so they know it really means something to you, to hear about the kitty. Believe me people have had to call me back before, for me to response and I was thankful they reminded me of my "courtesy challenged" ways. :D

K & L
05-11-2005, 07:55 PM
I went through this when we captured one of our first feral litters. We had a precious calico that a person from work took. For some reason I always regretted giving her up. I would check periodically on her, then decided to quit being a pest. A couple years later I checked again only to find out she had died.:( Now I wish I never really knew what happened. Sometimes it's just best to not know. Good luck and I hope your hear back on yours real soon.

05-11-2005, 08:27 PM
I really appreciate all your advice, I came here because really you are the only people who could possibly understand how I feel.

I have weighed it all up in my mind over and over again, and decided I best leave well alone and try and move on, he will always hold a special place in my heart and never be forgotten, gosh I decided to change the desktop and take his pic off as it is just a constant reminder of him and hurts me to see him, and low and behold I must have done something not right, next time I started up there he was again lol, is that a sign or what? just a gentle reminder not to ever forget the wee soul.

I might still hear back , who know's but I must not think about it so much, it is only making me feel miserable and bad about it all.

So onward's we go, will let you know if I do hear anything.:)