View Full Version : Mina & The Great Escape

05-11-2005, 11:37 AM
Ok picture this. I'm taking a shower last night and all of sudden I hear Kasie meowing at me from the other side of the shower curtain. I look out and she meows at me and runs into the living room. Thinking that she just wants to play I continue to finish my shower. Not five seconds laters she is back at it again. After about five minutes of this I wrap a towel around me and follow her to the living room.

What do my eyes behold but little Mina has pushed out the window screen and is sitting on the roof. Kasie jumps on the sill and continues to sit there meowming at Mina. ( I think she was yelling at her to get back in). Well I try to call Mina to me so I can pull her back in, but she just looks at me like, "what-ever" so I run back into the bedroom throw my robe on and climb out onto the roof after her. Meanwhile my neighbor downstairs is just laughing his ass off at me standing on the roof trying to get Mina in the house. I guess she wanted to go and see her beloved Squeeks, but she could of waited until Mommy got dressed.

05-11-2005, 01:52 PM
I'm laughing too!!! That is a great story - I'll tell you it is sure something what these cats make us do!!!! When all the tile workers came in my house my Meka was SCARED!! I finally get a hold of her (hiding behind a waterbed) bribing her with food and open the door to yell at hubby to come help take her to the car (we were taking her out of town while the work was being done) and she hears the noise of the scrapers when I open the door and claws my neck good - I SCREAM!!! Totally embarassing my hubby and the workers look at me like it is just a dumb cat - but that is my baby!!! I would have been on the roof too!!! :) :) :) Debbie

05-11-2005, 01:58 PM
I really,have to keep an eye,on JJJ3,as he will literally bull,his way,out,of the house.It was a good thing,that Kasie,was alert enough,to let you know,that Mina,was on,the roof,and needed your help.That is good Brother Cat,and a Cat Hero.


05-11-2005, 04:46 PM
Oh Kasie, what a smart little girl you are sweetie to let meowmie know that Mina got out.
That would have scared the bejeezes out of me to see one of my kitties on the roof.

Glad she is back in the house safe and sound.

05-11-2005, 06:37 PM
That is so funny! What a great story- I can picture it all in my head!

K & L
05-11-2005, 07:59 PM
They always pick the worst time to do things like this!:D Sounds like your neighbor got quite the show!:D :D Glad all safe and well though!

05-12-2005, 07:23 AM
My neighbor didn't get to see more than my calf, but said it was quite a sight to see this pink butt hanging out my window. (My bathrobe is pastel pink)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-12-2005, 09:41 AM
Naw-tee Mina! But what a good girl Kasie was! She knew Mina was being naw-tee and that meowmie had to come right away! Amazing how they communicate to us like that!

Glad alls well that ends well and your neighbor now has a good story to tell his friends. :D