View Full Version : I did it. *sigh of relief*

05-11-2005, 11:07 AM
For those of you that are follwing my thread about the border collie pup and the black lab pup being neglected. Well my mom yesterday told me to see if they had shelter, food and water and they didn't. The border collie puppy was barking at me and I didn't mind and this guy that I suppose is an owner hit the border collie puppy :mad: :mad: :mad: I yelled at him and said hey, and I wanted to just hit him and see how he'd like it.

This morning, the puppies got out of the gate. I just had taken a shower and rushed out to let them back in the black lab mix went right in and the border collie puppy ran to the other side of the gate. So, I went up to him and got on one of my knees and talked sweetly to him. I sat there for 5 mins and let him sniff my hand. Then I gently went to pet him and picked him up. I got him to trust me! I cannot stand how he's so scared out of his mind, I would be too if I were him. Poor guy :( He was so soft and looks like Buddy Blaze Lover's Blaze.

When I got back inside, I called the humane society for the ACO's number. I told the ACO what is going on and I said I'd like to remain anonymous, which I am going to remain. He came and got the puppies and they are going to a non-kill shelter. They will be adopted out fast, I am sure. I just am SO relieved that they'll have a new start on life and be loved and spoiled and have nobody EVER hurt them again.

P.S. I don't have time to search my original thread but I will later :)

finn's mom
05-11-2005, 11:12 AM
Good for you!

05-11-2005, 11:14 AM
Congrats to you for doing the right thing!:D I sure hope they find great homes:)

05-11-2005, 11:17 AM
You're AWESOME!!!! Thank you for saving those puppies lives!!

05-11-2005, 11:18 AM
Well done, feels good doesn't it?

Poor little pups.

05-11-2005, 11:23 AM
that's wonderful!:D you did a great job!

05-11-2005, 11:34 AM
~Way to go Krista~ You did the right thing for those puppies!:)

05-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Kudos to you! Great job!

05-11-2005, 12:11 PM
Good for you! That hateful jerk has no right having animals of any kind.

Daisy and Delilah
05-11-2005, 12:31 PM
What a wonderful person you are!!! You are definitely our hero!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!:D :D :D :D

Love, Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:D

05-11-2005, 12:51 PM
!WOW! I am very proud of you for identifing the problem and solving it in the correct way. You are a wonderful person for caring so much!

05-11-2005, 12:55 PM
WOW Krista that is awsome!!!! Kudo's to you!!!!!!

05-11-2005, 12:59 PM
Well I have some bad news :( I guess when the ACO knocked on their door nobody answered :mad: so they left I imagine it is a summons in their mailbox and if the people including the man that hit the sweetheart don't do ANYTHING about it and the ACO comes back will have to pay a hefty fine or even face time in jail :( I feel so bad for the puppies there.

I just hope the ACO comes back ASAP. They just have to answer the door they just have to :( I cannot stand to see these puppies in pain and outside and where they should be inside and enjoy laying on the couch and be cuddled with. Why do some people have to be this way :( :( :(

I will do everything I can to help them. Please pray that they answer the door and wake up and smell the coffee that it isn't right for them to do this :( If I didn't have so many animals I would definitely take them in and foster them until they got homes. :( I was so proud of myself and even my mom was proud of me, I feel like I let the puppies down somehow. :(

finn's mom
05-11-2005, 01:04 PM
I thought they had already taken the puppies to a shelter. :( I guess I misunderstood. That sucks. You did what you could, though, there's not much else you can legally do, now. You didn't let them down.

05-11-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
I thought they had already taken the puppies to a shelter. :( I guess I misunderstood. That sucks. You did what you could, though, there's not much else you can legally do, now. You didn't let them down.

No I thought they did, take them, this was before school and when my mom drove by they were still there. :( It was because they cannot legally take them if nobody answers :(

It just hurts so much to see them go through this :( :( :(

finn's mom
05-11-2005, 01:06 PM

05-11-2005, 01:06 PM
Can you call the ACO when you know the jerk is home? Perhaps you can be on the look-out for this guy and when he comes home, call the ACO and let them know.

Just a thought.

05-11-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by elizabethann
Can you call the ACO when you know the jerk is home? Perhaps you can be on the look-out for this guy and when he comes home, call the ACO and let them know.

Just a thought.

I am at school right now, but when someone is there that I know of, I thought somebody was, because there are like 3-5 cars there all the time. Usually 2-3 and their friends come later. I wouldn't be friends with them if they saw them do that to the puppies ugh. It just totally sours my day.

That is a good idea, elizabethann, thank you so much for the idea, I will call when I know that someone is home, the first sign that someone is home, I will call and keep everyone updated.

05-11-2005, 01:56 PM
:( i hope they take them soon!

could you possibly get him neglecting the dogs on video? i know that's how we got the police to know about the dogs next door that were attacking us.

PLEASE keep us updated!

05-11-2005, 02:04 PM
I thought they had taken them, too. You should do what some of the cat rescuers do and just make those two dogs go "poof". Queenscoopalot can give you some advice on how to do it. They would be much better off. Also, if you could ever get him doing it recorded or photographed, that would be a great thing against him.

05-11-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I thought they had taken them, too. You should do what some of the cat rescuers do and just make those two dogs go "poof". Queenscoopalot can give you some advice on how to do it. They would be much better off. Also, if you could ever get him doing it recorded or photographed, that would be a great thing against him.

I don't have a camera right now :( I wish I did, I think my mom has a tape recorder. Thanks Val, I will PM Queenscoopalot. I want to do everything in my power to help the sweetheats.

Of course,

I will keep you all updated.

05-11-2005, 03:46 PM
I'd try locating a no-kill shelter (not nearby to your place) and tell them that the two pups were running in a remote area, and you lured them into the car. Be sure to remove tags from collars, if they even have any :rolleyes: Hopefully they won't have microchips, but one way to find out is to take them to your vets and have the dogs scanned for chips. If not, hopefully the shelter will take them in. Do you have any friends that could keep them until space opens up at a shelter if they have no room? I would NOT bring them to a shelter close enough for this jerk to track them down, and bring them back to that abuse. :mad: The human race really makes me sick lately. :mad: :( Keep me posted, and hope you can get the two pups into a safe environment quickly, and without jerk neighbor finding out and causing trouble for you and your family. ;) Maybe get on Petfinder and see if there are some small rescue groups around your area, and explain the situation to them. Good luck, and thank you for trying to get help for these poor pups. :(

05-11-2005, 03:49 PM
Good for you for trying to help save these puppies. Don't give up and please keep us updated.

05-11-2005, 04:27 PM
Krista, great job for helping those puppies out! Hopefully the ACO will get the puppies soon. If not, the 'poof method' might work. ;) Please keep us posted!

05-11-2005, 05:05 PM
As far as I can tell they are not out in the yard, my mom says sometimes they hide under the bushes for shelter :( I will see what I can do, unfortunately I don't have any friends that would be willing to take them :( I will go to petfinder and see what I can do. I will let you guys know when I know something.

05-11-2005, 05:06 PM
I hope you get the puppies out of their soon, We've done the poof method a couple of times and we've always managed to find the dog or cat a better home.

05-11-2005, 05:10 PM
Can someone do me a huge favor? I don't have long distance on my phone, so if you could call this place because it sounds like it would be the best place for them...


thanks in advance :) or I could just e-mail them the situation but they don't get to those as quickly as phone calls, if nobody can I will e-mail them. :)

05-11-2005, 05:30 PM
I did e-mail the shelter, I know they can't get back to me right away because of their care for their animals. I will keep you all updated.

05-11-2005, 07:26 PM
You haven't let the pups down Krista, this isn't over yet. At least you are trying to help them. :)

05-11-2005, 08:48 PM
Well done Krista, keep with it mate.:)

05-11-2005, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by luvofallhorses
Can someone do me a huge favor? I don't have long distance on my phone, so if you could call this place because it sounds like it would be the best place for them...


thanks in advance :) or I could just e-mail them the situation but they don't get to those as quickly as phone calls, if nobody can I will e-mail them. :)

You can to a collect call

05-12-2005, 01:40 AM
Aww, Krista...thanks for helping these pups.

If you still need someone to call, PM me and I'll do it for you.

Kelly :)

05-12-2005, 05:11 PM
They e-mailed me back saying this :

Hello Krista,

Thank you for your concern about the welfare of your neighbors’
puppies. The
“summons” was probably a notice that the pups need to have better care.
takes a couple of complaints before Animal Control can do anything
about the
barking or lack of food. If you can keep a log about the days that you
noticed no food, water or shelter for the pups plus any abuse of the
it will help Animal Control to do their job with the investigation.
Videotaping them striking the pups will also be a big help. The date on
camera photo or videotape will further document the incidents.
Sometimes it
is difficult to proof abuse of an animal without some kind of proof.

The people that you want to talk with in the Butte-Anaconda area are:
Faulkner with Pintler Pets:

They can do a home check to see that the pups are
good condition and that the owners are aware of a complaint being
about them. Because I do not have your address, I can not ask them to
this for us. If they had a complaint about someone in Cut Bank, they
contact us. We would go to the home and check the animals and the
owners to
make sure that everyone was okay. If we were not sure about the
we would keep a watch on the pups for a couple of weeks.

I am sending a copy of your letter to them, as well. This is how Animal
Control officers do our jobs. They will be contacting you through email
also us with information about this situation. It is our job to protect

Thank you for reporting this incident. We truly care for those who
speak for themselves.

Animal Shelter Volunteer

05-12-2005, 05:20 PM
Good for you! I'm happy those poor pups are going to get a fresh start! :D :D

05-12-2005, 05:21 PM
At least you heard back from them! :) Hopefully you can get the pups some help!

05-12-2005, 05:45 PM
Hopefully the ACO will follow through, and seize the puppies. Otherwise it's always a good idea to have a back-up plan just in case they end up staying in that horrible sounding situation. There's many "underground railroads" for abused pups, and I say more power to the people that do the snagging under cover of darkness or whatever it takes. ;) Keeping fingers and paws crossed that things will work out with the pups. ;)

05-12-2005, 05:51 PM
OMG. . I could hardly stand to read all of this, especially with a BC pupper :(. . what a horrible, disgusting family! Ick. I'm really sorry you have to have those people as neighbors :mad:. . I agree, if ACO doesnt follow through, I'd take them. Actually, I would've probably taken them the second I saw that scumbag beating the poor babies! Have you tried to throw food over or some water?. . do they look emaciated?

I would contact people to do a home check ASAP. Its good that they're atleast getting back to you about it! I *really* hope these people pay for what they're doing, soon. Definitely keep pushing it and filing complaints, and try to get him on video.

05-12-2005, 07:02 PM

No they don't look emaciated. Ever since they got the "summons" , the pups haven't been outside, except for the bc puppy was earlier, but not now. I just fear for their safety you know? I am going to reply to their e-mail asap and will keep you all updated.