View Full Version : Ode to the Kleenex Box

01-26-2002, 09:04 PM
Hi! This is Keegan Puppy! And I came on here to tell ya about what my mommy calls my first Kill??!!!
See, one day I was outtza my "jail" and mommy fell asleep and when she wokes up, she thought "Did it snow in here?"


Well, when mommy wuz sleepin, I overheard that Kleenex box plotting to take over the world, and I couldn't let dat happen! So I 'tackked it. Shredded it. Killed it. Dead.As a doornail. Mommy took pictures while I was outside, but she messed up and took them after she picked some of em up. And of course my Perfect, Quiet Sister had to get in the middle of it all!

01-26-2002, 09:10 PM
Awww!! Poooooor kleenex ;) guess it's a good thing Keegan saved us before the visious kleenex destroyed us all, eh???

01-26-2002, 09:23 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Congrats on your first kill Sweat Pea!

(Staci the look on Kylie's face is priceless!)

01-26-2002, 09:39 PM
What a mess!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember when me and my mom left...when we came back Sara had ripped a pillow apart!:D :D

01-26-2002, 09:48 PM
Can't bring up the photoisland pics.

And happy they are now visible thru Photogra.

01-26-2002, 09:51 PM
I can't see them now either...I could earlier though...

01-26-2002, 09:52 PM
i can't see the pics too

01-26-2002, 11:06 PM
The pics on Photo Island are only on their server temporarily. It gives you time to download them to your own computer, but they will not host them for you for a long period of time. I forgot exactly how long they stay up there.

Unfortunately I missed the pictures :( I checked out your webshots albums Staci but didn't see them there. I did see new pics of Keegan though and she's growing up SO FAST!!

I miss talking to you on AIM :( I will try to catch you ASAP.

Dixieland Dancer
01-27-2002, 06:30 AM
Staci, you brought back MANY memories of Dixie shredding tissues into thousands of pieces. Sometimes they were so small I wondered how she did it. Fortunately she outgrew it (by about 2 1/2 years). Dusty hasn't started yet but he likes to shred stuffed doggie toys. At least Tissues were cheaper! LOL

Thanks for reminding me of my Golden Tissue Attacker days and good luck with yours. :)

Oh by the way.... I can't see the pics either. :( Can you add them to Webshots??

01-27-2002, 07:44 AM
Staci I can't see them either! :( If you post them on Webshots let us know and we'll visit them there. Bella (at one year of age now) still loves a good battle with a tissue! :D

01-27-2002, 08:45 AM
keegan, i'm proud of you! this is alex the wonder dog woofin' at you. any evil woobies HAVE to be killed as messily as possible so they CANNOT reunite and possibly harm your mom or the world and the other members of the pack, no matter how perfect(ahem!) good job on the woobie killing....keep an eye out for any others.

01-28-2002, 01:02 PM
I apologize for some of you not seeing the photos. I didn't realize photo island did that :(
I tried using photogra.com and got one pic downloaded and when I tried to add the tissue pics. I had a brain fart and couldn't do it!
All my pics are loaded into my webshots now, so click on my signature and you can see them. The one with the tissue box are titled Keegan and the tissues and I believe it is on page 2.
Does anyone know of anyother sites we can use to share the photos?
KYS- how did she get her pics to show up?
Can we just load them as attachments in our signatures? I am really bummed that webshots decided to do that.Totally stinks,
I would be willing to pay a fee just to be able to share them with everyone. :(

01-28-2002, 01:15 PM
Looks as if Keegan had a great time!!! Reminds me of the time my Shadow(Rainbow Bridge) came back from getting "Tutored" (We don't use the "N" word) and SHREDDED my parents "The Joys of Sex" book they had checked out at the local library!!!!!!:D

01-28-2002, 02:14 PM
What a mess!

Oh Staci, you brought back so many terror filled memories! He!He!He!

Drake used to be the demolition doggy. No joke. He destroyed something everyday. One night, I came back from my sorority meeting and Drake had gotten up on my desk (weighing about 60 lbs) and shredded over $500.00 worth of my college text books! Only one week later, he got into Andrew's and made a shredded feast out of them. He killed everything from rolls and rolls of wraping paper, to Andrew's field boots. Throw pillows and blanks, furniture and even the seat in Andrew's old car! Thank God we were in College and all of our furniture were hand-me-downs. Andrew got a new car right after graduation. One time, he chewed a pair of sandals that I bought on vacation from paris. I remeber crying almost everytime he destroyed something. I would tell Andrew that Drake was his dog!

He doesn't destroy like he used to anymore. He has gotten into the trash a few times, but that is my fault. The chewing days are over for us!

01-28-2002, 03:22 PM
I cant see the pics, i reaslly wish i could :(

01-28-2002, 05:15 PM
Staci I just visited Webshots. Great pics! :D Reminds me of when Bridget's Daisy got into the trash! I should have taken a picture of what Bella did to one of her stuffies one day. It was sinful! LOL!

01-28-2002, 05:27 PM
We've had a couple boxes/rolls of killer tissues here in California, too. (Do you think it's a conspiracy? Where's Oliver Stone when we need him?) Hee, hee, hee! :) ;) :p

01-28-2002, 05:35 PM
Hi , I kinda know Bridjet and her dog dasiey but i dont know anybody else . . . . So can I ask you what you all's name is?? Mine is Leann :confused: :)

02-01-2002, 01:08 AM
pictures are posted on photogra.com
bumping it to top!

02-01-2002, 07:19 AM
Hi Leann! I missed your earlier post. It is so nice to welcome one of Bridget and Daisy's friends to Pet Talk!! :) In fact, tell her to get back here! We miss her, and are so glad to welcome you!! :D

Tell us more about yourself when you can.
