View Full Version : Looking for feedback on himalayan cats..

05-10-2005, 12:11 AM
I am interested in possibly getting a Himalayan kitten but first wanted to find out more about the breed. Basically, I've heard conflicting things regarding their personality. Is it true that they are not as friendly as some other types of cats? Also, do they have any common health issues? The other cat I'm looking to get is a Maine Coon & if there are people who've owned both, I'd be interested in comments on them or anything else you would like to share. Thanks!

05-10-2005, 07:52 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk David. I'm sure you will come to love it here.

I have an 11 yr old Persian. Now, I'm no expert on breeds but I understand that Persians and Himmies are pretty much related. Max has the extreme pushed in face that looks like he bashed into a wall. LOL

Personality-wise, he does have an attitude that tells people he's the kings of the castle and I've known many other Persians that have that same "tude". Is he friendly?? I would definitely say yes, but he's not a lap cat.

I did hear once-upon-a-time that Persians and Himmies were prone to sinus problems but Max has never experienced that. In fact, he has had no health issues at all, save the odd UTI or crystals in his urine. His eyes do tear alot so I'm constantly wiping his face and if you are not on top of it, the tears can stain the fur around his nose.

You really need to be vigilant with the combing. Their long hair can matt very easily. I also keep the hair on his bum trimmed for obvious reasons.

All that being said, would I own another one? Absolutely! Good luck and make sure you post pictures.

I'm sure others will chime in with Maine Coone information.

05-10-2005, 08:46 AM
All the Himmies I have known were very friendly - when I was in high school, I babysat for a family that raised and bred them as show cats. It was very hard to do homeowrk with a Himmy plunked down on your Chemistry textbook, I can assure you.

They can be prone to some problems that any "push-faced" critter - dog or cat - gets. Some of them snore (very quietly, they ARE cats, after all). Some of them get tears a lot, and so you just need to keep their faces clean. And, of course, brushing is pretty much manditory, but that's true with any long-haired cat.

05-10-2005, 11:04 AM
Thank you both for your insight.

05-10-2005, 12:18 PM
My Aunt,and Uncle had Himalyans,and they were both very friendly Cats.If anything,I think,that they are very quiet,laid back cats,maybe,that was because,they did not know me.I think,that you should know,thatb they are fairly hign maintanence,as they have,to be groomed,on a daily basis.Other,than that,they are Wonderful Companions.


05-10-2005, 02:56 PM
Any breed of cat, even though they are supposedly bred for a certain temperment, will have individuals at all ends of the personailty spectrum. you cannot guarrentee personailty just by buying a full bred cat.

I have never lived with a Persian, a Himmy or a Maine coon, but I work with them. And I have experienced all types of personalities within each breed.

So don't disreguard the "common" domestic as a possible new kitty for your future. You are just as likely to get a great love bug who simply has no pedigree.