View Full Version : Need Major Help RE: 2 Cats I adopted out a while back...BAD NEWS!

05-09-2005, 08:57 PM
It may be a long story, but I adopted out two kittens to a former neighbor about 2 years ago. Paul was suicidal over the loss of his son in a car accident, and he's also living with HIV. He had no reason to live until my friend Pat suggested he adopt a kitten from me. Paul agreed, and adopted Toby, and paid for the neuter, and rabies, but nothing above that. I did the FVRCP shots. worming etc. out of my pocket, and relied on the FeLV/FIV test from the mom cat as Toby being negative. Toby's sister Tatiana was in another foster home, and needed a home shortly after, so I suggested to Paul that he take her on as well, as Toby was too active, and needed a companion. Agreed. ;) Long story slightly shortened, Paul left the neighborhood about a year ago, and moved to a crack/heroin/ etc. building, and has been selling, doing, and being a crack addict. He had been clean and sober for years prior. His electricity has been shut off, but with all the people in his apt.24/7 he needn't worry about heat. His brother has been buying Paul cigarrettes, food, cat food etc. and ignoring the fact Paul's a junky! :mad: Sick of hearing about what MY CATS were living in, I had Pat go there last Friday, and tell him the cats were going to the animal hospital. He was suspicious, but let her leave with them, the entire time she was being 'watched' by woman thugs. :rolleyes: Paul thought they had earmites..none detected when I got them. He THINKS he's getting them back, the male anyway..can't care about the female. :rolleyes: Pat called him 2 days later and said (I coached her) both were on IV fluids, and the male was having major seizures, and was being given diazapam to stop the seizures, male cat has bi-lateral ear polyps complicated by ear infections..... He's been giving Pat major threats, and demanding HIS cats back, and where are they etc. etc yelling at her that "It's not over" and "she doesn't know what she's talking about". He knows where Pat lives, works, her phone number etc. The worst is, the 'management company runs not only Pat's place, but Paul's as well. The Maintanance man lives above Pat, and has keys to her apt. and is a regular buyer of crack at Paul's apt! :eek: The cats are at a shelter and away from that environment, but now I, and several others are worried sick about Pat, and her cats. :( Police suck around here to put it mildly! Paul has a block on his phone so private numbers can't come through...as I had it all lined up through a friend to give him some serious thinking to do! We're trying the public phone option tomorrow, and I already set the anonymous caller block on my phone. If it works, we're all set...she knows what to say to this guy, etc. Any other thoughts, suggestions, ideas???? The cats are safe, but my friend and her cats are not. :( I'm worried sick about Pat, and her cats. And yes..we have a few cat happy places for her to move into, but one's a breadbox. :(

05-09-2005, 11:08 PM
I'm confused .... so the cats ARE healthy? You just made up all the medical stuff to throw Paul off?

I would be very careful about dealing with these people... as much as I love cats, not sure it's worth losing a human life over. Maybe they should be returned and the SPCA and POLICE called on this crack house!!!

05-09-2005, 11:21 PM

05-10-2005, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
I'm confused .... so the cats ARE healthy? You just made up all the medical stuff to throw Paul off?

I would be very careful about dealing with these people... as much as I love cats, not sure it's worth losing a human life over. Maybe they should be returned and the SPCA and POLICE called on this crack house!!!
Paul THINKS, and has thought they have ear mites, which is not so, but he's a druggie! :rolleyes: so yes, I am playing off his paranoia and hoping that harm doesn't come to Pat or her cats. The maintance guy for both properties lives above Pat (different locations), BUT has the key to HER place, and is a crack head! :( The cats are both in a no kill sheter.....no doubt relieved! :rolleyes: ;) P.S..MSPCA..etc = useless :( Been there and done that too many times! :rolleyes:

05-10-2005, 01:55 AM
Does Pat want to move?Is that what she's planning?Or does she need a hideaway?I don't know what she wants.I know I'd be scared to death.Does she leave the house for work or anything often?How many cats does Pat have?He will probably do something.

05-10-2005, 09:17 AM
Can Pat legally change the locks on her door? Or add one that the maintence guy doesn't have a key too? What about saying something to the landlord and/or manager.

That's all I can think of if Pat is not willing or able to move.

I'm so sorry you guys are in that situation.

05-10-2005, 09:33 AM
I am glad you got those babies out of there and they are healthy and now safe. But wow, what a bad spot for Pat to be in. Druggies are very unpredictable as everyone has said and I am sure everyone knows so I would not put it past Paul to try something or to have someone else try something for him. i really don't know what advice to give aside from what most everyone else has said. Pat has got to get out of there. I just hope she is in the situation to be able to do that.

I will keep Pat and her furrbabies in my thoughts and prayers and please keep us updated as to how everything progresses.

05-10-2005, 09:37 AM
Pat's been wanting to get out of that place for some time now, but it's not easy finding an apt. that allows cats. Especially 5 of them. I mentioned changing the locks to her, but she says they need acess to the place in case of emergency when she's out. If it were me, I'd change them, as the chances of anything happening are quite slim. Speaking with the management company is useless as they don't care what goes on in their many buildings as long as rent's being paid. They own both Pat's place, and Paul's as well. A few of us are seeking new places for her to move where cats are allowed (one only allowed in one place) and the house up the street from me allows cats, but the place is very small. Stinky situation all around for her. Paul himself is a wimp, but with all his 'new found friends' that are there for one reason only, they'll side with him over a hit of crack! :( I phoned him last night, and read him the riot act...and told him I was disgusted by how he'd been treating cats that I rescued and nursed back to health, and pretty much gave him in the good faith he'd take care of them properly. He hung up on me. :rolleyes: I have a few more alternatives such as calling the woman who runs the Crime Watch neighborhood meetings, and letting her know of the drug dealing going on in that building. She has a good relationship with the police, and city councilors and could bring some trouble to Paul and his goonies. ;) I just want him to back off, and leave Pat alone! :mad:

05-10-2005, 09:47 AM
Jan, I don't think I would be calling him and upsetting him further just now! :confused:

05-10-2005, 10:24 AM
I think Pat needs to move ASAP. I know, easier said than done. Even if she just found a temp place for a month while she looked further, it'd be safer. I don't know if she has any friends that could watch her cats until she organizes her move. That would probably help too. That way she could at least rest easy when she leaves for work.

05-10-2005, 10:36 AM
OMG... what a predicament! I don't know what I'd do in that case. Can't she get him admitted to rehab against his will? Don't they do that anymore? I would think a stoned, drug dealing, HIV+ guy would be a major public health threat. Surely SOMETHING could be done to get him the help he desperately needs.

05-10-2005, 12:40 PM
That is terrible,as there are Crack Houses,in my neighborhood,as the Welfare cut back 25%,of the benefits,and the Welare Bums,are dealing drugs,to amke up,the difference.I want out,the same as Pat,but 15 cats,are harder,to relocate.I am praying,for Pat,that she,and those Cats can get,out of that hell hole.If there is anything,that is going,to destroy,the USA,and Canada,it will be Narcotics!


05-10-2005, 12:55 PM
I am SO glad you got those cats outta there!!! As far as the "breadbox" is concerned, I'd rather live in a breadbox with my cats knowing I'm safe than a palace with a future and safety uncertain!!

05-10-2005, 01:16 PM
Druggies are very unpredictable. Even in giving the cats back he might still be mad enough - or just get high enough one night and not in his right mind to go do something - that is what makes them so unpredictable. I'd give the cats back. Sorry for cats but Pat is very unsafe. Even if you do give cats back or if that is just not option - either way if I were her I'd move to a better place. Can she stay with you for a while? Have her at least put a chain lock on the door so she doesn't have to open it all the way when she is there as extra security - be very careful around druggies - very very unpredictable.. Debbie

05-13-2005, 01:14 PM
WOW this was a very interesting post, is there an update on this???????

05-13-2005, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by ratchet22
WOW this was a very interesting post, is there an update on this???????
The update is I called Paul, and gave him a very loud, and to the point piece of mind, and he got the hint, and hasn't called Pat since. Pat had pre-warned him that if "Jan finds out, she'll be livid". :rolleyes: I was, and he got the message loud, and clear. ;) It wouldn't be uncommon for the cat/s to be having seizures from inhaling the chemicals from crack smoking that's going on in his apt. so Paul thinks he totally blew it, and IMO he did. Maybe this will encourage Paul to change his lifestyle, but I won't hold my breath. The cats are safe, and Pat's not being bothered at all. Even Paul's own brother thinks and has relayed to Paul that the cats are better off away from him. His brother was buying the cat food etc. anyway, and has no more $$$ to dole out to Paul.

05-13-2005, 06:02 PM
Oh Jan, I am so glad to hear that this has been cleared up.

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! :D

Thank you & Pat for getting those kitties out of what could have been a dangerous situation.

05-13-2005, 06:29 PM
Hi, QueenScoopalot!
That story isn't bad... it's a NIGHTMARE for poor Pat. Sad to say an addict will do anything for that next high no matter who they hurt in the process. Personal experience compliments of a relative who died from an overdose. It would probably be your best move to talk to your friend with the police contacts and maybe alert the narcotics unit. This character and his crew are a danger to all the decent folks living in that building. Your best bet may well be to let the police handle him. As for Pat, she is definitely NOT in a good situation and I am frightened for her. In an effort to help you help her, here's a toll free number for the Women's Referral Hotline ; 800-322-8092. Don't know where you folks are located but this is the New Jersey listing. If you're not in New Jersey, I strongly suggest that she call anyway. They may be able to give her a contact locally that might be a resource for help finding a place to live and also some possibilities for her personal protection. Under the circumstances it might be worth a try. If there is ANYTHING I can do, please let me know. Please tell Pat that she's in my prayers and hope she gets out of this situation quick and in a hurry! My best regards to you too