View Full Version : This bothers me

05-09-2005, 08:18 PM
I always hate when I see this. Driving down the highway you see a cut doggie riding in the dump bed of a pickup truck!!!! I hate when this happens. Last night I was driving back from santa barbara when I saw the cutest catahoula leopard dog mix riding in the dump bed! RRRGGG That bothers me so much

05-09-2005, 08:22 PM
I always worry for the dog's safety when I see them in truck beds. :( I saw two labs in a truck bed the other day, and they were both tied by leashes... Imagine if they tried to jump out!? They would be dragged. :(

05-09-2005, 08:27 PM
i hate that too:( My mom and I were talking about it and she said that it should be illegal,i agree with her!
My godparents dogs ride in the back,but they have a canvas(what are those called again?:o ) on the bed of the truck,and it has windows and everything.

05-09-2005, 09:06 PM
Just reading this thread brings back the one of the most horrific memories that happened about 3-4 years ago.

I was driving behind a pickup, and we were going about 55 miles an hour. I had been following him for a while, and the dog was very restless, wandering back and forth. I was petrified, and felt so helpless. I cannot even describe what happened, but I will just say it was Horrific. All I could do was scream and scream and land on the horn because the guy didn't even know the dog had jumped. He finally stopped and PUT THE DOG BACK IN THE TRUCKBED. It was horrific. Absolutely horrific.

Do not ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever let your dog ride in the back of a pickup. Never ever ever ever!!!

05-09-2005, 09:27 PM
That is terrible!! :(:( Was the dog hurt?

05-10-2005, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by flamepony12
Imagine if they tried to jump out!? They would be dragged. :(

Try hanged to death. My idiot fu$#*()@&$* ex-stepfather always tied his dogs in the back of his truck, one day one jumped out, some how he "didn't notice" and the dog died.

Summer Magic
05-10-2005, 11:28 AM
Good Lord:eek:

What is the matter with peoples heads ! I wouldn't let my dog ride in a car without restraint let alone in the open bed of a pickup. She has her own seat and a seatbelt harness in my car for when I have to take her somewhere.:) :D

05-10-2005, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by flamepony12
That is terrible!! :(:( Was the dog hurt?

well after what she wrote,, using the word horrific a few times,, and not being able to descibe whatshe saw one would assume the dog was killed,,,,,,?

05-10-2005, 11:42 AM
Where I live it's farm country.A lot of people have BC's and heelers. I see those dogs riding in the backs of trucks 100 times a day.:mad: I have even seen dogs riding on bales of hay that are stacked really high in the trucks or trailers. It always bothers me when I see it.

Pit Chick
05-10-2005, 12:18 PM
And one of the dumpbest reasons people give for putting their dogs in the truck beds:

"the dog is too big to ride in the cab"

What a load of crap!! The owner is usually bigger than the dog and what would they do if the didn't have a truck? Duh!! I've managed to fit 5 grown dogs in my little Grand Am, so that BS don't fly.

05-10-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Pit Chick

"the dog is too big to ride in the cab"

Bah!! Neither of my dogs is large, but they both fit in the cab of my MINItruck with me just fine!

05-10-2005, 02:25 PM
It's illegal here, but people do it anyways. :( If the SPCA catches them they get a fine. It's only like $50 or something stupid like that.

My friend has a GSD that her dad used to tie in the back of their truck. Now, tieing the dog in the back of the truck is alright, if the dog is tied on a short leash, and right in ther middle rather than the side where he could flip over the edge. He was tied in the middle, alright, but they seemed to have forgotten about the "short leash" part. He was tied on a long leash. He jumped out and was dragged for miles before he was noticed. His paw pads were completely gone.

05-10-2005, 02:50 PM
It's only allowed here if the dog is restrained and unable to reach either side of the truck bed. I think it should be completely illegal. I have in the past, and will continue to do so, called Animal Bylaw Services on trucks that I've seen with the dog in the back. They will usually try to find them if you can give them a license number and a general travel direction, and give the owner a warning.

05-10-2005, 03:24 PM
I cringe every time I see dogs in the back of trucks. But here in South Carolina it's common.

And it is illegal to ride in a vehicle without a seatbelt, but your dog ----and your kids!---- can ride in the back of an open pick up.

Go figure!


05-10-2005, 06:12 PM
Around here it is a every day site. Seeing several dogs in the bed of a truck, laying on top of the tool box etc etc. I hate it so much, but they don't think a thing about it. They say their dogs love riding in the back of the truck and they know to stay in. :rolleyes: Yep, my Tuffy loves to get in the back of truck, but I don't care, he's not going to ride there, even if he likes it. He's rides are about 1 min, of us pulling the trailer out of the field to the yard, at 2 mph. That's it for him.

Some people, I see have their dog chained to the bed of their truck, thinking that makes them safer. They are so wrong.

One day my friend and I where driving down the road behind a truck with his two dogs in the back, both chained. One dog was on top of his tool box, the other in the bed of the truck. Well, this woman in front of us, ran into the railing of a bridge, we where crossing. So us and the truck had to slam on our brakes.

Needless to say, the dog on the tool box, slid off the side of the truck, hanging by the chain, on the side wall of the truck bed. The other dog went slamming against the back of the tool box and then up against the wall of the bed.

I was so torn between helping this old woman, or the dogs, Luckily Jan help the woman and I helped the man with his dogs. Both the dogs where hurt, pretty bad, but I really thought that the one dog should have been killed, it's a miracle he wasn't.

Trucks bed and dogs = bad news.

05-10-2005, 06:41 PM
All those stories are so sad. :( LKPike, that is horrible! :(