View Full Version : Goldie & Kayleigh happy updates

05-09-2005, 01:54 PM
Goldie had to go to the vet this morning. It's time for more blood work to make sure the meloxicam isn't affecting her liver. The official results won't be back until later this afternoon, but my vet is quite sure they will be fine. He was pretty impressed with Goldie this morning. She's lost five pounds since she went on Meloxicam. I haven't changed her diet at all. It's all because it doesn't hurt to move anymore! She runs and plays now. This morning when I went to get her out of her pen, she was busy playing with a tennis ball. Her pen buddy, Chase, was still sound asleep. Goldie has a pen buddy--that's amazing all by itself. Yesterday after I took her for a long walk and swim, she had three other dogs in her pen. I expected that she would not put up with Antare for long (he can be a bit yappy), but she was fine with him! She hasn't had a fight in almost a year and that one was entirely my husband's fault. Anyone who's spent a day in our yard would know better than to put Goldie and Kayleigh outside together!
Goldie didn't even seem terrified at the vet. She walked into the clinic on her own. I usually have to carry her. She wasn't happy to be there, but she wasn't in panic mode either. Goldie often gets so scared at the vet that she loose control of her bowels. Today, she had no such problems. She wouldn't go with Kim(the vet) into the back by herself, but I prefer to accompany my dogs anyway. She was very cooperative with the tech who drew
her blood. I'm very proud of my girl!

Last week, I spent way too much money on a new flexi-leash. This one is for Kayleigh and designed for dogs who weigh up to 150 pounds. Kayleigh doesn't get as much exercise as we would both like her to. She's extremely dog aggressive so letting her off-leash in most areas is out of the question. She has great recall, until she sees another dog or a squirrel or a grouse or....I don't mind if she wants to squirrel hunt, but I'd prefer she leave the porcupines alone! Taking Kayleigh for a walk is a major process that usually involves driving a good distance back into the bush. Just getting her out of the yard can be a major hassle--there are often 14 dogs loose in the main yard! Stuart built a gate on Kay's pen so I could just walk out on the trail and not go through our fenced yard at all. Yesterday, I decided to try out the new leash. It worked like a charm. I had complete control of Kayleigh, even when she wanted to go get a squirrell. She could roam a bit and explore and I could keep her right beside me when I needed to. The leash is long enough that she could still swim. She loves the lake! This will make Kayleigh's life more fun and mine easier!

Queen of Poop
05-09-2005, 04:56 PM
Excellent news for both girls!!! :)

05-10-2005, 12:50 AM
Good news.:)

05-10-2005, 08:06 AM
I always love to hear about your dogs. I'm glad things are going well for Goldie and Kayleigh.

Sounds like the new leash is a great investment!


05-10-2005, 09:51 AM
Kayleigh sure looks happy in that picture! And that's great news about Goldie - what a pretty girl she is!