View Full Version : An essay on fostering.

05-07-2005, 07:20 PM
What do you think?

Thoughts from a foster mom.

How can I let my fosters go? A question I am asked many times. I guess for me the answer starts with having a housefull already, but still having the burning need to help more. Now, over 50 successful adoptions later, I can say it is much more than that.

I put all my love into each individual foster cat, even if she is one of 8. She gets daily attention along with the social skills needed to live in a home with a family. I tell her "I love you" and I mean it sincerely. I tell her "One day, you will have a family of your own". Each day I kiss her good night and then hug her good morning. And some day, I will say good bye to her and remind her....."remember, I loved you first. Be a good girl and have a good life". And then I love another.

People raise children every day leading up to a time when they will leave home and start lives of their own. I just happen to do it with cats. It gives me the opportunity to share my love and in return I receive an over abundance of unconditional love that only a pet can provide.

If I would have known that the satisfaction of fostering an unwanted street waif until her new family can find her was THIS rewarding, I would have started so many years ago. I can honestly say that I am helping to make a difference in the lives of some of God's creatures whom few people even give a fighting chance.

So if you can't adopt, why not foster..........the kitties will love you for it.

05-07-2005, 07:30 PM
Thats beautiful Jen, and so true.

When Beau was dropped off to me tonight, hubby asked "So when did we get another foster?" I said, "About two minutes ago."

And always, people ask "Are you keeping this one?" I say, "only for as long as it takes to find them wonderful homes." I kept my two failed fosters, and will be sending all the others off to wonderful new homes. I get wonderful letters & updates from Katrina's new mom, and THOSE are the best thing in the world - to see those little cats that I loved for as long as they stayed here living happy and wonderful lives with other people -- they are enriching people's lives more than they enriched my own.

Fostering is hard, but the rewards are huge!

05-07-2005, 07:34 PM
i wish,that I could adopt,but the Animal Welfare,and the Humane Society,have both turned me down flat.I ahve too many Cats,and My House,is in a deteriorateing neighborhood,that a lot,of prospective adopters,would care,to travel,to. You,are doing a wonderful job,Jen,with 50 Cats,that have a Furr Ever Home,due to you.YOU ARE OUR HERO!!!


05-07-2005, 08:25 PM
GREAT essay, Jen!!

I agree, your fosters have the best plan...get used to people in an amazing home..filled with love, food and fun.

You do a VERY great thing with your fosters, Jen. Keep it up!

Love, Kelly :)

05-07-2005, 09:12 PM
What a fabulous essay Jen. No word of a lie, I read it 3 times trying to make the words stick in my head as to why I will not be keeping the little one I have now.

I take my hat off to you dear lady, as you are one special person doing such a good deed for all these precious creatures of God.

Your essay, has made me understand more about fostering and I thank you for that.:)

If I had a printer I would print out what you have written, but since I don't, I will have to write it out myself so I can read it over again if ever another little one comes into my care.