View Full Version : Hi guys...got a question about Mason

05-07-2005, 11:13 AM
He has lost his cat voice! He never has meowed loudly, in fact he just recently started meowing at all...don't know what's up with that. But last night he seemed to have lost his voice. His meow's really scratchy. Should I be concerned? Or is this a thing that just happend like when we lose our voices? Thanks...

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-07-2005, 11:47 AM
This happened to Inka too! Normally her voice is VERY loud, and one day, all of a sudden, she sounded like a young little goat :eek: . I said :"let's wait and see how she is tomorrow!"
Guess what, next day she yelled even louder than before :rolleyes:
Don't worry,okay ;)

05-07-2005, 11:56 AM
Hmmm, not sure.
2 of my kitties appeared to have lost their voice at one time and never got it back. It wasn't a medical thing, it was a spoiled thing. My vet explained that Cuddles and Cammie didn't need to meow anymore (a mere squeak would do) because I waited on them hand and foot and they realized that they didn't need to expend the energy to get my attention. :rolleyes: Maybe it's the same with Mason? :confused:

05-07-2005, 03:25 PM
I think,that that might be it,Mason,realizes,thathe doesnt,have to be loud,with you.The Found Cats,are the same way,they are not,near as loud,as they were when they were young,The only Cats,that is loud,is JJJ3,when he hears,the word TREATS!
