View Full Version : What's a good birthday gift for my sister?

05-07-2005, 07:56 AM
This year my mom and I are throwing my sister a surprise birthday party at her baby shower in July. She has no idea that we are even thinking about her birthday since she is having a baby this year. Anyway, I want to do something really special this year to show her that I am proud of her, something that is meaningful. I want to give her a birthday gift that is not for the baby. What could I give her, I am lost for ideas at this moment. This is the first baby of the family and we are really excited about it.


05-07-2005, 08:06 AM
Something - photo collage, or something that shows how happy you are to have her as a sister, and how proud you are of the grown-up she's become?

Or a really soft, fuzzy bathrobe that'll feel cozy or her, and snuggly for the baby, too?

05-07-2005, 09:56 AM
Thanks Karen, that's a good idea, I like the fuzzy bathrobe idea. she would like that.