View Full Version : Cubby is going to the vets.

05-06-2005, 11:30 AM
I just made a post about Gracie dragging her butt along the carpet. So of course Cubby has to do the same thing. Cubby has had to go to the vets every six months or so to have his anal glands drained so I am pretty sure it's right around the 6 months point again. They told me if he gets this problem more than 4 times a year then they can remove them. I would like them to be removed but he doesn't get it enough I guess. He gets it just enough to drive him crazy. Poor boy. I might keep an eye on him over the weekend just to make sure that is the problem before I take him in for nothing. Which I have done before. :( So I guess this month is starting out like last month. Oh well.


05-06-2005, 11:33 AM
awww:( Poor ole Cubby!!! You too Katie - a ((((HUG)))) for you as well.

Two of mine have the SBS (stinky butt syndrome) and I always wonder if it is anal glands. Have you noticed a smell??? They go to the vet for shots in June and I need to ask about this. P-U!! :eek:

05-06-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
awww:( Poor ole Cubby!!! You too Katie - a ((((HUG)))) for you as well.

Two of mine have the SBS (stinky butt syndrome) and I always wonder if it is anal glands. Have you noticed a smell??? They go to the vet for shots in June and I need to ask about this. P-U!! :eek:

My smeller doesn't work to well. I can only smell strong odors. I know ever time we get Cubby's drained we have to have all the windows down in the car and breath out of the windows. It stinks so bad when they drain his.

The first time we had it done. OMG talk about stinky. We brought him home in the middle of winter with all the windows rolled down, put him in the apartment with the slider open half way. Then we left for a good half hour or so. When we got back we were still holding our noses. YUCK!!!! But the first time was the worse, because I had no idea what he was doing. I just figured he was playing or sitting on his mice. He rubs his butt against his mice when he plays with them. :confused: So that's what I thought it was, until he did it on the sofa. I took him in and man did he stink. I never want it to smell that bad again.

It hasn't been that bad since the first time. It's bad enough to have the windows rolled down. But now we can stay in the house with him and not leave. Lol.

05-06-2005, 11:50 AM
:eek: :eek:

05-06-2005, 04:02 PM
Dang that calls for a deodrant butt spray. :eek:

05-06-2005, 04:54 PM
Poor Little Cubby! Tiger,and Orange Blossom angels,are coming,to keep,the Little Fellow company,and help Cubby,what must be some rather Painful,surgery.
