View Full Version : Klinger is missing!!

Laura's Babies
05-05-2005, 07:35 PM
When Mike got home from work Tuesday morning, Klinger was missing. Mike is working nights right now. He is taking this really hard and so is Yetta, she is not doing well without her buddie and is missing him terriably.

I have been out today searching and even went to our shelter and looked there, have been all over the neighborhood. It is complicated to explaine how he got out of the house but he did. Klinger is seems is a really educated escape artist. I have made up "Lost Cat" posters. He has been spotted once by someone in the park where we live but no sign of him since..

All you experts out there, give me some real expert advice now so we can find this baby and get him back to his grieving sister....
(and Dad)

This has helped me today, giving me something to focus on and something to keep me busy. Advice needed.... Where to look, what to do... I had Mike set out his kennel with his favorite blanket and put food and water out for him and I will check often tonight to see if he is there. Mike has called all the vets in our area but he has a nawing suspension that Klinger may have been catnapped (long story)...

05-05-2005, 07:41 PM
There is nothing worse,than having a missing Cat.I remember,when Moose was missing,for neraly two Months.All,I could think,of was waht,if he,was hurt,or hungry,or in danger.I was going,downstairs,several times,a night,convinced,that My Dear Friend,would be there.Then,one day,after i prayed,to Our Lord,and put some money,in the collection,I came home,and after an hour,there he was Thinner,and Dirty.You are doing,all you can,and I will pray,this Sunday,that Klinger,comes back,to you.

05-05-2005, 07:53 PM
Oh Laura ... as if you don't have enough to worry about ... now this! It sounds like you are doing everything possible. I hope and pray that Klinger makes it home safely and SOON!


Laura's Babies
05-05-2005, 08:02 PM
***JUMPS for JOY!!! Patty, Samantha's former Mom who has been by my side and helping me search for him today just came and brought KLINGER HOME!!!!! She was the one that spotted him before and the lady told her he was her cat so she left it at that until Mike told her today that he had on a neon red collor.. She went back over there and he was still at that ladys house, and Patty called him and he came to her.. Needless to say, I am really crying now!! KLINGER IS HOME after being gone for 2 days!!!! I called Mikes cell phone and left him a message, of coarse I was crying but I told him they were tears of joy KLINGER IS HOME!!!

(I think the Lord did this to distract me today..)

05-05-2005, 08:49 PM
I went "OH NO" at first, and was thinking of what to suggest to you, and then I went "WHEW"! Like you don't have enough woes already going on...but I'm so happy Klinger is safely home. ;) :) :D

05-05-2005, 08:53 PM
YAY! So glad that Klinger is at home, safe and sound!

The Lord works in mysterious ways!!!

05-05-2005, 09:13 PM
You must be so happy to have Klinger home. Give him whisker kisses from The Tribe.

05-05-2005, 09:16 PM
Whew! Brow wipes, BIG sigh of relief! :eek: :) I am SO HAPPY that Klinger was found and returned to you, safe and sound! I was going to tell you I would start praying for you, and him, and I can still do that.....prayers of gratitude for things working out the way they did!:) WHAT A RELIEF!

King Spartacus
05-06-2005, 08:27 AM
I'm so glad Klinger is home safe and sound! I've seen some of your other threads here, but didn't really want to impose onto them, as I'm new here...
I just want you to know that we'll keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

05-06-2005, 08:47 AM
We are glad,taht Klinger,is back home,although,its sonds,as if he was doing,a little exploring,seeing,who would give him,something extra,to eat!But Klinger,is BACK,that must take one heck,of a load,off your mind!

05-06-2005, 11:39 AM
What a relief!! Laura, I haven't been on in several days to read. I'm going to have to find out why you are back home so soon. I hope you are ok. Now I'm worried.


05-06-2005, 12:35 PM
So glad to hear that Klinger is safely at home. You have so many problems and concerns right now, but maybe you are right and God let it happen to distract you. You and your family are in my prayers.

05-06-2005, 01:01 PM
So glad Klinger is home safely. You know I think God and Klinger had a concpiracy going to distract you. I think Klinger decided to ask God for a favor "hey god this is Klinger...we are having some issues down here right now and Laura could really use some distraction what can we do?" And then they came up with the plan. They decided he wouldn't go far and he would go somewhere safe and when you were all occupied with finding him then he would show himself to someone who knew him so he coud come home safe and sound and make you a happy for his return. I think that Klinger is a sneaky little devil.

05-06-2005, 01:17 PM
Thank you God!!! :)

I'm so glad he's home....that's great news.

Now...prayers going out to you and your son for lots of healing.

Hugs, Kelly

Laura's Babies
05-06-2005, 03:55 PM
Hay King, it is not intruding to respond to ANY thread. That is what makes this place so great so you just respond to any of them you like and rack up on that posting count.. Look at my count already... I respond to as many as I can, especially the ones where someone needs support of anykind as that is sometimes what gets you through the rough times...

I should have posted a update on Klinger earlier for everybody.. Mike said he checked his cell phone at 3am and got my happy crying, blubbering message that Klinger was FOUND... He came home this morning and came streight over here to hug and kiss that bad boy of his. Klinger was so happy to see his Daddy and couldn't get enough loving. Yetta was so darn full of herself, I have never seen her like that, just playful and running around like she had a fire on her tail. Normally, she just lays around and don't play to much but from the time he was found until they went home with Daddy this morning, she has played and played and played... It was a joyful reunion with Daddy and Mike admitted there were some tears when he got my message at 3 am... He loves those babies as much as any of the rest of us love ours and I know he FINALLY got some restful sleep today..

kittycats, I told Mike I thought that was a planned deal, planned or not, it got me through yesterday.. Today has been so busy I have not had time to dwell on it but now that leaving and seeing him is so close, I am getting....ahhhh, how should I say it.. Dreading seeing what he looks like.. I think once I get that first sight of him over with, I will be able to tend to the business at hand.. I hope!

05-06-2005, 03:58 PM
So glad to hear Klinger has been found safe and well.

Nicki x

05-06-2005, 07:16 PM
My heart was in my throat until I read further down. Thank God Kilinger is home safe and sound. Laura you are one heck of a woman and sure have had trying times lately. Bless your heart. I'm so glad for you and Mike that everything turned out wonderful with Klinger. What a scare!

05-06-2005, 10:07 PM
I can only imagine Laura how you can be feeling about that first sight right now. But no matter what he is your baby and everyone that no matter how you feel once you have that first sight a moment later you will see your baby beneath and just want to do all you can to make things better. All my best wishes and prayers for you and your family at this trying time.

05-06-2005, 10:31 PM