View Full Version : Ads

01-24-2002, 05:37 PM
   I just wanted to let those who wish to know that on Monday and Tuesday we will have two ads for a TV show on the Animal Planet cable channel.

   It is just for two days. Although we would like to find a regular advertiser or sponsor.

   I will post the links to the show info on Monday.


01-24-2002, 06:04 PM
Really? That is so cool!! I'll try to watch it!!

01-24-2002, 07:21 PM
Me too! I will have Richard record it.

01-24-2002, 08:24 PM
What do you mean, "two ads for a tv show".
Is Pet Talk the sponser of the ads or the subject
of the ads? Thanks. Liz

01-25-2002, 01:25 AM
   The ads on our website will help us pay for Pet of the Day and in exchange bring viewers to the Animal Planet channel.

01-25-2002, 10:43 AM
I have always wondered how you ran this site without any sponsorship. I would not object for a minute and hope that you can soon find a good sponsor. Just as long as the ads don't BLINK at you. :p :p

01-27-2002, 06:43 AM

01-27-2002, 02:35 PM
When you talk to the folks at Animal Planet, Paul, ask them how people can get their cable company to carry that channel. ATT Broadband is the provider in my area and requests for Animal Planet fall on deaf ears, meanwhile we are overrun with sports :p channels. ick ick ick (sorry sports fans).

01-27-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by RachelJ
When you talk to the folks at Animal Planet, Paul, ask them how people can get their cable company to carry that channel.

Here, here! I'd subscribe to cable if I were able to get Animal Planet ALL DAY. Unfortunately, it only shows 1/2 day (6am-6pm)---the 1/2 of the day that I'm at skewl/work.:rolleyes:

01-27-2002, 11:58 PM
   Ok, these ads do blink. But mostly in a Pet of the Day manner.

   These ads are in Macromedia flash. I think they will be the last ads we have in flash. If you do not see them do not worry. You may use this link to visit Animal Planet. (http://animal.discovery.com/convergence/petpsychic/petpsychic.html)

   Maybe we will have an ad in a third column in the future. But ads above and to the side are too much.

   I hope the program is good. Despite having more than 100 digital cable channels we do not get Animal Planet.


01-28-2002, 12:41 AM
Paul thanks for the warning. :) I just saw the ad and it definitely gives different look to the site. I think most of us are so addicted to to this site we wouldn't care what you and Karen did. If this helps "pay the bills" you have my complete support. I am one of the lucky ones who gets Animal Planet so the ad is "preaching to the choir" in my house! :)

01-28-2002, 05:36 AM
Great looking ad. We will be watching or taping the show tonight.

Animal Planet is my favorite channel!

C.C.'s Mom
01-28-2002, 05:49 AM
I hope that one day in the very near future Animal Planet will be broadcasted in Europe too. It's so nice and fun to watch.

I don't mind adds, as long as they're not blinking.

01-28-2002, 06:45 AM
Hi Paul

I'm busy trying to work out if we'll get the ad. in England:confused:

And if it's 8pm over there will it be 2am here? :confused:

Or what :eek: :confused: :eek: :eek:

So I think I'll set the video for 2am TOMORROW morning and let it run.

Sorry you don't get it in Germany C.C.'s Mom, strange when we get it here in England isn't it?


C.C.'s Mom
01-28-2002, 08:09 AM
lynnestankard, do you receive in on the sky box? we can buy that here too from someone.

01-28-2002, 08:38 AM
Hi C.C.'s Mom - Yes we do get it here through the Sky Digital Network. Check with your supplier though before you buy the box. It's a lot to shell out and then find the it's not available.
Good luck :D


Dixieland Dancer
01-28-2002, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by RachelJ
When you talk to the folks at Animal Planet, Paul, ask them how people can get their cable company to carry that channel. ATT Broadband is the provider in my area and requests for Animal Planet fall on deaf ears, meanwhile we are overrun with sports :p channels. ick ick ick (sorry sports fans).

We have ATT broadband too and we get animal planet. It must be the individual divisions that select what to carry??? :confused:

01-28-2002, 10:42 AM
O.K. - so the ads BLINK - but it is for Animal Planet. That channel is so good - they can do anything they want in my book.

The New York Times has a British Airways ad - and when you click on an article, the article comes in sideways so you have a chance to see the wonderful ad first......and you have to wait to read your article.

I am just afraid that in the not too far future, you will have to spend all of your time closing blinking boxes (no swear words intended) before you can get to what you want to read.

01-28-2002, 01:13 PM
Just been talking to daughter Diane and she informs me that the Animal Planet shown in USA is different to ours here in UK.

AND I've noticed that ours goes off air at midnight - so no recording at 2am! Oh well.:confused: :confused:


01-28-2002, 01:28 PM
I came back to make the *preaching to the choir* statement as well, but I see Pam already beat me to it. hehe.

01-28-2002, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer

We have ATT broadband too and we get animal planet. It must be the individual divisions that select what to carry??? :confused:

Paul and I do not get Animal Planet because of the town we live in, Newton. The towns around it do get Animal Planet, but we've been told repeatedly that it's something to do with geography, that makes it almost impossible. They have had many requests for the channel, and told me they are working on getting it to us "really soon." Sigh. But call and ask your provider! And your town/city hall! Bug them - and you may get results!

01-29-2002, 04:17 PM
Did anyone see the ads. ?
As I was told, we had completley different programmes.


01-30-2002, 12:03 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed the show - it was on in California at 8PM and then repeated at 9PM.

If I hadn't seen the ads of Pet Talk - I would have missed the show.

Thank you - maybe we could have more ads for Animal Planet?

01-30-2002, 05:29 AM
I really enjoyed the show and might have missed it if you hadn't run the ad. Thank you so much. Richard taped it. I flipped back and forth between Pet Psychic and Gilmore Girls starting at 7, then watched it all over again at 8.

Right on with Animal Planet ads!