View Full Version : So Angry

01-24-2002, 04:58 PM
I am so angry, I belong to "A Schnauzer Community" and one of the members came on and said she had pups for sale in Virginia, that the Momma had problems with the delivery and she was going to have her spade after she sold the puppies.
Well many people got angry that she was selling puppies on the net, including me, was she going to just ship them out to whoever, what kind of home were they going to? etc. etc. Well she came back on and verbally attacked everyone who confronted her. Many left because of that. The assistant manager thought it was o.k. and said if we didn't like it anyone could leave. Well we like the other assistant manager and wanted to stay for him. (There is no manager to this community) So we let it slide for a while and when things changed we went back, then here come the girl back saying her Schnauzer puppies sold like "hotcakes" right there in Virginia and she was going to breed the little Momma again. Well one of the members reminded her that she was going to spay the little Momma, why was she going to breed her again? I agreed and said what was more important the dog or the money. Well anyway to make a long story shorter, the other girl and I got kicked out of the community for expressing our opinions about the poor little dog. What happened to freedom of speech? I consider her a puppy mill in the making. Sorry to Vent, but I am so angry for her using that Momma as a cash cow and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

01-24-2002, 05:26 PM
Jackie when we were looking for Bella we also used the internet. I corresponded with several breeders, via e-mail, some as far away as Virginia. I even kept in touch with one of the breeders that I found in Delaware. The breeder who we finally got Bella from also ships puppies out of state. I don't think it's possible to really know a prospective owner from either meeting them in person or meeting them online. Sometimes what you see isn't what you get as far as the people who will be adopting. I do feel, though, that when someone is going to be spending hundreds of dollars for a pedigreed dog from a breeder they are most likely going to be serious buyers. I even found a breeder, actually very close by, who wanted to come and do an inspection of my home to see if I would qualify for one of her dogs. I thought this was a little bit way over the top! She also doesn't sell her dogs to families where there is no one home during the day. You must be a stay-at-home mom to buy one of her little ones. I am really not faulting her, because I know she has her pups' best interests at heart but I found it a little unusual. Hopefully the large majority of breeders out there are respectable and love their breed and feel they are helping to produce happy, healthy pups for people who also love that particular breed and will care for and love them as much as they do.

01-24-2002, 05:44 PM
Jackie, :confused: :confused: :eek:

Sorry, I don't really understand the situation, but it sounds so wrong that you are kicked out of a chat board for expressing your opinion. I've seen how you express yourself for months and can;t imagine you being viscious or horrid.

So sorry you were rejected like that. {{{Jackie}}} <--- cyberhug from a confused

AmberLee and the fur-kids

01-24-2002, 06:19 PM
Maybe I'm a little protective, when we got Perry the people came down from Los Angeles to inspect where he would be living, what kind of life he would have, whether he and Daisy would get along etc. etc. I think if you know the breeder or have references it may be different, this girl just posted them on a site, I don't believe in that. However the biggest problem is that she felt the mother was in danger when she was having the puppies, but since the puppies sold like "hotcakes" she is going to keep breeding her with no rest, this will be her fourth pregnancy and counting. She does not intend to stop, saying she heard some dogs have ten litters. When does it stop?

01-24-2002, 06:50 PM
I think that lady need a hard kick in the rear end. (i could do it i played soccer for about 5 years... i kick hard =] ) anyways... does she relize how many animals are in need? Does she relize that people like her with ignorance and stupidity are the blame for this? Does she relize how much i dislike her and i dont even know her? Ugh! Sorry you got kicked, someone as sweet as you doesnt belong there if they dont see your point and let you express it.

01-24-2002, 06:59 PM
The internet is not a bad tool if the breeder
does his or her homework. The breeder who
uses the internet still can ask for references, pictures
questionairs, yada yada yada. : )
I also look at the internet to check out pedigrees etc.
at the breeders web pages.

Now for this person who is going to
keep breeding her dog,
is NO better than a puppy mill in my book.
I can see where you got upset with this $$$ woman.
I think it is in poor taste to advertise pups
on an e-mail list or a posting board.

01-24-2002, 08:17 PM
I understand your anger with this situation. The
woman you mentioned has no true love of the Breed,
it's all about the money... Don't know if this would do
any good, but if you & the other people on that BB
knew the person's name & location; I would pass that
info along to as many legitimate Schnauzer Breeder
Organizations as possible and be sure to tell them the
"whole story" about the Momma dog (and future pups).
I certainly agree, that's so sad ! The poor dog !

01-24-2002, 08:59 PM
Oh, poor doggy! How terrible that someone would do this to such a sweet doggy?? There are already enough homeless dogs in this world!

01-24-2002, 09:47 PM
I agree with you. I used the Internet to do my research on Pembroke Corgi's and to see if I could find a breeder in my area... I ended up driving hal way across the state of WA to get Louie because his Breeder cared enough to NOT ship her pups... I've seen animals that get "shipped" and a lot of the time it is not healthy for the animal... one friend of mine has had 3 Flat Coat Retrievers that she has had "shipped" out from the East Coast... ALL 3 have had health problems... ALL 3 came from different breeders.... It might just be my opinion but I find it iresponsible.

01-25-2002, 05:52 AM
....that the Momma had problems with the delivery and she was going to have her spade after she sold the puppies.
....but since the puppies sold like "hotcakes" she is going to keep breeding her with no rest, this will be her fourth pregnancy and counting. She does not intend to stop, saying she heard some dogs have ten litters.

This is the part that disturbed me the most. Wanting to breed that poor little sould away without considering her health just to make money. I don't think that this woman loves her dog oterwise she might show some more consideration. I would I never put one of my pets life at risk.

I think you did the right thing in expressing what you feel even if this meant to be asked to leave the group. Personally I don't think I would like to belong to a group that sort of validates this type of behaviour.

01-25-2002, 08:51 AM
Jackie I think you are right about the mindset of this particular breeder. She doesn't seem concerned about the momma dog's health at all. That would have gotten to me too! Although we got Bella as a result of searching on the internet and her breeder does ship puppies, I limited my search to a reasonable area near me because I would never buy a puppy without first meeting the pup in person. :) I know some people do and that's their decision. I was torn between Bella and her brother when we were at the breeder's home. Bella had a bit more spunk (still does! :D ) and hubby wanted Bella because she was a little bigger than her brother. The breeder was absolutely a doll. When I carried Bella out of her home she was in tears. She said she always gets like that so not to mind her. HA! She called me a few days later and said that Bella's brother was going to a home in northern New York. I am sure there was more crying when he left too. As in everything, there are wonderful breeders who just love their breeds and breeders who look at dogs as ways to make money. Unfortunately that's how it seems in your particular story. Hopefully if this dog is forced to have yet another litter they will stop at that. So sad!

01-25-2002, 09:16 AM
If it wasn't for freedom of speech, some of us would have been booted off PT a long time ago!:rolleyes:
It takes all kinds. Y'all are right, they're in it for the money only. They jeapodize the dog's life for another litter. Yuk. If I truly say what's on my mind, I will definitely be booted off PT! Just disgusting and sad. Poor defenseless pup. :mad: :(

01-25-2002, 09:20 AM
I have to say that I agree with Jackie. First off there are enough dogs in this world and you should NEVER put you dog through birth if it is going to hurt her? Does she not have any feelings for the animal? How cruel. You shouldn't have been kicked out. She had no business sharing her little "hotcakes" story with you. That isn't neat or the least bit amusing. I certainly hope that after what everyone has told her she will take breeding her little doggy into some thought! This angers me too! She must not have any feelings for animals. I certainly wouldn't buy puppies from her!

I feel your anger!:(

01-25-2002, 09:29 AM
Exactly, Chuck! :(

01-25-2002, 09:52 AM
That's exactly right Chuck and her eyes just have money signs in them. Her response to me and another girl who expressed her opinion was "good riddence" we don't need them anyway. However most of the posts have stopped and I suppose a lot of people feel they cannot express their opinion anymore.
If only there was something one could do, I don't think an animal should "be viewed as a person's property" only a caretaker, and like a child who is neglected taken away if not cared for responsibly. This woman also claims to be a Minister.
Pam, I do agree the internet is wonderful for finding a breeder in a certain area etc. In fact I got in touch with one of the officers of the The Mini Schnauzer Club in So. California who gave me the name of the breeder who had Perry. This lady recommended her.
And as I say they came down with him to check what his surroundings would be, and it all worked out.

01-25-2002, 05:17 PM
I think of you as my friend and I know you would not be this angry if the internet was used to advertise puppies and find them responsible homes.
I am well aware that you are "switched on" to genuine and not so genuine people.
You have a heart of gold and will see the good in everybody before you think of something negative.
For you to be this outraged by this person makes it obvious to me that they were exploiting their bitch in the worst way. The poor animal! If the bitch had problems with one litter it is 95% certain that the next will be full of problems too. For a kind and caring owner, worried about her pet's health, to suddenly change her mind.......well, it rings alarm bells with me too.
The internet is a legitimate way to advertise puppies if used properly - for this person to abuse the privelige of dog ownership and internet access in such a blatant manner leaves me cold!
Do me a favour and give me the address of the board - I only want one chance to express my opinion on this one and will not be upset when thrown off!

01-25-2002, 05:24 PM
Well said Carrie! I don't mean to cop out on commenting. But frankly, I couldn't say it any better than Carrie. She hit each and every point perfectly. Especially the part about Jackie having a heart of gold!!:) And Jackie, just give me the nod and I'll go give those wicked Schnauzer board people a pop in the nose!!;) All I can is....THEIR LOSS!!!!!:mad: Bless the Schnauzer Mommy and precious pupsters.:(

01-25-2002, 07:03 PM
I do appreciate all your comments, Carrie I feel so helpless I want to help the little Momma and there is absolutely nothing I can do.
Unfortunately the ass't manager on the board is a friend of hers and also in backyard breeding and naturally agrees with her. Since there is no manager, no one to take control. They make me sick. Two people complained about us being kicked off and the ass't manager said we were vicious people and so she got rid of us. Now Don calls me vicious. LOL I guess I got a wake up call, the people on the Schnauzer board have always bragged and loved their dogs so much to read this post about this lady and the little Momma Schnauzer just got to me. I guess maybe I thought Schnauzers were not subjected to this kind of treatment, boy was I wrong. Now I know it can happen to any dog.
Dixie has looked at the post and was disgusted. it won't do any good now, she has deleted some of the posts that she didn't want people to read. As Dixie said to me "Let sleeping dogs lie" that's what I'm going to do, Hopefully the other ass't manager that is so nice will probably start a new Schnauzer community, I'm so busy with my community or I would do it myself. LOL
Sandra I do believe you would give them a pop and you are just the person who could do it. LOL
Thank you all for your kindness, I appreciate it, now if I could only get that little Momma out of my mind I would be o.k.

01-25-2002, 07:29 PM
Do you mean the board has shut down? - I think not!

I have the most massive and huge respect for Candy ( Dixieland Dancer) and take most of her advice to heart and on board as part of how I think about the training of dogs.......but......

I have to disagree on this one.

It does not matter who the manager or deputies are, it does not matter that they will delete messages - some people will read them before that happens. More importantly the person in question will see that people that are serious about the welfare of so called "beloved pets" take notice when one is blatantly abused for cash. If enough people put their point of view in a sensible and coherent manner the managers of the board may get the message too.
It is too easy to say that friends stick together, put enough down to Earth, sensible and well founded complaints in front of them and they will quickly see that throwing people off the board when they have genuine concerns is totally against the point of having a board.

Paul and Karen let us....well, me mostly,.....rant and rave as much as we want to as long as it isn't insulting or nasty. This board has proved how valuable every single person is and how valid their opinion is. The only posts that are ever deleted here are those, very few, that are beyond the pale. Everyone has the right to an opinion and furthermore to defend that opinion.

This bitch has no hope if the owner carries out her stated plan - if nothing else a few posts, in the same spirit as Pet Talk posts, can do no more harm to her. In the best possible outcome they may sway people to NOT buy the pups, not go to such a predjudice board, not use the internet as the main way of finding a pup and the managers to run things like they know what they are doing, not for the benefit of their friends!

01-25-2002, 07:51 PM

"If I could just get that little Momma Schnauzer out
of my mind ". Yes, that's the cruelest part for you, to
know and love this Breed as you do and see someone
so misuse what should be a loved member of the family,
must be heartbreaking for you...
If money is the only thing this women thinks of, then
maybe you could buy her. The Momma could be spayed
and fostered by Real Schnauzer lovers & find a better
place to live.
I'm sorry you had to run into such hateful & uncareing
people. Liz.

01-25-2002, 11:32 PM
I'm assuming that the original thread has been deleted, Jackie. Am I right? I have gone there for two straight days (although I am not a member), and really gained much respect for some of the members who chose to speak up in support of you and Gina (Dogmom on jackie's site), most especially Don, Carl and Buff.

I'm not sure that reacting at this point, Carrie, would matter since the post in question is not there. But just in case, here's the link, so you can see for yourself.


As I told Jackie last night in her chatroom, they had better not be messing with our Jackie!! :D We know her heart is one of Gold, even if she isn't a Golden owner!! We'll fight to the death!! But Jackie, I don't blame you for not wanting to return anyway. You have such a special group at your site. I'm just hoping that it will stay that way.


01-26-2002, 01:47 AM
Hey Jackie, I was just reading through some posts on the Schnauzer board. I was going to join and make a few replies stating my opinion but the server was too busy.

I wouldn't sweat the loss. Your community and Pet Talk will keep you busy enough! That woman (backyard breeder) seems to have a few screws loose and can't get her story straight. I was going to politely ask her why in tarnation she is going to put her dog through MORE pregnancies.

01-26-2002, 07:16 AM
Jackie, I wasn't going to post because others have already said what I feel, but I guess I just wanted you to know that.

Sometimes taking a stand for what we feel is important has consequences that may not be fair or right, but it speaks to who we are and what we believe. It is a little shining beacon for others to see and think about. In the process of speaking your mind and even getting kicked off, you have lifted up the principles of caring for animals for others to see. Some people need just to be educated. Others need a wake up call. Others need to see all sides of an issue to help them evaluate.

01-26-2002, 08:36 AM
Rachel....you are so "right on" with your message this morning. :)

01-26-2002, 08:56 AM
Thank you all, I felt so strongly about that issue, I think you all made me a true believer in dogs rights. I can't do much but I can sure protest. LOL
Anna is a good friend from Sweden, Logan and I knew her from another board and Logan and I left because they were treating her badly, I can't believe how some of these people run their communities.Guess I'm becoming a rebel in my old age. LOL Where is the mutual respect. They profess to be dog lovers and yet they condone that type of breeding.
I don't think any posting on that community would do any good at all now. I will concentrate on mine, it has grown to over 100 and I have all I can do to keep up with it. LOL Carl the other asst manager of the Schnauzer community comes into "Love of Dogs"
he is a really nice man and loves his dogs so much.
Liz if I thought the problem would be solved I would buy that dog in a heartbeat, but she is on the East Coast and I am in California I think she has taken a stand now, and no matter what anyone said she would disagree.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts I really appreciate that you feel I did the right thing. I will never be sorry I got kicked off for standing up for what I think is right.

01-26-2002, 11:48 AM
Amen Spencer. You are so right, many, many people look and do not post and I agree with you if we can make a difference in how one pet is taken care of, one pet is held and loved, and one pet saved from going to the shelter then it is all worth every word we type.