View Full Version : Turning in your neighbor for dog neglect? help

01-24-2002, 04:57 PM
I've lived here about 16 months, my neighbor has a dog on about a 15 foot chain, the bastard doesnt even feed the dog in a bowl, just dumps it on the ground, he never talks to the dog, plays with it, or walks it, the dog has a doghouse, but thats about it.... I noticed yesterday the dogs water bowl was empty, (it fills up automatically) the bowl doesnt seem to be working, a day passed, and it was still empty, its been a day, maybe 2, maybe longer, i dont know.. I left him a note that it wasnt working, and i used my garden hose to fill it up just a moment ago.
I think the dogs probably insane from neglect, the weather ranges from 20 deg to 120 deg... looks like theres a good pile of crap that he hasnt picked up, the dogs chain just moves it all into a corner. (im not a big fan of picking it up either, but i have a large yard :)
I feel bad for this dog, and i really want to tell the bastard to put the dog up for adoption or call animal control on him... my problem is that "I" am the only one who sees the dog, he's not visable by other neighbors, any complaint, he would know it was me, my backdoor is where his dog is... I fear retaliation on Misfit, someone who treats there dog like that, i believe he could poison Misfit.... Someone threw rat poison in one of my dogs yard for no reason about 12 years ago.. we cought it soon enough, and had his stomach pumped and he was fine.... But I cant risk that..

Any comments or suggestions?

01-24-2002, 05:06 PM
Couple final thoughts... I think the dog is eating his own p00p, and it pees in its water bowl. This isnt a sign of a sane dog... i've never petted it cuz I dont trust it.

01-24-2002, 05:29 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: Sickening! VERY VERY sickening! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I honestly don't have any advice for you--I'm sure the others will--but that is definetly NO PLACE for a dog to live.

If the dog is NOT sane or is vicious...I don't think he would be adoptable? Perhaps a call to the animal shelter is the best bet. They could evaluate him physically and mentally. What about a breed rescue?

Maybe you should call animal control & describe the situation and your fears, see what they suggest. If you like their reactions/comments, give them the address. If not...*click* end the conversation.

Even if the dog *IS* vicious....that is definetly NOT the way to treat him!!!!!!

01-24-2002, 05:41 PM
I would call it in. Things could not get worse for this poor dog, and they could get better. It isn't necessarily you - maybe you had friends over, and one of them called?

I would call Animal Control right now. The dogs needs help. Once he is removed from there, if he really is mentally ill - and who wouldn't be, frankly, he may be put down, but only if necessary, and even that would be a mercy for this poor dog.

By the way, even if the animal is/was vicious, that does NOT excuse this man's behavior. The animal needs care, and attention. To keep it alive in those conditions is heartless and cruel.

I would call animal control. Now.

01-24-2002, 11:41 PM
Oh, for doggy!!!:( That's no way to treat a poor little animal! How sad!:( I just wish people wouldn't do things like that.:mad: :( I agree with everyone... call the Animal Control, or your locan Humane Society, they should be able to help you.:) Good luck!

01-25-2002, 12:46 AM
Definately call your local animal control or humane society.
Just keep an eye on your beautiful Misfit.
This dog deserves better.

01-25-2002, 03:19 AM
Yea, I know. I do need to turn him in... But unless you have had someone poison your pet before, its not that easy... Im sure he would want revenge after having animal control knocking at his door, (not to mention if he is arrested, or fined) and its only a 2 foot toss of meat with pills, or poison to reach my back yard. It really is a battle on what to do, the guy himself is not friendly. I really have no doubt he would do somthing to my dog.

C.C.'s Mom
01-25-2002, 04:07 AM
Turn him in, that's all you can do. People like that shouldn't be allowed having any contact with animals.

My dad once had the police involved when 2 horses were without water for days when it was very hot in the summer. My dad refilled their tanks after seeing their situation and called the police. The horses were taken away the same hour.

I'm sure that if you mention your fears to the authorities, help and advice will be provided. You won't be the first. Even if other people don't see the dog, they usually know that there is one.

I wished, like as when you adopt a child, someone would come over every once in a while (unexpected) and check the animal and its surroundings. In Germany we're all registrated as we have to pay dog-tax. It's easy to check on animals that way, and I wouldn't mind anyone coming in so that cases like you describe never happen.

01-25-2002, 06:01 AM
I know what you are going through. Not too long ago, I went through this with my next door neighbor who had a beatiful GSD and Malamute they kept tied up with no food, no shelter. The dogs would never get walked. Andrew and I would go out there and feed them and pick up their poop and even put tarps over their head when it was raining. I finally called animal control and they came and took the dogs away. They are now in good homes.

If the dog is mean, then it s beacuse of your neighbor's neglect. If you fear for Misfit's safety, I can totally understand that. (been through another ordeal with my next door neighbor when his GSD came into our yard and fought with Drake. Draker had to have lots and lots of staples and I wanted the neighbor to pay the bill). You can not leave your dogs unattended with psycho neighbors around. Let the dog off the chain and take him to the Humane Society. Tell them you found him on the side of the road or something.

I honestly don't know what you can do. I do not understand how people can get so updet about their animal being taken away when they brought it upon themselves!

01-25-2002, 06:15 AM
Things like this make my blood boil. SOme people should NOT be allowed to have animals. :mad: :mad: .

I understand your fear for Misfit (who is wonderful bu the way)and it's a tough decision but this dog needs help. I really wish I could make that call for you. Isn't there anyone else that could help? Please keep us posted.

01-25-2002, 07:20 AM
You really need to get this poor dog help and the only way to is to make that call. It's cruel and heartless to treat an animal this way and it would be more merciful to put the dog down if it was really necessary. Make that call and then just keep a close eye on your dog.

01-25-2002, 08:53 AM
I'd definately express my concern to the authorities about the neighbor retaliating. Perhaps you could get a restraining order?

I would definately call and express all your worries and concerns, both about the abused dog and your own pup.

They are used to these kinds of situations and can help you.

Keep us informed and much luck.


01-25-2002, 10:37 AM
I agree with everyone here - Animal Control must be called. And expressing your concern for your own animals and any possible retaliation is necessary.

These kinds of stories break my heart.

Spencer, out of curiosity I looked up your quote.......

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke

Turning him in will take some courage - but we are all behind you!

01-25-2002, 10:47 AM
Please, please please turn him in. There are so many animals out there that we don't have the capability to help and here is one that may be able to be saved.... This small minded lazy man will not have the ingeniuty or the intelligence or the motivation to retaliate. He can't even be bothered to buy his own dog a food dish...
I understand your concern about Misfit and I would be sure to keep her as safe as possible in the meantime...
But you know deep down in your conscience what the right thing to do is...
Think about it, what would Misfit do or want you to do in the situation?

Good luck...

01-25-2002, 03:51 PM
Do you know what breed it is ??? Maybe you could call a breed rescue.

I called the O.S.P.C.A. on our neighbor (it didn't help much they lied to them and got off with a warning and a return visit) but I believe it was the right thing to do. The dogs are now being fed and watered and as soon as I see that they are not I will call again. I still think the owners should have been fined or something though ?? or the animals given to someone who would spend more time and give them more love to them.

Report it

01-25-2002, 04:54 PM
Could you maybe cover your own back and make your point at the same time?
Perhaps go and tell the dog owner that you had out of state friends visit for a couple of days and they noticed the water bowl wasn't working and got really upset that the dog was on the chain all the time they were there. Say that your friends were worried about the amount of waste and although you tried to tell them that things weren't usually as bad as they saw they were dead set on reporting it.
This clears your door of blame and gives you a straight shot at reporting these awful conditions to the authorities - tell the authorities what you have told the owner and how worried you are about reprisals.
It may seem a chicken way of going about it....but it's a lot, lot, better than doing nothing.

Please help this animal in any way you can - bless you for caring.

01-25-2002, 06:59 PM
what the h#*&^# is WRONG with some people??? This makes me sick! :mad: :mad:

If it was me, I would steal the poor dog when I had an opportunity. That way he could not know it was you.
Then take it to a rescue shelter, and claim you don't know who it belongs to........guarentee he won't bother looking for it.

You have to do something about this poor dog. :(