View Full Version : Therapy dogs?

05-03-2005, 09:13 PM
Anyone have a therapy dog? You know, like take them into see sick people or what not?

The lady who teaches Zeke's obedience said she thinks Zeke might be good at it cause of his sweet/calm nature. I never thought of it really, but when she said it I thought he probably would be great. He LOVES people patting him and loving him (if there are no dogs around, then it's his fav thing ever! :p :rolleyes:)

Anyway, I was thinking of getting him tested, but I don't want it to be stressful for him either. I hear some people just cling and stuff to the dogs. I know Zeke wouldn't care, but still. I mean, my 3 yr old nephew (and 2 nieces when they were younger) always pull at the dogs or hang on them and they don't mind.

She said with Zeke's personality I can do anything with him I want.......

Anywho, I might have pics of him doing flyball in a couple of weeks. A girl who runs with us said she'd try to bring her cam next week and get some of him (maybe a video too!:)

Suki Wingy
05-03-2005, 09:15 PM
That would be really cool, I have always wanted to but NiƱo is a little to weary around strangers.

05-03-2005, 09:22 PM
I used to do it with my two. It was really neat talking to all the people. Kai normally loves people but he was really stressed whenever we visited and Kaedyn didn't seem too thrilled.

05-04-2005, 03:46 AM
Alll three of our dogs are therapy dogs,and I amthe Presidetn of our local chapter. We don't visit as often as we should sometimes, but when we do, the dogs really enjoy it.

Therapy dogs don't "only" visit the sick...we do nursing homes and hospitals, but we also do libraries. We have a local program called "Paws to Read" which usually lasts 4-8 weeks, and once a week the dogs go to the library for an hour and a child reads to them. The dogs love it and so do the kids. Usually by the 2nd or third 3rd week, each kid has picks out "their" dog, and a great freindship has been formed.

Although I have never gone, our group also visits Teen Rehab centers, for kids who are in trouble with the law. I've heard wonderful things about the interaction between the kids and dogs there as well.

If you deicde to do it, the key is being in tune with Zeke. Figure out which visits he likes best....someplaces will have you go room to room, others may have a centeral "entertainment" room, where many will gather all at once. He may prfer seniors to kids, or the other way around.

And you also will learn his signs of stress. You will know when he has had enough and the visit needs to be over for the day.

05-04-2005, 08:38 AM
Wow go Zeke, i am sure he would make a wonderful therapy dog :D. Ohh i hope you can get some photos of Zeke doing Flyball.

Goodluck with everything you do together.