View Full Version : jumping on the dogmobile wagon

05-03-2005, 01:43 PM
eer I mean van. lol

Yup I went out & bought a van just for the ruppers. Now who's spoiled? lol

It's a used van, a 93' Pontiac Transport. The body is plastic so of course it is in great shape the interior is mint. Low miles & power everything. $800 from a friend who is a dealer. I couldn't pass it up.
I don't have pics yet as I don't have the van yet, the dealer is still waiting to get the title back from the DMV. It's all paid for & the title should be here any day now. I can't wait. I'm so excited I just had to share.

It's funny cause it's the same color as my van & they are both Pontiacs. lol

Suki Wingy
05-03-2005, 03:56 PM
good deal! Congrats and looking forward to pics of your puppers and the van!:)

05-03-2005, 04:52 PM
HEHE! Can't wait to see your dogmobile!

Sounds like you got an awesome price there, I wish mine had only been $800:p I've always liked the Transport body style. I'm sure those pups of yours are gonna love it and say "THANKS MOM!":D

05-03-2005, 06:57 PM

Just a month ago, I sold my 2 seater RX-7 for a 7 seater Durango, for the dogs. The things we do for our pets. :eek: lol Spoiled pups, I'm driving a tank, hate it, but they are happy. As I'm sure your guys will be too. Now we just have to make them get jobs to pay for the gas for these things. LOL ;)

Enjoy your new ride.

05-04-2005, 01:40 PM
I ment to say in my first post that the van is the same color as my car. Duh

Anyways I'll get up pics as soon as I get it. I'm not going to fancy it up too much but am looking for a few decals for it. I'm not sure if I'll keep it just for this summer or longer.

I AM going out & getting a new camera tonight!