View Full Version : YOOHOO MEG?? How's Gracie's eye this week?

05-03-2005, 12:16 PM
I'm still saying some purrayers that the meds have done the trick, and that Gracie's eye has improved. ;) Uppydate please? :confused: :) And a few new pictures never hurt either! :D

05-03-2005, 01:53 PM
Jan, thanks for asking. Gracie's eye has improved a little, which is better than no improvement at all. I am going to give it a little more time because the bottom of her eye has cleared and I really think she can see out of the bottom of her eye.

I'm sorry that I don't have any new pictures. I promise to get some new ones soon...even if I have to :rolleyes: borrow the camera from work. I still can not find my digital...I think (actually hope) that I packed it already.....I guess I'll find out in October when we move into the new house and unpack.

Here is a nice one of Gracie to hold you over.


and I know you have seen this one before but just so you get your Gracie and Gabriel fix.....


05-03-2005, 01:56 PM
It looks pretty good to me! I hope it's not irritating her. Please give those sweet monkeys plenty of kisses when you get home. :) :) Thanks for the pictures...love the snuggling one. :) :) :)

05-03-2005, 09:32 PM
the Found cats,are plaesed,that thier Prayers,are working,and that Gracie,will have full use,of her eyes,as much,as possible.Please Dear God,of All Creatures,help our Friend Gracie,to see! The Found Cats,Strays and Angels,are asking,for your blessings!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-04-2005, 10:12 AM
I'm so glad to hear her eye has improved somewhat. Here's hoping it stays clear and she won't have to have it removed.

She's such a cutie....and you mean to tell us that we need to wait until October before we get new pictures of your crew?? :eek: :eek:

05-04-2005, 10:55 AM
Happy to hear that her eye has improved some. I hope it continues to get better. She is a sweetheart.

05-04-2005, 12:28 PM
It's so good to know that Gracie's eye is improving even if it is only a little at a time. Let's hope and pray it continues to improve. She is such a sweet pretty little girl.

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