View Full Version : Dear Diary - Back to Normal

Edwina's Secretary
05-03-2005, 11:25 AM
Dear Diary,

What a relief! Curly and Blondie came back. HH and I were so worried as they had been gone a long time. Sure...those nice boys from across the street came by with their mother once or twice a day. I even played with them a little because they are so nice....but it is not the same.

When the purrents, as HH calls them, finally came home we were so excited! It is easy for HH....she can cuddle with them in bed. But I still have those pesky "personal space" issues, so instead, I would cry out loudly every while during the night until I heard Blondie call my name. Then I would go to her and make sure she was really there and let her scratch my head.

They were here again all last night so I feel lots more secure.....


Normally yours,


Killearn Kitties
05-03-2005, 11:32 AM
Aww Eddie, you poor boy! Did you think they had left you?

Glad to see you still looking cute and wanting tummy rubs! Play it for all it's worth!

Did they bring you presents?

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-03-2005, 11:53 AM
*RUB* *RUB* *RUB* !!!

Aw poor Ediie, you were afraid they wouldn't come back??
He he, now I am curious too: did they bring you an present from Italy?:p

05-03-2005, 01:04 PM
Shadow says "oo la la." That picture needs to go into the Purrno Thread. :eek: :D

05-03-2005, 01:30 PM
Aw, Eddie, I'm so glad your life is normal again.
So, what about the presents?;)

05-03-2005, 02:31 PM
Awwww poor Eddie! So glad things are back to normal.

Pssstttt!! The next time Blondie and Curly decide to go away, why don't you ask them if I could come down and stay wiff you??? I will wuv you and pet you and spoil you rotten. You won't even notice them missing!!! ;) :D

05-03-2005, 02:41 PM
Poor, poor Eddie. I sure hope life continues normally for awhile. The trials you have to endure. It just isn't right, is it? :D

05-03-2005, 03:33 PM
Eddie, I can see from the picture that you're really appreciating your secretary is back, but you should know by now, she will always come back to you! She missed your nightly visits too much - what would she do without them? Sleep better I suppose. :rolleyes:

Did the boys across the road bring the chickens for you to inspect? I guess not! Not to worry, now you're back on honey roasted turkey as you deserve, aren't you?

Fister sends headbumpies and says, make the most of the situation! :D

05-03-2005, 08:28 PM
awwww Eddie!!! Poor boy sounds both sad and excited to have his life normal again!!

Sara - does Eddie not come onto the bed?? What a sweetie - sorry he has these "issues":( I love Eddie and his sweet, sweet face.

but!!! Life IS normal again:D Yes?

05-03-2005, 08:41 PM
I know,what you mean,Eddie,as Our Dad went away,one time,and we all thought,that he was never coming back.There were some nice people,that took care ,of us,but we were never so happy,as when we heard,our Dad,coming,up those stairs,and things were back,to normal.Did they bring you any Toys,Treats or Cat Nip.


Edwina's Secretary
05-04-2005, 02:26 PM
does Eddie not come onto the bed

Eddie is not a cuddler. He comes on the bed, but only if I am alone in the bed (sounds odd, doesn't it....:rolleyes: ) and even then goes to the furthest corner of the bed.

Unlike velcro Edwina....