View Full Version : An Intervention

05-03-2005, 10:01 AM
Today Pouncer got Minette's door open (AGAIN :rolleyes: ) Only this time, Minette was laying nonchallantly, as if she didn't have a care in the world. No growls, no hisses. Just laying there happily and as content as can be.

What was the difference?
Meet Dr. Allen, the Dr. Phil of the cat set

He has a Phd. in settling affairs like this, and was intervening to break up the tension that makes up Pouncer and Minette's relationship.

He says:
They will be fine, so long as Pouncer learns to give Minette her space.

Minette says:
Dr. Allen is so patient and understanding - its intuitive with him!

Pouncer was not available for comment. He left after getting into trouble for trying to use her litterbox and stealing her windowsill. She did growl and hiss at him for those two insults... but wouldn't anyone? ;) :D :p

05-03-2005, 10:08 AM
:D :D Good for Dr. Allen!!! But, what about A & P Private Investigations?? Has Allen left that firm to do counseling??:eek:

Minette is such a pretty girl...and yes, I would have a hissy if someone had my place in bed AND tried to use my private toilet!

K & L
05-03-2005, 10:09 AM
I don't know, that look isn't real happy!:D

05-03-2005, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by K & L
I don't know, that look isn't real happy!:D
LOL.. she ALWAYS looks like that - she always look like she's annoyed or something. She was purrfectly content. I was petting her and she was happy as can be... until Pouncer decided to push too far. THEN she started growling, hissing, and even swatted at me. :eek:

05-03-2005, 10:13 AM
ha ha....cute thread! :)

Dr. Allen seems so wise...

K & L
05-03-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
LOL.. she ALWAYS looks like that - she always look like she's annoyed or something. She was purrfectly content. I was petting her and she was happy as can be... until Pouncer decided to push too far. THEN she started growling, hissing, and even swatted at me. :eek:

She sounds like our Leila! You could be petting her and the next minute you're her meal. She bit our pet sitter when we were gone!:eek:

05-03-2005, 12:23 PM
Yep, Miss Minette will let you pet her forever and a day, then out of nowhere, a little attitude kicks in and she'll turn around to tell you to stop... then two seconds later, she's nudging you saying "Hey! Why'd ya stop???"

I think if she found a nice *quiet* home with no other animals or kis, she'd never do that. She gets uppity when she sees others stalking in on her territory. At the last Adoption Event, there was a lady that adopted Jen's Sedona and another cat. Her good friend just lost her dear cat to cancer. She is a single lady living alone, and would be the PERFECT home for Minette. I gave her my name and number for the friend to call. She is leaving on vacation soon and doesn't want to get a cat to leave it behind right after she gets it. Please give Minette those famous PT prayers that the lady calls and inquires about her!

Also, at Sunday's adoption event, Minette MELTED for a young man. I've NEVER seen her go rolly poly and turn on the charm at an adoption event like she did for this man. My chin dropped and I was sooooo sure she'd found a home. Then he WALKED AWAY! :eek: How can someone walk away after a cat melted to their touch? Especially a cat that typically sits scared out of her mind at events like that? :confused:

05-03-2005, 05:34 PM
at Sunday's adoption event, Minette MELTED for a young man.
Yeah, but she attacked me :eek: (catnapper teaches ALL her cats to attack me. :( She is bad. :p )

05-03-2005, 08:51 PM
I know,what you mean,as Ragnar never really looks all,that Happy,even when I know,that he is,as happy as a lark,and I hope,that one day,Minette,Allen,and Pouncer,can make peace,like The Found Cats,have,even,with Brat Scrappy 2.


05-03-2005, 10:32 PM
These made me laugh. The look on both their faces is priceless. Good story.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-04-2005, 10:09 AM
What a good big brother Allen is. :D

Kim, sounds like that young man doesn't know what he missed out on, and it's a good thing he walked away because it sounds like he would not have appreciated all that Minette has to offer. If she melted for him she will do it again someday, for the right person.

She is such a beauty! :D