View Full Version : My Sweet Genevieve

05-02-2005, 11:58 AM
My sweet Genevieve left me on April 15, 2000, and I miss her every day. She had been an only cat, and her death grieved me so much that it took all of the four darlings I live with now to mend my heart. They are all dearly loved and watched over tenderly, and I tell them about Genevieve and how because of her, I had to go out and find each of them and adopt them to honor her memory. They know I love them all!

I only had ten years with her, and I wish I could somehow have bargained with God to keep her longer, but when could I have borne to let her go? I have to respect God's plan, I know, but it's so hard to do sometimes. I realize that my four babies now have a good and loving home, thanks to Genevieve, and that they might not have been so fortunate if not for her passing. That really does help!

Genevieve, I miss you, little girlcat! I will love you always.

05-02-2005, 02:57 PM
I understand how you feel. When my first cat Smokey passed in 1995 I didn't think I could heal. I still miss her greatly as I am sure you do your Genevieve. You two had 10 wonderful years together and I am sure she knows up there at the RB how much you love her still.


05-03-2005, 08:53 AM
Mr Scrappy,left me,in 2000,as well,and there is not a day,that I dont think,of My Scarppy Pal,and wish,sometimes,taht I had given,the Big Guy,more of a chance.But I knew,that I was on the lay off list,and let money decide.Now,I am retired,and secure,and Scrappy,is 5 years gone! Poor Scrappy,He would be so happy,with all,the Cats,that have come after him,andthis year,would habve been his 20th Purrthday.And He,is keeping Genevive,Company,as sheis a wonderful Cat Angel,and is travelling,all over the World,with the Pet Talker Angels,so that when you are reunited,then you will have plenty,of places,to go,and see together.

05-05-2005, 11:33 PM
She gave you 10 good years.

She will be awating you over the rainbow bridge.

who's lost 2 cats this year.... and thinking of taking in two more.

IS there no end to the cat lover's madness?? LOL

05-06-2005, 03:40 PM
Dear JanB: You just go right out there and find those two new babies--that's the way to mend a broken heart! Thank you for your kind message and please accept my sympathy for your losses. Losing them is so painful, but the love and fun they create in our lives makes it worth the sorrow, doesn't it? Best wishes, and I wish you much joy with your cat habit!

05-07-2005, 07:28 AM
I really don't have to go looking for a cat companion! I have two who want ME!

My sis-in-law has 5 cats right now and she's selling her house & moving into an apt. One of her cats, Kia - a 6 yr old female lt. grey tabby (the small striping) doesn't interact with the other cats as much and would probably be a lot happier where she could get more attention. I told s-i-l I'd take her as soon as I get settled in MY new apt.

THEN! A gal at work approached me about taking in one of her cats. She has been having allergy problems and thought that maybe if I would adopt her 9 mo old female Himalayan, she could do a lot better. PAPERS, NEUTERED - FREE. Now, the dillemma!!!

Kia would be happy to be an only cat. BUT! I've always wanted a Himalayan. Pet owner friends say that if I bring both in at the same time, neither would have territory established and they should learn to be pretty good buddies.


05-07-2005, 12:24 PM
Wow, you are so lucky to have them breaking down your door like that! I'd be very tempted to bring them both home and see how it goes. Yes, I think you should, so now you have MY blessing.:D :D Kia sounds like a charming little girl and I'm sure she will blossom by not having to share with so many siblings. One thing that might bias me in Kia's favor (if you decide you can only take one of them)--she might have more difficulty than the other one in finding a new forever home, being a little older and not having the glamorousness of a Himalayan. I've always wanted a Himalayan too, but I've never met one who needed rescuing. I wish you wisdom and luck in making the right decision.

P.S., take 'em both!

05-07-2005, 10:37 PM
Perhaps this discussion is better on another forum... but I did lose 2 cats in less that 2 mos...

I have decided to take BOTH cats (I've been offered) in on the same day. I will take Kia over Angel if it looks like it won't work at all... as the local Siamese rescue is one of the best. I feel Ms. Angel would get a really good home if MY home doesn't work out. I WANT both of them to live with me, however, and will give it a real decent amount of time before I make the final decision! I won't talk about it anymore in the grievance forum after this... will keep you posted in something more apropriate :-)

Thank you all for your input!
Love 'dem kitties!!!
Jan B