View Full Version : Shadow T.'s diary entries!

05-01-2005, 11:20 PM
April 30, 2005

Boy, what a lot of stuff has happened over the past three and one-half weeks! I don't remember a whole lot about the first four weeks of my life, but the time since then has been one great big adventure!

My human mommy says she thinks I was just too curious for my own good, whatever that means, and that I must have wandered away from my first mommy, and any brothers and sisters I had. I don't remember---that was so long ago. I just remember some creature picking me up from some really hard ground, and putting me in something that made a weird purring noise, and feeling like I was moving. (My human mommy says I was found in a parking lot near a manufacturing company, whatever that means. Whoever found me took me to some place called the Humane Society).

I met a boy there, and a few minutes later his mom came in and saw me. Someone brought me some formula and the boy's mommy got to feed me there. I heard her say she would take me home with her and take care of me until I was old enough to be adopted. I didn't know what "adopted" meant, but I just wanted to go somewhere and start playing!

That was three and one-half weeks ago, and I have been playing LOTS and LOTS and LOTS ever since! I figured if I was a good boy, but not too good, maybe I could steal the boy's heart, and his mom's and dad's hearts too. And I made sure that they couldn't forget that I was there. I attack their feet whenever I can, and I also spend lots of time harassing my new big sister, Angel. She's a cat, like me, but she doesn't seem to know it.

Anyway, about ten days ago my mommy and my boy took me back to the Humane Society to show me off, and to adopt me! They said I get to live with them forever, and they will be my humans! I was so excited! I knew all along that this would happen, because God sent me to them---it just took them awhile to figure that out.

I have another brother and sister, also. My humans say their names are Oreo and Sandi, and that they are dogs. I just know it's fun to climb into Oreo's food bowl and swipe my paw across his nose when he tries to smell me. He and Sandi both like to smell me for some reason. They are kind of annoying, but sometimes they are kind of fun to tease, too. They don't hurt me, because I am too ferocious-looking when I arch my back and hop sideways towards them on my tippy toes, with my claws out, hissing. They back off real fast when I do that! They know better than to mess with me!

I am growing fast, my mommy says. I am big enough now to get to eat in the kitchen with Angel when it's time to eat. And my litterbox is upstairs now, because I learned how to go up and down the stairs a few weeks ago. I get to run all over the house, and play with lots of toys, and Angel, and Sandi and Oreo. I get really wild sometimes. I am so happy and excited, and I just have to keep doing silly things to keep the rest of my family happy and entertained. They say they didn't know their lives were so boring and uneventful before I came along. I don't know what that means, because I've been here as long as I can remember, and so have they.

Well, that's about all I am going to write here for now. I needed to get a lot written today to get caught up on my life up to now. So far it has been one great big adventure for me!

Type more at you later........

Shadow T.

May 1st 2005 8:56 pm

What a turn of events around here! Yesterday my mommy brought home a little snotrag of a kitten, and put her in MY carrier with MY old litterbox, and is feeding her MY formula! Mommy says this kitten isn't going to live here forever though, because she's not going to be adopted here like I was. So I decided I'd better at least be civil to her.

Mommy says her name is Li'l Orphan Annie, but we'll just call her Annie. She's a scrawny little thing, and her left eye doesn't open up all the way. Mommy says she has an eye infection, and Angel and I have to stay away from her. That suits us just fine.

To be perfectly honest, I'm GLAD I don't have to be locked inside that carrier any more. I'm getting to be a BIG boy now, and it's fun to be free to run and play and eat and sleep whenever and where-ever I want. Mommy and Daddy know when I get hungry, and I've trained them to ring a little bell whenever they get me my food, so I'll know when it's ready and won't have to beg them for it. They've learned this trick fairly quickly, and it allows me to keep right on playing until I hear the little bell. Then I stop playing long enough to eat, and then it's right back to playing again.

I've found LOTs of hiding places to sleep, but I REALLY like jumping up on my Mommy in the middle of the night when she's sound asleep, and nibbling on her ear to reassure her that I still love her. I know she wouldn't like it if I let her sleep all night long for once. She needs that extra assurance in the middle of the night.

I guess that's about all for today. I'm tired and going to go get some sleep until it's time to go nibble Mommy's ear again. I need to be rested up, because then it will be time to play until she rings the bell when she has my food ready!

Type more at you later........

Shadow T.

05-01-2005, 11:53 PM
Wow Shadow, you are really living the life of Reilly now arent' you sweetheart.
I just loved peeking inside your diary and reading all about you.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying your forever home.

Kisses to you Shadow.:)

05-02-2005, 05:17 AM
Oh Shadow, you are quite a little man, aren't you? And I too would be frightened when you arched and did the sideways hop thingy. :eek: ;)

05-02-2005, 06:32 PM
Well, well, well.... it looks like little Annie is here to stay!:) Actually I'm happy, because when she gets better I'll have someone else to play with, and to pick on! My mommy says God sent her to us, so I know it is meant to be. I knew it all along, actually, because I know EVERYTHING!

I'm really looking forward to getting to actually play with her instead of just looking at her. Every time I try to sneak into her carrier when Mom or Dad or Alex opens the door, they call me a "little sh$t" and move me away from it!:eek: :mad: I don't know what they have to go and do that for. I'm not going to do anything bad. I just want to meet her up close, and start playing with her! Can't they understand that?:confused:

I get to be a big brother now, too, instead of just a little brother! Oh, boy, won't that be a riot? I'll be able to teach her so much! Like what all she can and can't get by with around here! I can show her how to pull down the sheer curtains behind the drapes, and how to climb the baby gate if they put it back up when she starts running around. I'll be able to show her how to get our humans to ring a little bell whenever they have our food ready, so we don't have to take any extra time from our play to go ask them to feed us. I'll have to show her how to catch the little ball as it goes around the Turbo Track trying to get away from us, and how to sharpen her claws in the center of the Turbo Track.

I'll show her how to arch her back and hop sideways on her tippy toes while hissing at Sandi and Oreo, so they will show her some respect! But she won't be able to get by with that with me, because I already know that she's really just a little baby under all that furocious acting!:D

I'll also have to show her how to type on the computer, and how to log in to "Pet Talk" on Mommy's account, so she'll be able to start writing her own diary on here. (Then I can take sneak peeks at her diary, too, and figure out what she's thinking, etc. I won't teach her how to do that to mine, though, because mine is going to be "private" from her!):D

Type more tomorrow.....

Shadow T.

05-02-2005, 08:29 PM
Shadow T,you would love it here,as there are15 ,of Us Cats,from little ones,about 8 Pounds,to Ragnar,the Dreadnought Cat,tipping the Toledos,at thirty pounds! And 2,of us,are Orphan Kittens,althiugh,we are almost Cats! And we hope,that you nad Annie,get,to be Good Friends,and curl together!


05-03-2005, 11:57 PM
Today was interesting. Meowmie and Pawpie and my boy all left for awhile today, so I was in charge of the house. I made sure that Sandi and Oreo knew it, too.

But Angel was kind of stuck up, and acted like she thinks SHE'S in charge of the house!:eek: I let her bat me around a couple of times after I swatted at her and attacked her tail a few times. She got rather hissy at me, so I think she's just a poor sport. I was just trying to have a little fun and liven things up around here a little bit!

Meowmie came home once in a big rush, only to find Pawpie already here mixing Li'l Orphan Annnie's formula and kitten food. They got me some food, and rang the little bell, so then I had to stop attacking their feet and take time to eat!

I did get a little frustrated this moring when Angel jumped up onto the kitchen sink and got to drink water directly from the faucet. I tried to climb up the cabinet doors, but didn't get very far off the floor. I wish I was bigger so I could do everything that Angel gets to do. It's just not fair being the little brother around here!

Tonight I watched Meowmie type some messages on here about Annie. But I was really tired from playing so hard all day, and I fell asleep. Meowmie says I was draped over her right shoulder like a potato sack. I had my front half hanging down onto Meowmie's chest:o with my front feet stretched out and my face buried in the middle of my legs. My back half was hanging over onto Meowmie's back, and my back feet were dangling and so was my tail. I was very RUDELY awakened when I slipped down onto Meowmie's lap and she started laughing at me! I don't know what all the fuss was about. Can't a guy even get a little cat nap in around here? Sheesh!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about what I've been practicing really, really hard lately! Whenever I see something I want to attack, I've been trying to act like a new super-hero; I run, and jump at the last second, really high, with both of my front feet stretched out wide like I'm trying to fly. I think I need a cape, though, because I can't stay in the air very long that way! And if whatever I'm trying to attack happens to move out of the way (like Meowmie's hand or foot), I just land on the floor! I haven't learned how to steer myself while I'm in the air yet. I'll have to keep working on that. I think I'm going to be a "BAT CAT" or something when I get this move perfected!:D

That's about all I have for today. In just five more minutes it will already be tomorrow!:eek: I need to go nibble on Meomie's ear to make sure she knows I am still here, and still love her, etc.:D

Type more later.......

Shadow T. (and the "T" stands for "Typist" today!:D )

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-04-2005, 10:06 AM
Shadow, tell your meowmie we need more pictures of you! You little sh$ts grow so fast and we don't want to miss seeing you grow up! Sounds like you're living the good life now, and don't worry, your little sister will be better in no time and then you two will really be able to tear up the place! :D

05-04-2005, 08:33 PM
OK, I told Meowmie she'd better get a few more pictures of me, and I even posed for them. Here they are: (I AM a handsome little dude, aren't I?:D )

This is one of my favorite toys. I keep killing it, but Meowmie or Pawpie or Alex keeps fixing it and bringing it back to life:

See how BIG I'm getting? I can climb up onto the recliner and sleep, or watch Meowmie at the computer, or just relax:

My baby sister seems to be getting better, but I am STILL not allowed to get anywhere near her. I wonder WHY?!?:confused: I'm NOT going to do anything bad. Well, not TOO bad, anyway. I wouldn't be a "normal" big brother if I didn't pick on her at least a little bit, and let her know who's boss of her, would I?

Angel get's hissy with me sometimes, but I still sneak up on her and attack her when she's least suspecting it. She's whopped me upside the head a couple of times (well, actually, LOTS of times) but Meowmie says I must be pretty "thick headed" (whatever that means) because I keep coming back and asking for more.

Pawpie made the comment the other evening that I "walk like a tomcat." Now WHAT, exactly, did he mean by THAT?!?:confused: Then he said I won't be doing that anymore after I get "fixed", and I wanted to ask him what about me needs to be "fixed"? There's NOTHING wrong with me, and NOTHING broken. I wonder what he meant by that???

Oh, well, not to worry. I have more important things to work on right now. I have to figure out how to get into the refrigerator whenever Meowmie opens the door. She says I'm just trying to be a "cool cat" when I do that. I keep crawling under the door when she opens the refrigerator, and she can't close it then because I'm "stuck" under the door and she doesn't want to "squish" me. I think it's funny to hear her chew me out, and try to grab me to make me move. I am way too quick and smart for her, though, and it turns into quite the game before I finally let her catch me so she can get busy doing other things to entertain me.

I'm going to go terrorize Angel a little while now, so I'll type more at you later.....

Shadow T. (and the "T" stands for "Terrorizer of Angel" today!:D )

Don Juan's mom
05-04-2005, 08:44 PM
hey little shadow this is don juan. my mom says she's glad little annie is feeling better and is looking forward to more pics of both of you. youre lucky your mom works at home on the computer my mom leaves me alone all day. see if you can get your mom to put a bird feeder outside the window so the birds come in the yard. they are fun to watch and chase.

yr friend don juan

05-04-2005, 09:15 PM
Actually my Meowmie works in another town 25 miles away. But she is home on some days, and she "works" on the computer (especially on the Pet Talk site) quite a bit when she's home. She was doing some stuff on the computer when she saw me on the chair watching her, so she took the picture with the Polaroid camera that she had right there beside her.

Don't you have any brothers and/or sisters to pick on and harrass and pester when your Meowmie isn't home? I think I'd go CRAZY (OK, so crazIER) without Sandi and Oreo and Angel here. The time goes by so fast that I hardly even notice that my humans aren't here sometimes. I HAVE to divide my time equally among them, you know, and when my humans are gone I can concentrate on my brother and sisters here. It's so much fun!

Thanks for writing back to me.

Your friend,

Shadow T.

05-04-2005, 09:29 PM
Oh Shadow, I'm so glad that your meowmie posted pictures of you. You are one adorable little boy that's for sure.

I truly enjoy reading your diary and you sound like the perfect little kitty to me. I just want to tell you that meowmie and pawpie are keeping you away from your sister right now, only because they love you very much and don't want you to get sick like she is at the moment. But your meowmie and pawpie are taking such good care of her, that I'm sure she will be well very soon for you to start playing with her.

Be good little one and try not to harass your big sister to much, okay sweetie.:)

05-05-2005, 07:48 AM
Dear Shadow,

Mowgli here! I just wanted to say that you sound like oodles of fun! Much better than my stuff ol' big sis who goes "Roooowwl!" when I try ta wrestle her and my mean ol' new sis who wants ta eat me!

We oughta get together sometime to play! I could show ya some of my wrestlin' moves! And you could show me how you hop around! And we could make faces at our sisses! Meowmie says I make a good vampire hissy face and a good "Ick! Dat's stinky!" face!

Oh! And I could show ya my jail! Well, now it's my mean sis's jail. I haven't been locked up in a looooooong time! I gots Meowmie convinced I'm a good boy. Ya just gotta give her sad eyes and talk to her ever so pitiful and she's putty in yer paws!

Yours in mischief,


05-05-2005, 09:11 PM
I won't spend too much time typing today, because Meowmie got LOTS more pictures of me to post. I just have a couple more things to say:

I went to the Vet. again today. Meowmie left the house with baby Annie and a little while later came back and made me get in my carrier and took me to the place I went to about 2 weeks ago. I had to get another shot, something called "FVRCP". I got weighed again, and I weigh a whopping 2 lbs 4 oz. Baby Annie was there, and I was glad because I didn't know what had happened to her. The Vet. said I shouldn't get very sick if I get too close to baby Annie, but I still better stay away from her for a few more days yet. I sure wish she would hurry up and get better so I can start picking on her and playing with her!

On with the pictures:

Here's Angel and me. She decided it wasn't so bad to have me in the same chair as her. (UNTIL I attacked her!)

Here I was playing, rolling around on this soft red blanket in my boy's lap, and Meowmie made me stop and look up long enough to take a picture with that bright flashy thingy:

These are some more of me playing. I really didn't have time to stop and sit up properly:

And Meowmie wants to know why I have this lighter color from my eye to my ear. It's like that on the other side, too. I won't let Meowmie look at it very closely when I'm busy playing, because I don't have time to sit still for long enough. She thinks it looks like there isn't as much hair in those areas, or the hair is finer and lighter in color. She wants me to ask if any of you know why it is like that?

And here's the last one. I was tring to sleep in the chair with Pawpie, and Meowmie HAD to get out that bright flashy thingy one more time:

Well, that's about all for now. Meowmie wants to get to sleep pretty soon so she can get up at 3:00 in the morning and go to work, where-ever that is. I have to make sure she doesn't get too much sleep, so I'll probably climb on her during the night to remind her that she has to get up in a little while......


Shadow T.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who writes back to me. I like hearing from you, and I like knowing we can be friends, "paw pals" would you call it?;)

05-06-2005, 12:38 AM
You sure are adorable little Shadow and I'm so glad that you've found your loving forever home.:) I'm still praying for your baby sister Annie to get well. Then you can play with her and show her all around. You sure do have a wonderful meowmie and pawpie.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-06-2005, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Soapets
And Meowmie wants to know why I have this lighter color from my eye to my ear. It's like that on the other side, too.

Shadow, tell your meowmie that light coloring is nothing to worry about. Tubby had it too, and I just think it's because your hair is a little thinner there on the "brow." I asked the vet about it one time and he said it's nothing and it's because the pink skin shows through the black hair better there because it's more of a "bony" spot rather than a "fatty" spot. Here are some pics showing Tubby's spots, and in the final one, they don't show up at all, so it's just a matter of how you look at it and how the sun shines on it I guess.




You sure are a cutie pie, Shadow, and you Godfather Tubby sends head bumpies from the RB. :)

05-06-2005, 10:16 PM
WOW! Meowmie and I can't believe how much I look like Tubby! He sure was one handsome dude!:) Thanks for the info. about the lighter coloring. Meowmie says it doesn't show up on me all the time---it just depends on the angle and the lighting, whatever that means.

I kept Meowmie awake last night, 'cause I didn't want her to oversleep this morning or anything. I kept crawling across her head and her face, and giving her nose and chin and mouth and ears little "love nips" all night long. Strangely, she didn't seem to appreciate them much!:confused:

Meowmie took babie Annie with her when she left this morning, and brought her back home tonight when she got home. I don't know where they went. Baby Annie doesn't seem to feel very well again tonight. Meowmie says she threw up, and she had a little bit of diarrhea a little while ago.

I have to go now because Meowmie wants to shut the computer off and go to bed. So early. On a Friday night...... Hmm. I'm going to have to see what I can do to liven up her night some. No one should have to go to bed very early on a Friday night.....


Shadow T. (and the "T" is for "Tyrant" tonight! :D )

05-06-2005, 10:39 PM
Shadow you are a little stinker! Not only are you as cute as a button but you are a very funny little boy! I love your diary!!! I just LOVE nawtee kittens!!
Don't you worry too much about little Annie. When she gets all well you two will be in so much trouble togehter! Can't wait for those stories!:D :D :D

05-07-2005, 03:47 PM
Oh Shadow, I am enjoying your diary soooooooo much.
I love little nawtee kitties, they bring out so many emotions.
Joy, frustrations, smiles, frustrations, laughs, frustrations.

Do you see a pattern here Shadow???? :D

Could you BE any cuter in those pictures????

Oh I just want to give you a big MUAH of a kiss.:)

05-08-2005, 12:03 PM
Hi. Shadow T. here, and today the "T" stands for "torked off":mad: I want SO badly to get to play with babie Annie! Meowmie and Pawpie and my boy, Alex, let her get out of her carrier and wander around some this morning. I TRIED to play with her, but my boy just kept catching me in mid-leap and diverting me away from her! WHAT'D he go and do that for?:confused: I was ONLY trying to pounce on her, to let her know who's boss of her around here so she doesn't go getting any silly ideas that SHE'S the QUEEN or anything like that!

I kept shoeigtffffffffffffff (that really

05-08-2005, 12:18 PM
OOPS! Sorry about THAT! I REALLY AM trying to help Meowmie with this myself this morning. She makes me so mad!:mad: She keeps moving me away from the keyboard, and calling me a "little sh$t". So I desparately JUMPED onto the keyboard a few minutes ago, and accidently hit the key to go ahead and post it before I was even done typing!

Anyway, where was I?....... Oh, yeah. I kept trying to show my family that I was thinking they should "let me at her! let me at her!" while I was trying to pounce on Little Orphan Annie this morning. The harder I tried to get to her, the harder they tried to keep me away from her! I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!:confused:

WHAT have I done to deserve this? I want to make sure that I introduce myself properly to little Annie, but they won't let me do it the way I want to do it! Can any of you help me o1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ut here? How can I get it through those thick skulls those humans have, that I just want to play and play and play11

excuse me. I got too excited there! I am SO-o-o-o-o- ANGRY I could just ; /......hy
]n bbbbbb0 7

Well, you get the message here, don't you?!?!?!

Shadow T. (for Terribly Torked off Today!:mad: )

05-16-2005, 07:58 PM
May 16, 2005: Dear Diary; Hi. Shadow T. here again. I've been so darned busy making sure everything is going well here that I haven't had time to write anything lately. Lets see now, where was I?........

Oh, yeah, I was writing about my new baby sister, Annie. She is such a funny girl! I keep trying to get in to her carrier to play with her. Yesterday I ran into the carrier and my Meowmie says my body kind of folded up like an accordian behind my head when I tried to take a running jump through the carrier door.

My boy, Alex, lets me get up on his lap and play with Annie sometimes when he's in the recliner with his feet and legs stretched out. I try to give Annie a good whuppin to show her who's boss of her, and just when things start going real good, Alex makes me stop! But when I hug Annie and help give her a bath, she likes it and Alex lets me do it. I guess I have to be more gentle with her for awhile yet---at least when my boy or my Meowmie or Pawpie is around to watch me!:D

I'm getting to be a big boy. I can go almost anywhere Angel goes, except I can't quite figure out how to get up on the kitchen counter and into the sink yet. It's NOT FAIR being the littler one of her and me! I like to go in Angel's "secret" hiding spots for sleeping, but for some reason she doesn't seem to appreciate my company in those places yet!:confused:

I have toys all over the house now, and sleeping spots, and a little cat window shelf to lay on and look out the window at the bird feeder. I must look pretty scary to those birds, because they don't seem to come around much when I'm there in the window watching for them.:D I'm saving Meowmie and Pawpie some money that way, because they don't have to go buy more food for those silly old birds!

I really like to run around upstairs when my family is watching TV in the living room downstairs. Meowmie says I sound like a whole herd of elephants when I'm running around like that. What are elephants?:confused: Then she calls me a "wildcat" when I run all around the house, from room to room, because I'm so happy and excited and full of vip, vim, and vigor! (Meowmie calls it something else---that "sh$t" word---but WHAT does SHE know, anyway?!)

And I REALLY, REALLY like pestering my big sister, Angel. She gives me a good whuppin sometimes, but I don't mind. I keep getting back at her, so I probably deserve it. I'm rough, and I'm tough, and I'm not going to let her think she's stronger than me!

My Meowmie and Pawpie and my boy all have really fun feet to attack, too! I can't let them go anywhere in the house without reminding them of my presence. They keep calling me a little sh$t and gently pushing me away from their feet. Why do they do that? I mean, it's not like I'm REALLY going to eat them or anything!

And WHY, oh WHY does Pawpie get so crabby at night when he's in bed and I go over and walk all over his head and give his ear gentle little love nips, just to let him know I'm still there protecting him, and I love him!?!? Meowmie laughs when I do that to Pawpie, but Pawpie doesn't. But when I do it to Meowmie, she calls me a little "sh$t" again and lifts me off of the bed. I don't understand....... I just don't understand.......

I guess that's about all for now. I'll try to take some time to write a little more tomorrow. Meowmie says she'll have some pictures of me tomorrow, whatever that means. I think it has something to do with that bright flashy box thingy she's always trying to blind me with when I'm least expecting it!

Until tomorrow,

Shadow T. (And the "T" stands for "toughie" tonight!:D )

05-19-2005, 05:27 PM
That lighter area is where the scent glands are. There tends to be less hair in that area (above both eyes near the ears) and it is most noticeable on black cats, just like my Onyx. Cats rub on your hands, legs, furniture, etc. to "mark" where they've been and that's really about it - that's just where the scent glands are and is more noticeable there.

05-19-2005, 05:35 PM
And all Your Aunts,and Uncles,at The found Cat Hotel,love you too,Shadow,as you are such a Happy Little Kitten.And we know that you,and Your Cat Friend annie,will love The Mals,In London,and there are So Many Toys,at The Found Cat Hotel,that you will never be bored.
