View Full Version : Softpaws?

PJ's Mom
05-01-2005, 10:37 PM
I found out this afternoon that barclay has been trying to sharpen his claws on my couch. :(

Hubby wants him declawed immediately, but of course I think that's a little drastic so I'm doing some research on Soft Paws. (I think that's what they're called.) I have a few questions for those who use them.

Are they hard to get on? Should I take Barclay to the vet to have them put on? Can the cat get them off? How do I know what size I need to buy?

Thanks and sorry for all the questions. It's really nice to know I have another option besides declawing. :)

05-01-2005, 10:49 PM
I think you really need to search up some pics of declawing surgery for hubby to see. I can assure you there are super graphic pictures and even videos to be found and I can also assure you that once he sees these he will not suggest so readily to declaw. The item you are referring to is called SOFTCLAWS. I have not used them but I know people who have and they claim they are quite good. A quick search on the net should give you all the info you need on them. You can also visit their website SOFTCLAWS (http://www.softclaws.com/) Good Luck and I am sure there are others here that can give you some more advice too.

PJ's Mom
05-01-2005, 10:57 PM
Rest assured, that cat will NOT be declawed. ;) The SoftPaws will do the trick.

Thanks for the website and for clearing up the name for me. :)

05-01-2005, 11:03 PM
You are quite welcome. The site tells you pretty well everything you wanted to know. It has testimonials. How to put them on, how to measure the paw to get the right size. So I think that should cover all the basis.

05-02-2005, 01:03 AM
I used them on my kitty...she doesn't even notice them (okay she does when she tries to "play" with her daddy) Other than that she has no idea When you 1st put them on they will kinda lick them, just watch after you put them on and don't let them mess with them much, but they dry FAST!. My kitties normally lasts about 6-8 weeks.

I love them...I only aplly them to the front...make sure you also apply it to thier "thumb" aswell.

GL! :)

05-02-2005, 01:49 PM
We found out the hard way that it's very important to have LOTS of other things for kitties to scratch! When we first got Josie, she didn't have anything to scratch except the couch! But then when we got Brodie, we had TONS of scratching posts & pads and he doesn't even offer to scratch the couch!

Also, it seems to help if you keep their nails trimmed. They don't scratch as much then.

Good luck if you decide to go with the soft paws! I've never used them but I've thought about it!

05-02-2005, 04:44 PM
The vet told me that the soft paws does not let them retrack their claws - is this right??? I do like the idea of more than one scratching post - thank you!!! By the way - here it is $175 to declaw a cat over a year old... Debbie


05-02-2005, 08:41 PM
I am glad,that the Vets,no longer make it sound,as though,this,is the thing,that you should do,the way,that they did,when Pouncer,and Scrappy were Kittens.I would never put anyone through that,no matter how much Scrappy2,and Scrapetter scratch.And I know,that at the Rainbow Bridge,they all get thier claws back.


05-02-2005, 10:28 PM
if u put them so far back where their skin retracts it could be bad, i dont put them on that far, they retract, shes fine with them, as for size it says what size to get on the package, dont get to big, ashleys were to big, and they grew kinda long, i gotta smaller size, but lettin her nails air out a few days.

05-02-2005, 11:35 PM
My kitties nails are fine...they dont bother her at all....also.. Im a "Nail Tech" Just so you know they can stay on all the time...your nails do not breath =) So dun have to risk the nails in the couch...just like you can leave on "Fake nails" as long as you want since they don't breath...sorry short lesson on nails there lol :rolleyes: