View Full Version : Vegetarians with carnivore pets

05-01-2005, 03:17 PM
I was wondering if the vegetarians amongst us are having problems to feed meat to their dogs and cats.

Many years ago, I decided to not to support the meat industry with my money and became a veggie, but without hesitating, I'm buying cat food for my cats. I would never put my cats on a vegetarian diet (I know that some people do!!), nor would I prepare and cook the meals for them myself with meat bought from organic farmers (as I would fear the risk of undernourishment from self-prepared cat food). So I'm buying the industrial made cat food which surely contains the meat of animals killed in slaughterhouses, and which have been bred and raised only for one purpose: to die for us.

So I can clearly see the contrariness in my actions, but I would never give up my cats because of this. Kind of hypocritical, isn't it?


05-01-2005, 03:44 PM
I have thought about putting Snowy on a vegetarian diet, but from what I have heard (from some sources) in the long run it isn't healthy for them.

I don't buy her any of the really meaty dog treats, she gets these vegetable ones that she really likes. I try to give Snowy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with her dog food. (She loves yellow peppers!)

If there was more proven research that a vegetarian diet for dogs was healthy in the long run for them, Snowy would definatley be on it. I don't want to risk her health for something I beleive in, so for now she is an omnivore.

05-01-2005, 03:59 PM
I think its wrong to feed dogs a vegetarian diet for their own beliefs. It is possible, but much less healthy for the dog. I have friends who do this and it completely irritates me. . their dogs also have disgestive problems because of it. Solid Gold has Holistique dog food, which only contains menhaden fish meal, for anyone who is concerned about the quality of meat in dog food. . .

05-01-2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by bckrazy
I think its wrong to feed dogs a vegetarian diet for their own beliefs. It is possible, but much less healthy for the dog. I have friends who do this and it completely irritates me. . their dogs also have disgestive problems because of it. Solid Gold has Holistique dog food, which only contains menhaden fish meal, for anyone who is concerned about the quality of meat in dog food. . .


05-01-2005, 07:32 PM
While I'm not vegetarian (can't with my health issues), I have a hard time buying meat from a source other than naturally, free-range farms.

Royal Canin uses only Tyson chicken...free-range. Innova uses free-range, natural ingredients as well.

05-01-2005, 08:54 PM
I am a vegetarian, and I have thought about this issue and have sadly not come to a conclusion yet. My cats are on Wysong, and I know they do make a canine/feline diet that is vegan... but I'm not sure if I want them on that. Not only may they not eat it, but cats were not meant to eat vegetables.
I guess, for me, having them on one of the higher quality brands of pet foods makes a difference because maybe that brand gets their meat from a 'better' source. That make sense?

05-01-2005, 09:07 PM
I'm not a vegetarian.. but I'm considering becoming one soon. If I do though, my dogs will still be eating what their bodies were designed for. I don't think it's fair at all to make a cat or dog become a vegetarian when clearly, they weren't meant to be vegetarians. But when I start feeding them the raw diet again, I plan on buying free-range chicken and organic veggies.

05-01-2005, 09:54 PM
I once had a girl badmouth me for owning a snake....she said to me "I would NEVER own an animal that I fed other animals to, that's disgusting!" Yet....her dog was beside her, and when I asked her if she fed her dog a vegetarian diet she didn't have an answer. That wasn't really relevant but I thought it was funny. Dogs are not obligate carnivores...their bodies don't need taurine to function. Cats do. Synthetic taurine is....a ridiculous idea, IMO, and it's not as healthy for them as the real thing.

Do your research on pet foods, find a brand that's as healthy and cruelty-free as you can find, and give your furkids the best while not suporting the cruelty involved with some companies. Also keep in mind that with some pet food companies the cruelty doesn't stop at the slaughterhouse.

05-01-2005, 10:23 PM
I hate vegetarian diets for dogs and cats. The nutrients in the food just aren't as usable, and I just don't find it to be healthy. You'll find that most of the problems in animals that result from food, are because of the grains in the food. Vegetarian foods are filled with grains, not to mention a large amount of common allergens and causes of digestive problems...I read some of the ingredients on a Vegetarian kibble bag the other day...Lots of corn and soy to up the protein amount. The protein in soy and corn aren't very usable...Meaning the animal isn't getting enough protein. I don't think vegetarian diets are healthy at all.