View Full Version : Yikes! Fenway went into a fox den!

05-01-2005, 11:22 AM
Have any of your dogs even gone into a fox den? We've been watching a fox near a cemetary near our home for about 2 weeks now. Well yesterday we went to the field near the cemetary that is about 3/4 fenced in. I let him off his leash (like I always do) and he takes off down this gully! I ran after him and got to the edge of the gully and looked down to see him going into a fox den! Then I hear sqweaking! I don't know if it was the adult fox or the kits (baby fox). I was screaming! I kept telling him to come but being the obidient terrier that he is, he continued into the fox den! I had to climb down this deep gully and grab him by the collar and haul him back up. At first I was so afraid for him. I thought he would go deep into the den and the fox would kill him (he's only 20lbs). I kept saying bad boy and took him home. After all the commotion and I was able to calm down (which was a good 2 hours afterwards), I then felt bad for the fox and its kits. I hope they didn't get hurt and I hope they're okay. We went back this morning (with Fenway on his leash) but I couldn't see them anywhere (and I usually see them all of the time). However, I think Fenway smelled them because he kept smelling the air and wanted to go back to the den. It looks like I can never let him off his leash ever again. We used to play soccer and frisbee in that field. But if I let him off his leash, he'll go down that gully again. I almost wish he would get squirted by a skunk (he almost got a face full of porcupine quills) just so that he would learn his lesson and not go after animals. Also, I'm thinking we need to go back to obidience school. I was screaming for him to come and he just ignored me!

05-01-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by elizabethann
I almost wish he would get squirted by a skunk (he almost got a face full of porcupine quills) just so that he would learn his lesson and not go after animals. Also, I'm thinking we need to go back to obidience school. I was screaming for him to come and he just ignored me!

aww, Fenway was just doing what he was bred to do! LOL :) as inconvenient as that is!! Gonzo has been sprayed by skunks 3 times now in the face, and it hasn't seemed to deter him n_n. . we can't leave the doggy door to the backyard open at night for that reason. and, trust me, you don't want to deal with the skunk smell!! It lasts for weeks, even with tons of skunk-smell cleaners.

Obedience is always good, and recall work

05-02-2005, 07:13 AM
"and recall work"

Yes, he definetely needs recall work. He completely ignored me and it made me so mad. I know a terrier likes to go to ground and I wish we had Earth Dog trials around here but I can't find a club or organization that sets them up. He would probably win a blue ribbon and be King of Earth Dogs throughout the whole world. :D