View Full Version : Musicy notation help

05-01-2005, 10:28 AM
Right now I'm 'borrowing' this guys guitar. I wrote about him earlier, and he's selling it. Anyway, I'm having it as kind of a trial, see if I like it and such before I buy it. So...I'm extremely new to guitar and was wondering if, somewhere on the net, there was a place that could tell me which notes meant which frets.

Like I know "E" is open on the first string. And I think "G" is open on the second string. But anyway, is there some kind of place that could tell me the "E,G,B,D,F" AND "F,A,C,E" notes, in guitar language? Lol...you know, as in frets and strings and such.

05-01-2005, 10:51 AM
The top string is E, second string is A, third is D, forth is G, fifth is B and sixth is E. I'm still not sure of a lot of the notes.. I stopped learning from the book out of fustration. :p If you go to Olga.net or guitartabs.cc, you'll be able to find some guitar tabs. I think Olga.net has some explanations on how to play tabs too.

05-01-2005, 11:12 AM
Ok, thank you. The best website for tabs I've seen so far is ultimate-guitar.com. I'll check those out too....

I relaly want to know those damn notes so I can play a simple piano song on the guitar.

05-01-2005, 11:25 AM
If you have a piano (or if you're patient enough), you can still figure out your song. Each fret is one semi tone up.. so one key up on the piano. So the E string with a finger on the first fret is F, and then F#, then G, G#, A, A#, etc.

05-01-2005, 11:26 AM
My hubby is a guitarist. Trained on Classical Guitar in Italy and also was in a band for years which put out a couple of somewhat successful cds. He is working right now but once he gets home and I get him to try to help you out. What type of guitar are you playing? Is it acoustic or electric? Power Tabs is a great tab site too.

Power Tabs Archives (http://powertabs.net/)

05-01-2005, 02:03 PM
If you can read guitar tab check these out:









And thousands more... just got to a search engine and type in Guitar Tab.... thousands come up, some good some not so good.

Another good site... the books are great, I taught myself how to read Bass Tab from these. I had many teachers for years and it just woudn't click, then we gave our friends' daughter a guitar for xmas, gave her one of Mel's books... I looked through it and Wow it made sense....

05-01-2005, 11:08 PM
Thanks everyone. I'll be sure to check it all out. Ashley, we have a keyboard, so I can try what you said. Thanks.

Kittycats, it's an electric. Not actually mine, but hopefully soon. :)