View Full Version : Ptolemy

04-30-2005, 04:15 PM
A couple of weeks ago I adopted a pair of brothers (Ptolemy and Newton). It took awhile, but they are integrated in with the rest of the furry gang. They actually did the introductions themselves one day when I was at work :rolleyes:

But here are some newer pictures of Ptolemy

Ptolemy lounging on the carpet


Closeup - yes he is blind in one eye and only has partial vision in the other (but you would never know it from watching him)


Playing with some toys


Here he is with Tanner (another member of he furry gang). While they aren't friends yet, they aren't fighting so I consider that a good thing...


04-30-2005, 05:07 PM
What a wonderful Cat,Ptolemy,is! While I amm racking my brains,as to who Ptolemy,was,in the context,of History.Wasnt he,a friend of Caesars? I hope,that this PTolemy,is a friend,of Tanner,and the Other Cats,very,very soon.


04-30-2005, 06:23 PM
Ptolemy just has a permanent "wink" to him. ;)

He sure is making himself right at home.

04-30-2005, 10:27 PM
Ptolemy is wonderful. And so are you for giving him a wonderful place to call home.
Tiger and William (our two one-eyed guys) are winking back at ya, Ptolemy!!!

05-01-2005, 07:34 AM
He looks FANTASTIC! It sounds like things are going great and that is such good news. I guess they thought you were taking too long with the introductions and took matters into their own paws?;) :D
Ptolemy has such a beautiful coat and he has the sweetest face. What a doll baby!!
Well, it should all be down hill from here (I hope!) I'm so glad you took in these adorable guys and I'm so glad things are going so good.
Keep us posted!

05-01-2005, 07:38 AM
The Oiginal Ptolemy,was one,of the earliestastrologers,and despite,having,only the crudest,of equpment,was remarkably accurate,tothe diagrams,that he made,of our solar system,which,even,to this day,is still regarded,as a major scientific acheivement.He was also,a mathimatican,inventor,and artist.Quite,a man,your Cats named after.
