View Full Version : Notice For Canadian and U.S. cat owners(potential danger to pets)

04-30-2005, 11:03 AM
I have just read an article in Canadian geographic about an animal known as the fisher. It belongs to the same family as the weasel and badger. For any of us cat owners who happen to let your cats outside and live in a rural & suburban areas in Canada and in the northeastern U.S. this is for you. Apparently little mr. Fisher is a cat hunter. They (canadian geographic) does not have the article on line that I can find but I found this little tidbit that may be nice info for everyone to know it's about the food the fisher eats. It is exclusively a carnivore.

Fishers are carnivores. Their primary foods include small rodents, squirrels, rabbits, birds, eggs, porcupines, and carrion. They will also opportunistically prey on poultry and domestic cats. Although they are proficient climbers, most of their hunting takes place on the ground. They also do most of their hunting at night. Do protect pets and poultry. Fishers are predators that prey on medium sized mammals and poultry. Fishers do view domestic cats and rabbits as food and will prey on them when hunting. They will also raid chicken coops and can kill numerous chickens at a time. For their safety, cats should be kept indoors at all times. Pet rabbits and poultry should be kept in tightly secured buildings or hutches that prevent access by fishers.

Please be extra careful with your beloved cats. We don't need to lose them needlessly.

04-30-2005, 03:43 PM
I hope,taht those Fishers,do not come,into this neighborhood,as there are several Cats,taht roam,the streets around the Found Cat Hotel,like Scratchy,Blackie,Rascal,and Jewel.I would hate,to see,one,of those Cats,be Fisher Food!


05-02-2005, 01:50 PM
A good friend of mine took his cat Stephanie to his cottage in the Muskokas. She darted out of the car as soon as they arrived and did not return for days. She finally dragged herself back and was in BAD shape. The emergency vet confirmed that she had been attacked by a fisher. Thankfully she survived but took a long time to get better!!
Fishers they're cute but nasty beasts- check out those claws


05-02-2005, 04:13 PM
Though I live in a residential area of a large sized city, we have a wonderful wooded area that is huge, and has several ponds that supply drinking water for surrounding communities. Word has it, there's quite a few fisher cats living there now, along with deer herds, and large coyote packs. I'm sure many cats and small dogs have disappeared from the homes surrounding the woods. :(