View Full Version : Please don't hate me...

04-28-2005, 08:02 PM
The GOOD news is, I went to the shelter today and visited with Mattie Grace and her babies. They are doing great!!! All of her babies(except for Duncan, the black male polydactyl) will be going to their furrrever homes on Saturday. Poor Mattie's titties are engorged with milk and she's hurting. (Believe me, I've been there and feel her pain!!) Once her milk dries up, she'll be spayed.

The BAD news is I forgot to bring my camera with me to get pictures of them.

*bows head in shame, slowly slinks away into a corner*

I'll try to get there on Saturday before they all go and get pictures.

A woman came in because she wants to get her daughter a cat, not a kitten. She is VERY interested in Mattie Grace!! I met Kathy (she's the one that convinced me to take Mattie in) at the shelter and we had lunch. We are SO proud of ourselves for pulling it off. The shelter only takes in strays from Grosse Ile. I knew we did the right thing!! :D:D:D


04-29-2005, 08:08 AM
You're forgiven!!!! The outcome of this whole thing is so much more important than the pictures, anyway, Donna. Good job!!!!

PS. We'll look forward to the picture you take on Saturday ;)

04-29-2005, 08:29 AM
How can you ever be forgiven for not bringing your camera, and selflessly allowing Mattie Grace and her babies go to great new homes? :confused: Shame on you! :D Just kidding as I hope you know...that's wonderful news Donna, and especially about mama Mattie. ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-29-2005, 08:45 AM
No pics:eek: ?? http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20325%20huilen.gifhttp://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20282%20crying.gif

Just kidding , lol!!!
That is such great news about Mattie Grace and her babies!! Yippie!!

ps. Is being polydactyl the reason why the black kitten isn't adopted yet? I wouldn't mind!!

04-29-2005, 08:54 AM
Hate You.NEVER,as there are many times,that were my Head,not attached,I would leave it behind,too.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-29-2005, 09:00 AM
I with Lut! What do you mean you forgot your camera, how could you?

Wonderful news though, about all the kittens and possibly Mattie Grace herself being adopted. Way to go, Donna! :D

Now, about this forgetting thing.....;) :D

04-29-2005, 09:40 AM
THAT IS WONDERFUL! I sure hope mom getts a home too - everything works for a reason - that means bring your camera Saturday and get us some awesome pictures before they get adopted or tell each new Meowmee about this board so we can gets lots of pictures!!! :) :) Debbie

04-29-2005, 10:06 AM

About this forgetting thing. It comes with the territory after the age of 50. Wait till you get there and you'll understand what I'm talking about. ;)

I forget little things, like the camera. I have to make little "post it" notes to remind me to do things. I go into a room for something and instantly forget why I was even there. :(

I will make SURE that I put my camera with my car keys on Saturday and also make sure that the batteries have alot of juice in them.

Maya & Inka's Mommy,

Nope, that's not the reason little Duncan hasn't been adopted. All of the kittens but one are poly's, just like Mama. I'm SURE that he'll be adopted soon.

04-29-2005, 10:09 AM
You are forgiven as it's is most important that all are doing well and going to wonderful homes. But here's a suggestion if you really want to remember that camera. IF you carry a purse why not take your camera now and put it in your purse that way you can't forget it UNLESS you forget your purse. ;)

04-29-2005, 10:10 AM
I have all the same forgetfulness and I'm still "only" 40 for a couple more months! Boy, what do I have to look forward to at 50!?:rolleyes:

Great job with all the babies and Mattie Grace!!!:D