View Full Version : What is your kitties favorite treat!!

04-28-2005, 05:41 PM
Off and on throughout the day I have taken the opportunity to look at the new posts and found some happy ones and some sad ones. I was just thinking it was time to lighten the mood a bit. I was just getting supper ready and also preparing my kitties favorite snacks and I wondered if anyone else had kitties that loved a particular "human" food treat. My Garfield and Gidget are Shrimp fanatics. I was just chopping some up for them for a treat and Garfield couldn't take it any longer and jumped up on the counter (which he knows he isn't supposed to do), but the suspense was to much for him. Gidget waited patiently by my feet. Rusty and Fluffy prefer poultry so I usually cook them their own piece of chicken for snacks. If no chicken is available Turkey lunchmeat will do. Fluffy has been know to "swipe" a piece from hubbys plate when she has the opportunity to. Anyone else have favorites?

04-28-2005, 06:05 PM
Around the Found Cat Hotel,its Whiskas Temptations,All The Way,with these Cat Treat Eaters!


04-28-2005, 06:36 PM
ummmmm.....whatever I happen to be eating! :eek:

04-28-2005, 06:43 PM
My girls also love Whiskas Temptation but I recently found out they contain a preservative that is dangerous to them. :eek: It is called BHA/BHT. So now they have one they like just as much called Nutro MaxCat. It's all natural and it's a grilled salmon flavor. Better for the kitties and better for my peace of mind too.:)
As for human food Vixen loves anything and everything but is especially partial to black olives and pizza. Lilith doesn't touch any of that stuff she will even turn up her nose at tuna and turkey.

04-28-2005, 06:45 PM
Gus won't eat treats (but will help him self to the cooked turkey my parents left sitting on the counter :D)

Shadow does eat treats, and the ones we give her are these crunchy treats by Nutro.

04-28-2005, 07:39 PM
The ONLY treat my cats will touch is Whiskas crunchies. They come in a purple can.

04-28-2005, 07:43 PM
Sonny doesn't like many treats or people foods, surprising for such a huge cat, but I sometimes buy him a little sample-size bag of whiskas cat food as a treat and he loves it.

04-28-2005, 09:22 PM
Tiger and Percy LOOOOOOVE Smart Balance Lite! No Trans Fats, good for your coat and keeps your eyes a loverly golden yellow!
They bug us everytime we are in the kitchen - its a regular butter parade!
Everybody else likes boiled chicken treats.

04-28-2005, 11:50 PM

+ Brynja absolutely loves the Armored Catfishes' food. She's even learned how to unscrew the lid to get to the tablets.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-29-2005, 06:43 AM
Slices of ham or turkey, and chicken!

When I eat a sandwich with ham, two cats almost "look" that ham out of my mouth :rolleyes: :p :D; Oh, and NEVER leave any roast chicken anywhere, or it dissapears all of a sudden... :confused:

04-29-2005, 09:48 AM
Lets see my two like different things - common ones for both are:

turkey deli meat
roast beef deli meat
raw egg
any kind of gravy

Meka: LOVES Tuna, Salmon, and Shrimp - I mean loves!!!! She will scream like you were beating her until you give it too her and she will NOT stay off the counter to get it - it pocesses her!!! hahaha

Max - ground meat, turkey gravy we had the other night - he was on the couch and in our face till we let him lick our empty bowls - OH - also cool whip or cream of any sort