View Full Version : I'm a nervous nelly this morning

04-28-2005, 05:23 PM
My hubby decided to ride his bike to work today to take advantage of the beautiful weather. I know that he is a grown man and perfectly capable of riding his bike, but I'm just nervous.
For one, he hasn't set foot on a bike pedal in over a year, for another, he's in his big bulky uniform (though I suppose that would be a good thing if he were to fall). On base, you have to wear a helmet or you'll get a ticket, but he is also wearing headphones, which you aren't supposed to do while riding a bike. At least he turned the volume down to a reasonable level... This is going to be a very nerve racking 30-45 minutes until he calls me. I made him promise to call when he arrives:p
At least if I go into labor it'll only be a few minute bike ride for him to get to the hospital. I'll figure out how *I* would get to the hospital when/if that time comes today:rolleyes: :D

He SHOULD be there in about 30 minutes, but he's never ridden to work before, so there's no telling how long it will take him.

Nervous nelly, nervous nelly, nervous nelly. ANyone want to help calm my silly worries?

04-28-2005, 05:42 PM
lol, Ok , it took him 25 minutes to get there and he is just fine:D :D All that worrying for nothing. Yay!!

04-28-2005, 07:00 PM
LOL thats too funny. Glad he made it there okay!!

04-29-2005, 07:54 AM
Missy Relax, worrying is not going to do any good. You change anything that may happen. But I'm glad you care so much, I know that you truely love my son. Thank-you you for being a wonderful wife to him. I love you all.