View Full Version : Cat Brat Uppity-date

04-28-2005, 11:41 AM
With an emphasis on the "uppity!"

Y'know, I just haven't got a clue how things are going between all the cat brats. Especially where Mowgli is involved. I mean, one moment things are all nice and calm and the next fur is flying everywhere! Last night for instance, I fixed up a plate of wet food. Kahlua got first go at it. Then I pulled the plate from her and let Mowgli go at it for a while. Then I let Kahlua at it again, and Mowgli crept forward and stuck his little nose over the plate while Kahlua was eating, though he chickened out when it came to taking a bite. And Kahlua didn't seem to mind that Mowgli got that close. She pretty well ignored him and concentrated on filling her little belly.

Well, then I got out the feather wand and tried to get both Mowg and Kahlua interested in playing. That's when Kahlua went for the Mowg-monster, orange fur went everywhere, and I used the leash to tug her off of him. Mowgli doesn't seem to think it's play, but I think Kahlua feels that way. Until she starts fighting, she doesn't act particularly worried or aggressive. She just watches Mowgli, looking alert. And, for the most part, Mowg watches her too.

After I put Kahlua back in the bedroom, poor Zelda went on the war path. It was actually kind of funny to watch. Kahlua was meowing to get out and stretching her feet out under the door, and Zelda was crouched right there, growling at Kahlua's feet and smacking them! I don't know if it's a good thing or not because normally Zelda ignores Kahlua's feet when she stretches them under the door. It was rather funny to watch, though.

And whenever Mowgli and Zelda are crouched out front of the bedroom, and I open the door, they both high tail it towards the living room like they think the big, bad, scary Kahlua is going to eat them.

Anyway, I guess it's a good sign that Mowgli almost ate off the same plate as Kahlua, and that Zelda is trying to whip Kahlua into line through the door. Right?

04-28-2005, 11:49 AM
oh Lacey! I wish I understood kitty behavior and knew what to say!!
I am thinking that Kahlua needs to get her butt whipped so she knows she is not the boss at that house....or maybe she wants that staus and intends to get it? Does it really seem like she just wants to play??

Doesn't seem fair though - since she IS the newcomer. Maybe Zelda will be the one to put her in her place?

Who is more aggressive when it comes to Zelda and Mowgli? It seems to me as though it will be the two females who have to establish their roles.

Has Mowgli done any spraying since Kahlua arrived?

I am just thinking out loud I guess...er...typing out loud:rolleyes:

04-28-2005, 11:51 AM
I always enjoy,reading about your terrific Trio,as Scrappy 2,gets,the Found Cats,annoyed,by sticking her nose,too far,in the food.And by chasing thier tails,and biting.Eventually I think,that they will all learn,to get along,and be Best Friends.And one day,you will find them,all curled ,up,in a Cat Pile!


04-28-2005, 12:19 PM
Well, I'm guessing it's play with Kahlua because she seems pretty at ease. She'll eat, roll around at my feet, and stretch out and watch Mowgli (who thankfully hasn't done any spraying).

I've always thought of Mowgli as the more aggressive between him and Zelda, though that could just be kittenish rambunctiousness. They're probably actually about on equal footing there. Mowgli wants to be in charge where Zelda is concerned - as evidenced by the times he's chased her into the bathroom and tried to mount whilst I was in the middle of a bath. :eek: (Nice, hot, relaxing Saturday soaking? Who needs it?) Zelda makes a lot of noise when Mowgli tries to take charge of her, but when she's had enough, she has no problem with turning around and smacking him.

But, while Mowgli wants to be in charge with Zelda, he's a little chicken with anything else. Though I do feel if Kahlua would stop with the chasing, he'd settle down and warm up to her.