View Full Version : Hello, back again but all is not well :(

04-28-2005, 02:42 AM
Hello all, it's good to be back, I sure have missed you all.

We arrived home last night, after 2 lovely weeks in the sun, only to find out that Twinkle is not well :( We think she may have cat flu!! My mum, sister and cat sitter have seperated her from Bugs and she has some eye drops and tablets. She has not been well for about 5 days, sneezing, runny eyes and being quiet. but she has improved apparently. She seemed glad to see us and she is eating ok. She has a follow up appointment with the vet tomorrow, but I am going to try and see if I can get her in today.

Bugs is also pleased to see us, but she has been coughing (not a lot) and swallowing hard. So I will try and get her in today too.

My partner spent the night with Twinkle and I spent the night with Bugs. As I understand it is important to keep them separated to avoid it spreading??? I have never had to deal with this before, so I will read up as much as possicle on the internet, and get advice from my vets. If anybody can offer any advice, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks :)
Nicki x

04-28-2005, 04:56 AM
Welcome back! I am sorry to hear that winkle is sick. but the fact that she is eating is a good sign. (they often lose their appetite when they are sick). Hopefully she will feel much better very soon.

04-28-2005, 08:16 AM
Welcome back Poo and sorry to hear of your troubles. Prayers on the way for Twinkle and Bugs.

04-28-2005, 09:23 AM
Sadly,colds spread,like wildfire,among Cats,I know,as 4 ,of the Found Cats,have the siffles,and are being kept,against,thier will,in the Spare Bedroom.And we are parying,taht the Flu Bug,goes away,and leaves Your Cats,alone!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-28-2005, 09:51 AM
I'm sure she will start improving dramatically now that you are home again. It seems kitties really get stressed out when their humans are gone and that could be what brought on the cold in the first place. Poor little Twinkle. :(

Glad you're taking them both in. Better to be safe than sorry.

Welcome back! :D

04-28-2005, 10:25 AM
I agree that the stress of your leaving probably brought on the URI. However, as long as little Twinkle is eating and drinking so that she doesn't get dehydrated ... she should be fine!;)

04-28-2005, 01:30 PM
Thanks all for you replies, I agree what with all the things that have been happening recently, Sooty passing and us going on hols. I think poor little Twink got a bit stressed out.

I have been to the vets with Bugs and Twinkle tonight, they are happy with Twinks progress, she no longer has runny eyes, she just has a bit of a snuffly nose. Bugs has been checked over and it seems she may have got the same thing, so she has some tablets too. So I have to finish both their courses of tablets and hopefully they will be ok.

I am gonna spend the weekend giving them some TLC and fingers crossed they will both be better soon. I am so glad to be home, I enjoyed my hols, but missed my cats more!

Nicki x

04-29-2005, 10:20 AM
Glad to hear they are feeling better and have some meds. They will be fine ... give them both some loves from me too, please!;)
